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Would have actually preferred for them to start developing TWAU S2 rather than minecraft only because I'm so drawn into playing bigby I guess...That had the best storyline for a game I've actually followed whilst playing (Have not been able to do that in a long while)...However, telltale = Plat so not too bothered...Except TWD S2 didn't get one and I was crushed :fridge:
Yeah every game that telltale made after TWD was a big hit.The only bad think about those was the frame rate issues on old gen. I played Tales from Borderlands a few days ago and I was surprised by how good it was. Can't wait for the episode two now.

Interesting. Is it the PS3 version or PS4 version?

Also for that mordor DLC, depending on price I'm gonna want a resell and then you can timeshare it elite. providing i can find someone that wants a phantom.

I now have 2 free phantoms of Lara Croft & Guardians of Light (JPN) and 14 days ps plus trial that includes Yakuza 1 and 2 HD.
Don't know if any of those games have english text or not but if you want to give it a try pm me and I will happily give you the account.

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Interesting. Is it the PS3 version or PS4 version?

Also for that mordor DLC, depending on price I'm gonna want a resell and then you can timeshare it elite. providing i can find someone that wants a phantom.
its only on ps3. the old lara croft game that came out like in 2010. the new one is on ps4

oh. i thought it was the new one. my mistake. no interest in that game then lol

Posted a free code for it in the library thread for Metro 2033 Redux (PS4)

oh. i thought it was the new one. my mistake. no interest in that game then lol

Posted a free code for it in the library thread for Metro 2033 Redux (PS4)

I now have 2 free phantoms of Lara Croft & Guardians of Light (JPN) and 14 days ps plus trial that includes Yakuza 1 and 2 HD.
Don't know if any of those games have english text or not but if you want to give it a try pm me and I will happily give you the account.
Damn. I'd take you up on that but I'm leaving Saturday on a 2-week vacation. :wall:

Damn. I'd take you up on that but I'm leaving Saturday on a 2-week vacation. :wall:
I will still have it after you come back :)

Damn just now noticed it's the game from 2010. I thought it was the new one. Already played it so I'm giving you the account now and when you come back I can activate the 14 day ps plus trial from PS4 for you.



Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe edition $17.00 (Have 1)

GTA V $8.00 (Have 2)

Mass Effect 1 $2.00

Dark Souls 2 Vanilla and South Park Stick of Truth $15.00

Battlefield 4 vanilla $5.00


Game of Thrones Episode 1 $.50 every 3 days 1 dollar a week.. CURRENTLY BEING RENTED

Feel free to PM me with offers or questions.. Just trying to sell off shares I have accumulated.
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advanced warfare group $45
Resell (15$)
phantom (7.5$)

Resells (7.5$)
phantom (3.75$)
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I want in the Codaw group for a PS3 Resell please. I've previously done a phantom deal on here a few months ago with the game destiny and that went well so I think Im ready for a resell! Btw, this forum is awesome! :)
I want in the Codaw group for a PS3 Resell please. I've previously done a phantom deal on here a few months ago with the game destiny and that went well so I think Im ready for a resell! Btw, this forum is awesome! :)
Join with us in our group.. there is ps3 resell available, write your name
Join with us in our group.. there is ps3 resell available, write your name
Awesome thanks! As OP said, can't pass up the new COD for $7.50.

So the new list goes as follows then:

advanced warfare group $45
Resell (15$)
phantom (7.5$)
2. fmz65

Resells (7.5$)
phantom (3.75$)
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advanced warfare group $45
Resell (15$)
phantom (7.5$)
2. fmz65

Resells (7.5$)
2.Kable (giving this one to a friend :) )
phantom (3.75$)

Group closed!
For Sale:
Bound by Flame Phantom - $10
Thief Phantom - $8 (or rent for $1/week)
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Phantom - $8 (or rent for $1/week)
Watch Dogs + Season Pass Phantom - $15 (or rent for $1.50/week)
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag + Season Pass Phantom - $4
Battlefield 4 + Premium + all expansions Phantom - $7
Bayonetta + Mirror's Edge Phantom - free (regulars only)
Bioshock + Bioshock 2 + Minerva's Den + Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Phantom - $4
Child of Light [UK] Phantom - $1
Dark Souls II + all crown DLC Phantom - $7
Diablo 3 (vanilla) Phantom - free (regulars only)
Dishonored + all trophy DLC Phantom - $3
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen [UK] Phantom - free (regulars only)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance + all trophy DLC Phantom - $3
MGS 2 HD + MGS 3 HD + MGS:pW HD [UK] Phantom - free (regulars only)
Resident Evil 4 HD + DmC + Vergil's Downfall + Costume pack + Puppeteer + Fatal Frame Phantom - $4
TLOU + Season Pass Phantom - $6
Available for rent (per week):
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag + Season Pass - $1
Assassin's Creed Unity - $1.50
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - $1
Child of Light [UK] - $0.50
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition - $1.50
Driveclub - $1.50
Far Cry 4 -$1.50
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - $0.75
Need for Speed Rivals - $1
Shadow Warrior - $1.25
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition- $1.50
Currently being rented:
PS4: (per week)
Battlefield 4 + Premium - $1
Destiny + Expansion Pass - $1.50
Dragon Age: Inquisition - $1.50 (out for a while)
Entwined - $0.25
Grand Theft Auto V - $1.50
Infamous First Light - $0.50
Killzone Shadow Fall + season pass - $1
Metro Redux - $1.50
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor + Season Pass - $1.50 (out for a while)
The Evil Within - $1.50
The Last of Us Remastered - $1
Wolfenstein: TNO - $1.50
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Going out on a limb here but I was wondering if anyone would be down to do a swap on these games. I basically want the same games but just in the EU region :p makes buying DLC for me 10x easier. Anyways, here they are. All are from the US PSN Store

For Trade:

Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare PS3 resell
WWE 2K15 PS3 resell.
For Sale (Resells)

$2 - Ace Combat Assault Horizon

$3 - Game of Thrones (US) + XCOM Bureau Trophy DLC

$5 - Injustice Gods Among Us (PS4)
$5 - XCOM Enemy Within

$8 - Record of Agarest War Zero + Rainbow Moon + Resident Evil 6 + PSN Games

$8 - Call of Duty Ghosts Season Pass with all 4 DLCs (PS3)

For Sale (Phantoms)

$1 - Game of Thrones (US) + XCOM Bureau Trophy DLC

$1 - Armored Core V - Verdict Day

$1 - Tom Clancy's HAWX

$2 - Agarest Generations of War 2

$3 - Lost Planet 3 + Need For Speed The Run

$3 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory

$4 - Okabu + Dungeon Defenders + Rocketbirds + Sam & Max Time and Space Ep1-5 + PacMan DX + Eufloria + Dragon's Lair II + Worms Golf + Stardrone

Exclusively for Rent (All are $1 a week unless otherwise noted):

Record of Agarest War Zero + Rainbow Moon + Resident Evil 6 + PSN Games

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes (PS3)

Resogun Season Pass

bread's done