CAG contest is over....Congrats to Super_Nerd!

My favorite game is Shadow of the Colossus. I loved how the main character risks everything to bring back his loved one. The music was strong enough to make up for the lack of dialogue.
It's hard to say what my favorite game because I had a sega genesis as a kid and for some reason I can't remember any game instead of Sonic the Hedgehog (and that's pretty bad since I was lucky enough to have the sega channel) luckily I can remember a lot of games for the SNES that I got afterwards. I REALLY want to say Super Mario World for the SNES since it really got me into platforming games but I'm going to say it's Earthbound for the SNES since it's one of those games that had a good level of difficulty, had references from the time, was very fun to play and it seemed to have everything right for a game.

Also if I do win I would love to win the Yoshi plush
I have a lot of favs, but one I keep going back to for the past few years is Battlefield 2 for PC. I love flying the Helis. Hmmm matter of fact, think its time to reinstall it.

If we're talkin console, the NHL series from EA is a must have at release every year for me. ;)
My all time favorite games is MGS4, just love everything about it, but I have to say Mass Effect 2 was really good. It's definitely my favorite game that's on any xbox console. Anyways, nice contest and thanks!
My favorite game of all time would definitely be The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the SNES. It is the perfect game for a gamer with my taste. It also partially due to nostalgia, but that seems unavoidable. It has also aged very well. Still play through to completion once or twice a year (on the GBA, since I am currently missing the power cord for my SNES).
Shadow of the Colossus is my all time favorite game. I loved pretty much everything about that game. From the epic scale of the boss battles to the feeling of loneliness as you travel these vast, essentially empty lands tracking down one colossus after another. Not to mention one of the best soundtracks I've heard in ages.
My favorite game for only one reason is Donkey Kong 64. Buying that game led to me meeting my wife. Probably not the greatest game but it holds a special place now.
Modern Warfare 2. Best FPS game of all time in my opinion. I always play counter strike on pc at a younger age... and no other game has taken it place except for this one. MW2 FTW!!!
I'd probably say Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo. That game just felt like the perfect game. The way it started off where everything appeared to be abandoned and then all of the sudden the music kicks in and Space Pirates are everywhere. And the game just got better after that. Then the final boss fight with Mother Brain where you think she's going to kill you, but then the giant metroid saves you. And then having to escape the Zebes at the very end before it blows up. Awesome.

If I win I'd like the 1600 Microsoft Points.
Favorite game of all time is probably the original Street Fighter II. Before they went all nuts with the different editions.
My biggest guilty pleasure has always been the Time Crisis games. I just love the arcade feel of them. Dual gunning it in Crisis Zone was so much fun. it was actually the 2nd game I got when I got my PS3 for Christmas two years ago.

My next favorite would probably be Time Splitters 2. What I wouldn't give for a new one on a current gen system.
I would have to say goldeneye for the n64 was my favorite game spent so much time playing multiplayer ans single with the tons of cheats they had made the game a real worth while experiance I would reccomend anyone to play that game best 007 EVER!!! thanks for reading
I usually say Lunar: SSSC is my favorite game ever. However, I could prolly substitiute that with Super Mario World, or a couple other titles.
I would have to say the Zelda series - simple gameplay, attractive design, and a great story everytime :)
But then, there are so many others: Mario, metroid, castlevania, sonic (the 2D ones) diablo, Team Fortress 2.... too many :D

I think I would pick PSN/subway combo - I like subs :D
Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I was still in school and wasted weeks worth of free time, just trying to complete it before my friends did. The world seemed massive and the graphics were impressive for N64. Plus, I loved the gold cart!
Final Fantasy Tactics has to be my favorite. The story was damn good, had to play through a couple times just to catch everything and knowing what was going to happen next really helped to keep from getting lost in the story as well. The gameplay was fun and actually required strategy, the animations were pretty great at the time, especially the summons and some of the cut-scenes.
My favorite game ever has to be Goldeneye for the N64. It opened up gaming and made it a more social event. I remember going over to my friends houses very frequently just to get the 4 player deathmatch going. We played frequently on a TV that we had to warm up because it was 25 years older than all of us, which believe it or not, added to the game. We would sit and play from when we woke up till when the N64 would overheat because some dumbass let the chip bag sit on the console. Or even worse, someone would accidently turn off the TV and we would have to wait 15 more minutes for the stupid TV to warm up. I really hated that TV…

Besides making sure to NOT turn off the TV, when we played, we had only one rule. Without this rule, the game could almost be considered broken. No Oddjob. He is bullshit. I didn’t care if you were in complex and all you did was camp that little room at the V-split (with the walk-through wall) with proximity mines and a rocket launcher. That is JUST FINE as long as you are not Oddjob. Got it? Good.

Now, besides bringing everyone together for a quality gaming experience, it really showed that a shooter could work on a console in a 3D environment. You can see the influence of this game in all shooters since then. Due to The excellent gameplay, the wonderful multiplayer mode and the well designed maps, you truly have a cornerstone of gaming. This is why Goldeneye is my favorite game of all time.

Uncharted 1, I'm currently on my crushing playthrough and it will mark the 4th time I've gone through this amazing story.
Hmm, honestly enough, I have to say God of War 2 - it was a bit shorter than 1, iirc, but the story was better, and I loved the combat. I am trying to have the money to buy a PS3 by March (for GoW3, obviously)... but it's not looking promising, lol.
I had a hard time choosing a favorite, but If I had to narrow it down to one, it would have to be Hotel Dusk. Out of the many Rpgs and Fps' that I have played (along with other stuff), this text based adventure (with puzzles) just seems to hit the spot. It felt like I was interacting with a book it kept me interested with it's story. Perhaps this may not be the best game ever made, but it's a good one worth going into. Also, since it was so interesting, I'm hoping The Last Window will come to the US as well.
My favorite game is a three-way tie between the original Diablo (one of my first non-educational video games...), Metal Gear Solid 4 (great story and political references), and Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (relatively obscure, but surely the most terrifying and rewarding survival horror game out there. If you like horror games, CoC will blow you away).
Just from my avatar, you can see that it's Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Genesis. Even though the game could be beat in under an hour easily, I still find myself coming back to this classic again and again. It's just really fun, fast, and probably has the greatest multiplayer mode I have ever experienced.
For me, my favorite game is Super Mario Bros. The time spent playing that alone, with friends and with family was just great. I even popped it in one family gettogether recently and made it through 8-4 being small Mario. Everyone cheered as I hit the axe and sent Bowser to his doom. Good times.
i really like freedom fighters. its the only game ive actually beaten about 4 times now. im not super patriotic but it felt good coming out of the sewers (your safe hideouts) and taking over areas that are over run by the russians and raising the flag. i like the weapons, story, characters and all the areas you travel to and take back!
My first post:

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - SNES/PSX
Love the big battles and the classes.
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Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

I remember when I was little and I beat that game about 20 times. I even started competing with myself to see how fast I could beat it :D. I just revisited it a few days ago and already beat it again. Oh man I love that game
Diablo 2 for PC, because it offered me hours of great multiplayer gameplay without charging me a cent, outside of the initial purchase at least.

Nowadays, you just can't expect that much quality gameplay without a monthly fee. Sigh.
My favorite game is Goldeneye 007 for the N64. It was so much fun to play multiplayer and the single player campaign was pretty good as well. Driving the tank was fun. :)
There are tons to choose from. Choplifter because it was the first game I played and started me down this whole path of digital delights. For the purpose of this contest though, I will say Bioshock (1 & 2) because it has brought me and my wife closer together while bringing her enjoyment from my hobby.
Pokemon Yellow.

It was my first videogame ever, and it rocks, still. You have a pikachu following you around, so what else do you want?

there has not and will not be a better pokemon game than Yellow.
my favorite GBA game which happens to be a first gen gba game (few months within release) is Golden Sun (not the sequel).

I never really played anything like it (I was a rpg noob and this was kinda a ffvii during the mid 90s for casuals thing). The graphics and audio (sound, music) were great for a handheld. I beat the game several times (over 4) and even found some new things out each time (example you could
have different people row the ship that may or may not take you to that side quest island place
). I even played a few minigames to get more gold (which is pointless since there aren't many items to buy and heals aren't THAT important). Also exploiting the rng system was very interesting (from a game mechanics perspective too). Unfortunately I was disappointed with the sequel (never imported characters since I wanted to beat first without).
Ace Combat V on the PS2. First game I played of the series and was blown away. I fell in love with the series ever since. The F-22 Raptor has got to be my favorite fighter. The story wasn't that bad either. I really felt like my actions in that game mattered.
Game: Resident Evil 5
Reason: The game mechanics from RE4 were pretty much improved upon, as well as graphics. Storyline was on par with RE titles, kept my interest, and the trophy collection added a great amount of replay value (first platinum for me, actually). Many new concepts were added that I liked, and the partner system was not a complete failure, button time responses made you pay attention to movies.

You kill zombies..... whats not to love? :D
my favorite game ever has to be beyond good and evil. it was so ignored at the time, and i remember forcing everyone i knew to play it. still waiting on the sequel :(
I absolutely loved Defender back on the Atari 2600. I remember one day I was so close to flipping the score. My friend decided he really needed to go to the bathroom and as he walked past the tv, his foot caught the power cord and unplugged the Atari. Needless to say, he decided to use the bathroom at his house instead of mine.
bread's done