[quote name='Kezmer']I printed out the link for both systems and brought it into the store, I have never had a problem getting a PM off a website that is close to the BestBuy since it seems most stores honor their online price.
[EDIT](i just printed both since they have the wrong box copies online for each link to make sure)
she looked at it asked me what store it was for and I said K-Mart and there is one within 2 miles of the particular Best Buy, she went to their computer and looked it up to make sure and gave me the price match. it was 42 after tax and then I gave my RZ card and 10 dollar RZ GCert and was out of there[/QUOTE]
Trying to get even an "easy" PM at my local Best Buy is like having your wisdom teeth removed. Whilst a giant sign behind them states their entire PM policy, I've had them fight it when I brought in an online printout (like yours), I've had them fight it when I brought in a receipt showing where I'd bought it elsewhere, and hell I even had them fight it with an ad clearly showing the price. Whatever excuse it is, it's always, "Our manager won't let us do that." Sometimes, I can "persuade" them to change their minds, but anymore, I just don't bother. Why should I have to struggle to give them business?
With the deaths of CompUSA and Circuit City around here, Best Buy thinks they own the whole town and don't seem to feel a need to bother honoring their PM policy any longer. Its a shame, I have a lame BB gc I can do nothing with atm...
At least Kmart understands the need for DEALS. Best Buy seems quite hooked on the MSRP train with points train and I don't need more gift cards to the MSRPalace. Well, that's what they are most weeks anyway.