[quote name='arcane93']Huh. Wonder if they'll re-open the offer once they get more in. It seems like really bad business (or at least extremely poor planning) to tell people that they have until 1/31 to make the necessary purchases for an offer (thus it's possible that people were putting combo-packs away for Christmas, figuring on redeeming it after the holiday), and then run "out of stock" nearly two months earlier. Between that, and leaving out all of the people who had already bought and redeemed codes for most of the titles before the offer dates, this whole thing has been one big cluster
I don't even really care since I decided not to bother anyway, but it is interesting seeing a company as large and experienced as Disney seemingly doing everything wrong in ways that could cause their promotion to turn people off to them.[/QUOTE]From the rep I spoke with, they're not going to offer it to everyone else because the quantities they had for the promotion were exhausted.
Again, this was coming from the rep I spoke with, though it sounded like they had a certain number of items they'd sell for this promotion, and the demand far exceeded their initial estimates of how long it would take before the end of the promotion terms would be met.
I'm sure if they get enough crap over it, they may re-open it, though I think that would have to be quite a bit of crap.
[quote name='Vegan']That sucks. The fine print implied that they would substitute a different model if they ran out of this one.[/QUOTE]I don't think it was a supply issue, I think it was a "quantities were limited" issue and they ran through the stock they'd be able to sell at that price.
[quote name='thesis88']This is true as well. I'm going to try to call and ask if they'll be offering any more Blu-ray players to the ones who weren't able to participate in this promotion due to the fact that they were out of stock.[/QUOTE]Good luck with that. From my phone call, it didn't sound hopeful if you didn't already have an order in with them.
[quote name='basketb']Not true. The fine print just said that the "actual model may vary". But the fine print was very clear that this is on a "while supplies last" basis.[/QUOTE]They probably hit their quantity they had set aside for the promotion, and they're done. We'll see what happens when the bad press and complaints start to roll in.