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Biohazard 1 Remaster resell(jpn account) game is in full engrish- $10   (PS3)

Teslagrad resell(eu account)- $7 (PS4)

Yeah, it keeps going in and out (says they currently have stock). I managed to get in an order. I have two of those games already so it'll have to be between Far Cry & LBP. :whistle2:k Heard LBP is trash though...
I've heard it's supposed to be really good actually. The story mode is apparently way better than both LBP 1 and 2, and people are already pumping out really good community content. The only gripe I heard was that there were some freezing issues and all the normal stuff new games seem to have these days.

"Receive a code redeemable for one free game download, when you buy a PlayStation 4 Console, for up to $59.99 in value. Pick from Destiny, NBA 2K15, Far Cry 4, or Little Big Planet 3. The code will be sent to you within 2 days of your completed shipment. Code must be redeemed at Learn more. Offer valid only when shipped and sold by"

The above deal has been going on for a few days, so it's not necessarily the case that the linked seller is attempting to sell for profit.

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advanced warfare group $45
Resell (15$)
phantom (7.5$)
2. fmz65

Resells (7.5$)
2.Kable (giving this one to a friend :) )
phantom (3.75$)

Group closed!
How do you make an account like this? can someone explain? Thanks

Going out on a limb here but I was wondering if anyone would be down to do a swap on these games. I basically want the same games but just in the EU region :p makes buying DLC for me 10x easier. Anyways, here they are. All are from the US PSN Store

For Trade:

Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare PS3 resell
WWE 2K15 PS3 resell.
CoD has a cross-buy promo for a few months. Buying one version entitles you to the other for free. The same setup can be used for any other games that qualify for cross-buy on PS3/PS4.
oh cool. thanks

If there's enough interest here goes

FIFA 15 (EU region)

ps3 resell - £6.67

1. Apollyon


ps3 phantom - £3.33

1. Banx

2. Banx


COD: Advanced Warfare (NA region)
ps4 resell - $15
1. The One82
ps4 phantom - $7

ps3 resell - $7.5
1. Apollyon
ps3 phantom - $3.75
1. iwarboY

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Resells for sale all ps3
resident evil HD (Japanese account with English voices and text)-$10

Devil may cry collection hd-$10

Ratchet and clank hd collection-$10

Open to offers

Also have a resell of Pier Solar for ps4 as well as a locked spot of battlefield 4
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oh cool. thanks

If there's enough interest here goes

FIFA 15 (EU region)

ps3 resell - £6.67

1. Apollyon


ps3 phantom - £3.33




COD: Advanced Warfare
ps4 resell - $15
ps4 phantom - $7.5
ps3 resell - $7.5
1. Apollyon
ps3 phantom - $3.75
Blogcast ep 147


  • Switch Galaxy Ultra *CrossBuy (PS4 & Vita)
  • Trine: Enchanted Edition

  • Resogun *CrossBuy (PS3 & Vita)
  • Shake Spears


  • Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse: Episode 2
  • Fieldrunners 2
  • Resogun
  • Switch Galaxy Ultra
Looking for a advanced warfare phantom/resell (ps4)

Need the share by tonight though so please on me!

Can download and have installed within 2 hours

Open PS4 phantom in Apollyon's cross-buy group on the last page. I'm also renting it out for $1/week.
I saw that but the group is half empty. I bought a PS4 for my brother and I'm looking to get this downloaded on his PS4 before he picks it up tomorrow because he doesn't have internet.

Appreciate it though.

COD: Advanced Warfare
ps4 resell - $15
ps4 phantom - $7.5
2. Mageshadow ( as long as group fills by today 12/19/14 )
ps3 resell - $7.5
1. Apollyon
ps3 phantom - $3.75

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I saw that but the group is half empty. I bought a PS4 for my brother and I'm looking to get this downloaded on his PS4 before he picks it up tomorrow because he doesn't have internet.

Appreciate it though.

COD: Advanced Warfare
ps4 resell - $15
1. Csoola
ps4 phantom - $7.5
2. Mageshadow ( as long as group fills by today 12/19/14 )
ps3 resell - $7.5
1. Apollyon
ps3 phantom - $3.75
1. Iwarboy
Only two slots need to be filled, assuming Apollyon doesn't have a problem sharing with Csoola.

You can fill the group faster by reducing the cost by $6 or so by using codes from here or here.

Hey guys a little help please. So if I buy Just Dance on PS4 what other accessory do I need to be able to play it?
I know this is from awhile ago, but just get the PSMove. Save yourself from the camera. It does a crap job with picking up motions.

Looking for a BF4 PS4 Timeshare or a slot. Mainly a timeshare.

My friends and I are trying out that FF14 trial. So far I haven't been sucked into it...yet. I've also been stuck in this amiibo collecting thing.

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(PS3 resell)
Borderlands 2 Season Pass + other DLC - $5
Dead Space 3 DLC Awakened - $2
(PS3 phantoms)
Watch Dogs - $7
Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord - $6
SHORT PEACE: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day - $4
Deception IV: Blood Ties - $4
Kingdom of Amalur DLC - $1
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - $1
Bioshock Season Pass - $3
Arcania: The Complete Tale - $1
Bodycount - $1
MX vs ATV: Alive - $2
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn - $4
WRC 4: FIA World Championship - $2
(PS4 phantoms)
GTA V - $23
The Legend of Korra - $5
AC4 Season Pass - $2
Assassins Creed 4 - $6
COD: Ghost - $8
Murdered Soul Suspect - $8
Available for timeshare, all PS3,(prices are per week) or phantom (PM for price)
- SHORT PEACE: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day - $2
- Diablo 3 (Vanilla Version) - $1
- Hakouki - $1
- The Raven: Legacy of the Master Thief -$1
- Brave - $1
- Saints Row 4 Season Pass - $0.5
- Kingdom of Amalur DLC - $1
- Bioshock Season Pass - $1 
- Metro Last Light DLC - $1
- The Darkness 2 - $1   
- Game of Thrones - $0.5
- Doki Doki Universe (PS3 or PS4)  - $0.5
- Lone Survivor - $0.5
- Ride to Hell: Retribution - $0.5
- Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle - $1, 
- Mafia II DLC - $1
- NFS: The Run DLC - $0.5 
- Far Cry Classic - $0.5
- The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct - $1
- Magrunner: Dark Pulse - $1
- Star Raiders - $0.5
- Under Defeat HD - $1
- The Cursed Crusade - $0.5 
- Beer Pong - Free
- Toki Tori - Free
- God Mode - Free
What causes it? Did something happen?

I had dozens of phantoms. Stuff I can't afford like styx, gta v, dragon age, diablo, sleeping dogs, natural doctrine, just a ton of stuff
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For trade:

Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare PS3 Resell
WWE 2K15 PS3 Resell

Looking for:

Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare PS3 resell (MUST BE FROM THE PAL REGION E.G UK/NZ/AUS)
WWE 2K15 PS3 Resell (Same as AW. Must be from the PAL region)
bread's done