CAG PSN Gamesharing #6 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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Finally found the best Game Boss Battle music ever.

It is a little out of order since the 1st part is actual the last part of the fight.

The talk of summoning lead me to this as well as Googling Demon Summons.
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GTA5 group - $60

Resell - $20/each



Phantom - $10/each

1. Mageshadow

2. Fricco

Need these two slots filled AGAIN ( third damn time ) because people keep joining and then dropping for no reason.

Want to join my group?
Sorry bro, just got a resell spot for Gta 5. Thanks though and good luck with your group.



Can you remove me from this group please? I got in another group which includes multiple games. Thanks !

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2)


1. apollyon
3. tehreaper
4. bossnian90

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Edit: I also have an NBA2K14 resell available since krtgolfing, or his pal miaflsurf, are nowhere to be found.

(he hasn't paid yet)

For Sale:

Call of Duty Black Ops II Resell - $7

Dishonored + Dunwall City Trials + The Knife of Dunwall: Phantom - $6/ + The Brigmore Witches - $8

Max Payne 3 Ultimate Edition Resell - $5/ Phantom - $2.50

Dead Island Riptide Phantom - $5

Mirror's Edge Resell - $5 (or rent for $0.75/week)

[EUR] Zone of the Enders HD Collection Resell - $3.20

[EUR] Hitman: Absolution and Sleeping Dogs Resell - $10/Phantom - $5 

Game Sizes:

Call of Duty Black Ops II - 13GB

Dishonored - 6.3GB / Dunwall City Trials - 1GB / The Knife of Dunwall - 1.7GB / The Brigmore Witches - 2.3GB

Max Payne 3 Ultimate Edition - 15.1GB

Dead Island Riptide - 2.8GB

Mirror's Edge - 4.9GB

Zone of the Enders HD Collection - 8GB

Hitman: Absolution - 17GB / Sleeping Dogs - 7GB

Looking for:

Uncharted Bundle (1 and 2) Phantom

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Has anyone that purchased FIFA 14 been able to access their FUT Gold Packs?
not me, I've been asking for a while and no one has replied

guess I'm not the only one who hasn't gotten them, apparently there's a code given if you pre-order but that's for the disc-based game, not sure how the digital version does it

I am looking for a timeshare of ALL Dragon Age II DLC and ALL Mass Effect 3 DLC.

Also might be interested in a couple GTAV Shares...guess im not sure yet, but id probably want 2 resells or a phantom and a resell. Or something.


THE card? No way. I've been searching for it for years, you have a treasure on your hands!

Phanton won't see that post, he's too busy mocking Fez at the jewelery store

probably shouldn't be posting while intoxicated, but if anyone gets that reference i'll be impressed

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Not what... I meant. Re-read my message
I know exactly what you meant. I was giving another alternative to what you suggested that doesn't involve swapping hard drives.

Most people don't know that you can have more than 16 account activations at once, using the same hard drive.
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THE card? No way. I've been searching for it for years, you have a treasure on your hands!

Phanton won't see that post, he's too busy mocking Fez at the jewelery store

probably shouldn't be posting while intoxicated, but if anyone gets that reference i'll be impressed
Do not post while drunk people!

Ok so essentially it's like 360's license transfer, but being able to be done infinite times and including the plus subscription

Basically a console license tied to a tag that can be moved... Still prevents game sharing in the ways I listed earlier this page or the last one though. Only one console will allow anyone on the console to play it, and the other share will have to be played on the account itself preventing them from getting trophies on their main (unless they move that switch their "home" console to their own console). This is essentially how 360 does it, and fits into what they said about licensing with ps4 so far.

One ps4 can obviously have multiple accts registered as it being their "home" system. There's no question about that, although the number of accts you can have is still unknown (i'm going to estimate it's going to have to be at least 10). However I very highly doubt that one account can have multiple "home" systems, as that would be an extremely easy way to just give your friends free games. They're not going to overlook something like that that can end up losing them tons of money
Can we just wait and see? Instead of making speculations

11 posts in 2 years? I hope you have someone to vouch for you. Anyway, the other resell is wpress. If he is okay with it, you can have it.

Edit: Speaking of rep, I noticed Spacecadet still has 12 despite being outed as a scammer. What's up with that?

Edit 2: My apologies, anwbear and htwongamer, but I have decided to go with WiiNet. 

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