I'm in at $50 this month, and my girlfriend threw in $15. My first pay check of the new year should be bigger when they stop taking out lag pay, so I'll be in for at least a few bucks more then.
[quote name='darkhelmet41290']Will it still be tied to me if I forgot to log in?[/QUOTE]
The raffle will pick out winner by Paypal Email Account. Then they will try to find the CAG user with that email account. If your paypal acc and user account email here are different, then Cheapy will post the winner's email instead. So it doesn't matter if you are logged in CAG or not.
If I'm wrong or not explaining it incorrectly, please correct me.
please like this page and post on regular bases, if you would like to get some HD collections made or a reboot to an old franchise or even a most wanted sequel like half-life 3. this page was created just for video games petitions
please like this page and post on regular bases, if you would like to get some HD collections made or a reboot to an old franchise or even a most wanted sequel like half-life 3. this page was created just for video games petitions
please help spread the word
Did you honestly just hijack a charity thread to hype/further your own goal of video game petitions?!?! You posted this in the Steam Thread, Sunday Video Game Thread. Your post doesn't belong here, and further more does not need to be plastered on every thread you visit. Ad it to your signature or something. Advertising for something like that when this thread is dedicated to helping kids is really heartless. I know of (and actively participating in) 2 other charity fund raisers that other CAG's are doing right now for another charity that helps kids in hospitals, but they, nor I hyped those fundraisers in this thread. Jesus Christ dude.
[quote name='kouleefoh']The raffle will pick out winner by Paypal Email Account. Then they will try to find the CAG user with that email account. If your paypal acc and user account email here are different, then Cheapy will post the winner's email instead. So it doesn't matter if you are logged in CAG or not.
If I'm wrong or not explaining it incorrectly, please correct me.[/QUOTE]
Donated the past few years to Child's Play directly but saw CAG was doing this last year so figured I'd try. I won the $500 Amazon card last year which was amazing! Donating again and best of luck on the raffle to anyone, but more than anything happy to help out a great cause.
Hey guys! I'm know as VampirePanku here in the forums (or I would be if I ever posted xD) but over on Twitch I'm know as RxCxDietrich.
As a long time lurker here I've managed to get many good deals on video games and consoles, and have participated in the Child's Play donation every year. This year I wanted to do something different.
As school ended, my back log piled up from all the Steam sales. I told myself that if I passed all my classes I would celebrate with a marathon stream. And I did. As with any marathon gaming session, they are done with a charity in mind. This was a no brainier for me, as I chose Child's Play to dedicate my stream to. With the help of CAG and everyone here, I would like you all to join me as I attempt my first ever 12 hour stream while helping out kids in the process!
Thank you guys so much for all the support you guys gave me!
I'm not taking the credit for all the donations that happened during my 12 hour stream (I think about 50 or 60 dollars from my viewers) but in a 12 hour time frame over $650 were donated. (We kept track haha)
Just gave another $10, bringing my current total to $15 (3 entries) & our grand total up to 15,015. Also tried a fb share again, all of you should share the CAG thread url on your fb to try and help out.
Every year this is the donation I look forward to and one for a great cause. If my broke and unemployed ass can throw $20 in the pot then I have confidence we shall exceed the goal yet again. It's just the pure awesomeness of the CAG community! =D
So If anyone can stop by PLEASE do so and spread the word by your twitter, face places, etc.
Hope to see you guys when my marathon starts. Also, I'm doing a prologue stream for today so that people won't be lost on the Tales of Xillia 2 story when I get to that block tomorrow.
Tsukinikawatte - Quit begging people in THIS thread to spread the word. Wrong type of spirit you are showing in this thread. Go beg on a blog or create something in a different forum. This is all about giving to those less fortunate. If you are pimping that stuff, you are not in the less fortunate category.