Brand New PS2 Slim for $69.25 at Walmart

Is this Puerto Rico AGAIN?

My friend's in Puerto Rico, I can have her pick me up several systems.



I'm in the US and my local target has one for 90. Bundled with mlb 11 and something else. Was thinking of picking one up since I went to the slim ps3 and can't play my ps2 games.
Hey vatos, you better get on this. I mean, how else are you ever going to play classic PS2 games like Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry, God of War, and Metal Gear Solid 2? There's no way they'll ever come out with HD versions of any of those for PS3.

...Right? ...Guys?

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Hey vatos, you better get on this. I mean, how else are you ever going to play classic PS2 games like Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry, God of War, and Metal Gear Solid 2? There's no way they'll ever come out with HD versions of any of those for PS3.

...Right? ...Guys?
BetterToGive, is that you?

Should I have waited until Black Friday to check the price of the XBox One first?

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wow.. so many assholes. thanks op for the heads up. I should check mine for a backup system or two. Oh boy, yea. Why have a ps2. All those HD remakes are golden right? That silent hill remake.. good stuff right?

fuck that, i like playing the originals. Plus when my ps1 dies i can still play my ps1 games on one of these

There are rumors that Sony is going to add ps1 and ps2 backwards compatability in 1080p via emulation to the ps4.  If it supports physical discs, don't think I will need an extra ps2 system.

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I don't think so. There have been PS2s appearing all over the country. I saw some in real life a few months ago. I think they're being manufactured again. I just have no idea why.
You're right. Wiki says they were discontinued in 1/2013(They were still making them up to that month I guess)...Those are probably close to 2 years old. They just have a bunch of leftovers, Walmart doesn't get rid of shit. Mofos still selling NBA Live 2003 for $49.99
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Hmm, my brother had his PS2 stolen a few years ago, but lucky the 'hype' never found his game collection. I'm going to check my local Walmart, today and see if there are any PS2 Slim's in stock, but I doubt it...
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There are rumors that Sony is going to add ps1 and ps2 backwards compatability in 1080p via emulation to the ps4. If it supports physical discs, don't think I will need an extra ps2 system.
Damn, if ps3 games is included in this (& if this really happens) I know which next gen system to get.
Damn, if ps3 games is included in this (& if this really happens) I know which next gen system to get.
unfortunately the same reports saying this might happen also state ps1 n ps2 only and that ps3 games will only be on the ps4 through streaming on playstation now which I'm sure is going to be a paid service for each game
Hmm, my brother had his PS2 stolen a few years ago, but lucky the 'hype' never found his game collection. I'm going to check my local Walmart, today and see if there are any PS2 Slim's in stock, but I doubt it...
Targets also kept putting them out there, but they're bundles with one of The Bigs games and I think they're $108.xx or something. All clearanced, though. They're probably lower now.

unfortunately the same reports saying this might happen also state ps1 n ps2 only and that ps3 games will only be on the ps4 through streaming on playstation now which I'm sure is going to be a paid service for each game
Well that blows...Not into this digital gaming era.
Guess it's back to my plan of getting a ps3 & waiting for the price of these systems to go down.
Well that blows...Not into this digital gaming era.
Guess it's back to my plan of getting a ps3 & waiting for the price of these systems to go down.
You do realize it would be extremely difficult to straight up emulate PS3 games right? It's probably near impossible on the PS4.

I remember when gamestop was dumping them for like 39.99  I cleaned up.   Looking back it is funny looking at all the different styles of the ps2.

You do realize it would be extremely difficult to straight up emulate PS3 games right? It's probably near impossible on the PS4.
With the direction they went, yes I realize this. But at the price of these newer systems I just can't believe no true backwards compatibility was put in with all the things I don't need in these systems stuffed in there.
If I buy 2 of these + duct tape I'll be all set for playing PS4 right?

wow.. so many assholes. thanks op for the heads up. I should check mine for a backup system or two. Oh boy, yea. Why have a ps2. All those HD remakes are golden right? That silent hill remake.. good stuff right?

fuck that, i like playing the originals. Plus when my ps1 dies i can still play my ps1 games on one of these
Thanks. And this might get Price-matched on the Walmarts in your area if you show the pic I guess.

Thanks. And this might get Price-matched on the Walmarts in your area if you show the pic I guess.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If you've got a Wal-Mart that'll price match based on a photo then you've either got some MAD bitching skills or somebody's likely gonna be out of a job really soon.

bread's done