[quote name='DoReiRei']Yeah,

I wish they would ship mine already.....Though i cant even use it in here >.> and i'll need to buy like a couple large flash drives for it. Anyone got any links to 8-16gb flash drives that work on the xbox for a decent price?[/QUOTE]
The problem is that not all flash drives are created equal. I tested a bunch of USB thumb drives I had in my drawer when they first updated the dashboard to use them, and out of about 20 of them 4 failed completely (i.e. unusable), 8 were about half as fast as the old Memory Unit, 6 of them were comparable to running off of the HDD and 2 of them were actually noticeably faster than the original HDD. I also tested a couple external HDD USB drives (i.e. the Club Bing 160/250 Gb drives), and even though they triggered the 'inadequate performance' warning, they were both noticeably faster than the original HDD unit.
Finding a 16 Gb flash drive that will work at HDD speeds or better, is probably going to set you back at least $25. So, getting 2 of them will be about $50 for 32 Gb total. Just be sure you google before you buy it to see if any X360 users have posted their success/failures with that drive model.
With that in mind, you can pick up 250 Gb drives in enclosures for about $50 on the gray market (google xbox slim hard drive). I am fairly certain that these units shipping from Hong Kong are not genuine Microsoft manufactured devices, but even at that price the person selling it still making a nice profit.
Or, you could buy a used 120 Gb HDD for the original X360, rip it apart and stick that into the slim (with or without the adapter). Again, roughly $50, but since it is genuine MS hardware, there is less chance anything could go wrong down the road.
My guess is that the old HDD units will be flooding the used/gray markets as more and more people migrate to the slim, thus driving those prices down even more.
Having recently won a slim in the BK promo, I am trying to figure out how best to migrate from an old 120 Gb myself... Decisions, decisions, decisions...