I been gone for a few days, but just caught up on some of the last thread post. I didn't have a $1000 worth of transactions with Gamerdad, but ironically the money I did lose went to Gamerdad's main account for the games purchased in OCT/NOV13 which is now in Boosted's possession. Originally, those games were going to be split in a group between Amatsuri, Skylinersx, and myself with me investing in a resell share. The group was formed in the beginning of October.
I didn't see a problem with letting him host since his rep was more than acceptable at that time and he agreed to give me sole rights to the PS4 upgradable slots. I sent him the money, blah blah. Fast forward to the week before Battlefield 4 and Batman comes and this PM appears...
"I'm messenging you because I got myself in a pickle. I had money issues and needed to use the money you sent me for the share. I'm extremely sorry for this. I have spent all day selling stuff on eBay to make money to pay you back + interest. I made plenty to pay the group back, but the problem is the money will not clear until Nov 9th. I can provide screenshots of my Paypal and the clear date if needed. I'm extremely sorry and if you need to leave bad feedback, I understand. I'm really sorry."
Needless to say the outcome did not end up in my favor. We have exchanged many more PM's for about a month then after the PS4 was released he disappeared and I never heard from him again.
I was planning my wedding and got married in Korea after that. Made a mental decision that it was not worth my energy and I should focus on my wife and military training event right after.
Morale of the story, keep gamesharing simple and people humble. Avoid huge gameshare groups. The risk is too high.