Cool, yeah, I'm fine either way but prefer PS4. Whatever it takes to get it filled. Do we even know the price on it yet?
Also, I haven't seen much talk about it but anything going for Jamestown? Love those kind of games.
The Flash Sale is so uninteresting for me. Awesome prices, but I just don't have time for mediocre games anymore, especially if I have to hold a PS3 controller to play them.
Metal Slug 3 is $15. Which kind of nonsense because I literally bought the Metal Slug collection for $30 in 2007. I don't see why don't they just port all the games.
Starting up some Flash Sale groups, looking for people interested in buying CHEAP PS3 phantoms!! I tried to group these into two accounts based on genre.
Group 1:
Selling three phantoms for $1.48 each!!
Tokyo Jungle $0.90
Game of Thrones $0.80
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard $0.90
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond $0.90
Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear $0.90
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan $0.90
The Expendables 2 Videogame $0.90
Narco Terror $0.90
Galaga Legions DX $0.90
Dead Nation $0.88
Group 2:
ONE phantom left for $1.75!!!!
PAC-MAN® Championship Edition DX+ Full Version $0.90
Puzzle Agent $0.90
Texas Cheat'em $0.90
Bejeweled 3 $0.95
Zuma $0.95
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire $0.90
Who Wants To Be A Movie Millionaire $0.99
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space - Full Season $0.80
Rock of Ages $0.45
Babel Rising $0.90
Sacred Citadel $0.90
I am also interested in Ferrari: The Race Experience, but couldn't place it into a category. If the interested parties want to add it into one of the accounts, that would be great. It will add a whopping $0.15 to the phantom cost for each person.
Starting up some Flash Sale groups, looking for people interested in buying CHEAP PS3 phantoms!! I tried to group these into two accounts based on genre.
Group 1:
Selling three phantoms for $1.48 each!!
Tokyo Jungle $0.90
Game of Thrones $0.80
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard $0.90
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond $0.90
Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear $0.90
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan $0.90
The Expendables 2 Videogame $0.90
Narco Terror $0.90
Galaga Legions DX $0.90
Dead Nation $0.88
Group 2:
Selling three phantoms for $1.75 each!!!
PAC-MAN® Championship Edition DX+ Full Version $0.90
Puzzle Agent $0.90
Texas Cheat'em $0.90
Bejeweled 3 $0.95
Zuma $0.95
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire $0.90
Who Wants To Be A Movie Millionaire $0.99
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space - Full Season $0.80
Rock of Ages $0.45
Babel Rising $0.90
Sacred Citadel $0.90
I am also interested in Ferrari: The Race Experience, but couldn't place it into a category. If the interested parties want to add it into one of the accounts, that would be great. It will add a whopping $0.15 to the phantom cost for each person.
Why play Destiny when you can get ran over by semi truck?...
Kidding, haven't played it. Read that there's a lot of grinding and I like to play simple games like Megamind because it makes me feel good about myself.
Do we even need this? Sure, I'm probably going to get A SHARE of it since I haven't played it, but come on, do we really need remasters of everything? Especially since we're supposed to use PS Now?
The Order: 1886 ($1 for 3 days or $2 per week) [Currently being rented]
Grim Fandango: $1
Destiny: $1 [Currently being rented]
Watchdogs: $1 [Pending]
Infamous: Second Son: $1
South Park: The Stick of Truth: $0.50
Dark Souls II: $0.50
Outland: $0.25
PixelJunk SideScroller: $0.25
Bloodborne ($1 for 3 days or $2 per week) - available 3/24 - [1 on queue]
Also gauging interest for anyone looking for a phantom or willing to rent FF Type 0 HD and FFXV Demo. Are those two separate btw?
Selling a phantom of Guilty Gear Xrd PS3 ver. w/ Elphelt Valentine & Leo Whitefang DLC HK PSN for $16. PM me, if you're interested. This is the PS3 version.
If you're looking for a more relevant site for JP PSN cards I would check out Been using them for over a year now and they've never failed me with their instant delivery via email. Check it out and lemme know your thoughts! Good luck!