wow thats low, more like(above) :Soul Caliber 2 HD
3. Snakeypoo
wow thats low, more like(above) :Soul Caliber 2 HD
3. Snakeypoo
Wait, are you selling this PS3 with game shared accounts on it, or just your account? Your personal account, you can do whatever you want with, but I feel like it's not ok to keep all those resell accounts on the system. The buyer, who no one knows, could have access to those emails and passwords, and that puts the other spot holder in jeopardy.Lol I'm selling my ps3 on my local craigslist, asking 200 bucks for, the consoles base price, and keeping all the games i have on it for people to play all new games, and this guy emails me and I'm like you want all those games on there right, he's like yeah sure can i access them on your account, me- yeah no prob you can play on my account, your account whatever but they are shares so and he flips out on me "you lying bastard, you are a scammer trying to sell me a console with brand new aaa titles on it for a console only price" me- are you familiar with gamesharing? Him" of course and you are a f-ing cheat go screw others" i couldn't stop laughing at that point so i ask him, um so you wanted access to my main account so you could sell all the shares of these games right? no response what a freaking tool man. maybe some of you won't agree with me and suggest i delete everything that isn't a resell or on my main account and i most likely will but I'm asking 200 bucks not 600 and i could ask whatever i want even if it was completely restored no matter how stupid i could ask 1000 bucks or a million, really such a douche, thought i would share because its slightly funny but also just a heads up to the morons trying to buy our systems when we sell them on craigslist... some parts were sarcastic so hopefully thats recognizable
I would be down for this, added myself if that's coolAssassins Creed Black Flag & COD Ghosts
1. EstonianBeast
2. Snoop221
1. Qdizzle
Can't host.
[SIZE=12.727272033691406px]I doubt you could sell your ps3 for a million dollars... [/SIZE]Lol I'm selling my ps3 on my local craigslist, asking 200 bucks for, the consoles base price, and keeping all the games i have on it for people to play all new games, and this guy emails me and I'm like you want all those games on there right, he's like yeah sure can i access them on your account, me- yeah no prob you can play on my account, your account whatever but they are shares so and he flips out on me "you lying bastard, you are a scammer trying to sell me a console with brand new aaa titles on it for a console only price" me- are you familiar with gamesharing? Him" of course and you are a f-ing cheat go screw others" i couldn't stop laughing at that point so i ask him, um so you wanted access to my main account so you could sell all the shares of these games right? no response what a freaking tool man. maybe some of you won't agree with me and suggest i delete everything that isn't a resell or on my main account and i most likely will but I'm asking 200 bucks not 600 and i could ask whatever i want even if it was completely restored no matter how stupid i could ask 1000 bucks or a million, really such a douche, thought i would share because its slightly funny but also just a heads up to the morons trying to buy our systems when we sell them on craigslist... some parts were sarcastic so hopefully thats recognizable
I'm in if thats okAssassins Creed Black Flag & COD Ghosts
1. EstonianBeast
2. Snoop221
1. Qdizzle
Can't host.
yeah i was worried about this and thats why ill remove everything on there, I've decided, i don't want to cause problems for anyone of course and after dealing with that arse i see it wasn't a smart idea so rest assured it will be my main account only.Wait, are you selling this PS3 with game shared accounts on it, or just your account? Your personal account, you can do whatever you want with, but I feel like it's not ok to keep all those resell accounts on the system. The buyer, who no one knows, could have access to those emails and passwords, and that puts the other spot holder in jeopardy.
Oh, anyone have a share of Far Cry 3 I could timeshare or something?Soul Caliber 2 HD
2. KB24
3. Snakeypoo
4. Bigwig
haha for sure, but its my right to request that lol, besides if i had a million to spare, it would all go to charity no doubt.... Africa, diabetes, cancer, mental illness, these are my focuses in life lol[SIZE=12.727272033691406px]I doubt you could sell your ps3 for a million dollars... [/SIZE]
I'm schizophrenic...haha for sure, but its my right to request that lol, besides if i had a million to spare, it would all go to charity no doubt.... Africa, diabetes, cancer, mental illness, these are my focuses in life lol
Bump!Selling Lone Survivor (resell) , i prefer a trade though . I'm interested in one of these(can be a phantom spot):
Castle of Illusion
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Sine Mora
Okami HD
any other good game(if you have a game worth more and want to make a trade i can pay the difference)
PM me w/ offers, thanks!
I don't think there is co-op of any kind. Just checked co-optumis.I'm kinda interested in metro last night.. how much and is it coop?
Anyone timesharing AC4
luckily able to play on mac through stream and got for cheap so very lucky for meIts $30 and no co-op but its a great game, wish I woulda been more patient cause I just added to my main earlier today lol
i'd be interested in a phantom if we can get the + discount on it. $30 with plus, $40 without. Pretty sure I have a one month + code we could use.I'm kinda interested in metro last night.. how much and is it coop?
Anyone timesharing AC4
do u have steam i can game share it to you on free on thereI'll take a resell of Metro Last Light if a spot is open.
you get whatevers available at the time of your download, nothing past thatSo will Battlefield 4 Premium work as a Phantom?
i'd be interested in a phantom if we can get the + discount on it. $30 with plus, $40 without. Pretty sure I have a one month + code we could use.
I would like to be phantom on this.I'll take a resell of Metro Last Light if a spot is open.
heck i dont mind going the way of the phantom if someone wants a resell. Anything to speed up the processWWE 2k14
Resell -- $20
1. QDizzle
2. crashmasteromega
Phantom -- $10
1. noone13
Anyone takers on this last phantom? I'd like to get the group going and get the game as soon as we can.
*Also I have PS4 Cod of Duty Ghosts Hardened Edition slot for sale. Send me a PM if interested. Threat vets only please.
I am in .WWE 2k14
Resell -- $20
1. QDizzle
2. crashmasteromega
Phantom -- $10
1. noone13
Anyone takers on this last phantom? I'd like to get the group going and get the game as soon as we can.
For Sale:
- $50 PSN codes - $46 each
- $20 PSN codes - $18.50 each
- Sound Shapes - sellable, phantom, timeshare
- Portal 2 - sellable
- The Unfinished Swan - timeshare (currently out)
- Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City + all 3 Echo Six expansions - sellable, phantom, timeshare
- Sleeping Dogs Digital Edition (includes full game + various DLC packs) - sellable, phantom, timeshare (currently out on loan)
- Sleeping Dogs "Year of the Snake" DLC - sellable, timeshare
- Sleeping Dogs "Nightmare in Northpoint" DLC - sellable, timeshare
- Tomb Raider - sellable, phantom, timeshare
All shares (sellable, phantom, and timeshares) are offered on a pay-what-you-want model.
PM me if interested. Thanks.
Anyone selling a 30 day Playstation Plus (US region) code?
I'm also looking for cheap timeshares of:
- The Unfinished Swan
- Rain
Unfortunately yes.guys what happened with Locoxx ? i was checking on a resell slot he sold me before and i cant access the account anymore then found that he is Trading Timeout . is he turned out to be a scammer after that long in the community ?
He was caught being affiliated with ipac's stolen shares. He was banned.guys what happened with Locoxx ? i was checking on a resell slot he sold me before and i cant access the account anymore then found that he is Trading Timeout . is he turned out to be a scammer after that long in the community ?
Ok thought it was just me. But hey at least everybody that has shares with this guy now know they may be in trouble for the right price. I'm really starting to understand why people won't do business with anyone who isn't a thread vet.@Albasha I already thought you looked stupid before the Craigslist post. Sorry bro. Maybe someone on here appreciates your play by play updates on your life though.
If memory serves, it was extra80 and he was selling it for $6. Not sure if he still has it.If i remember correctly, someone had a God of war ascension phantom for sale. But i can't find that page anymore. So if you read this, please hit me up.
Thank you, yeah it was 6$ so i think it was he. I will pm him.If memory serves, it was extra80 and he was selling it for $6. Not sure if he still has it.