The BB $20 bonus, but I'm going to say specifically for Halo 4. With their bonus + the Amex "pay you to play the game" deal, I ended up getting paid around $100 to beat that game.
Toys R Us PC clearance sale hands down. No one rememebers this one? Skyrim, Diablo III, Starcraft II, Battlefield 3, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Batman AC. Sims 3 Ambitions, RAGE for $10 each one.
Didn't ToysRUs do a 2 for $70 or $80 deal on select new games toward the end of the year? I remember using a Groupon coupon on top of that and getting Hitman and Halo 4 for the price of one new game!
Not sure if it counts, but there were plenty of awesome Sears clearance deals in 2012. One month in particular had 20+ games or so drop down to or below $10, grabbed too many things last year from Sears (
The Best Buy @Gamer March coupons, that was 2012 right? Grabbed Arkham City for $10, Rage for $5, Bulletstorm for $5, and I personally wasn't able to get a copy, but they also had Mass Effect 2 for $5 as well. That was my most exciting deal of the year.
Best Buy's summer gaming blowout - Assassin's Creed revelations for $10 where it was still $40 everywhere else (and $20 trade-in credit at Gamestop...bwehehe)
[quote name='MSUHitman']Umm what about Walmart's BF extravaganza of $10, $15, & $25 games, many of which were recent fall releases?[/QUOTE]
This for sure. Not to mention the fact that the sales actually went live on Thanksgiving morning. My wife and I went to WM at 11:00 AM and got everything we wanted in less than an hour.
Target Black Friday 1600 ms points for $10, gives you 50% off of everything from xbox live, and I price matched it at Walmart so I had unlimited amount of cards I could buy >