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Close to Xbox One in terms of power? Not impressed. By the time it comes out, PS4 will be in the middle of its life cycle. PS5 will probably be released in 2018 or, at most, 2019.

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The hell is that even supposed to be. That looks like something made by someone who doesn't actually know how game consoles work.
The hell is that even supposed to be. That looks like something made by someone who doesn't actually know how game consoles work.
Don't you see? The system is the controller, it has a d-pad and everything. Now we don't need to buy a separate controller if it breaks. We could just buy an entirely new system.

Seriously though, that is a horrible 'fake-design'.

With a big resident evil sale, does anyone want to do a PS3 gameshare of Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil Remake Zero? 

I'd be IN for a phantom of both. (Figure we could do one account for both games) Thoughts? Hope theres some interested parties.

Resident Evil Remake & Resident Evil Remake Zero (PS3) * Looks like $12 & $16 for the games total of $28 (or we can just fund the account $30 even and it would be $10 for resells and $5 for phantoms.

Resell #1 ($9.38) - 

Resell #2 ($9.38) - 

Phantom #1 ($4.62) - Rollobobo

Phantom #2 ($4.62) - 

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Hey Guys,

Glad to see this forum is still going strong. Having been away for a long time it is a welcoming sign to see this place to be active :D.
Now that i finally have some time to play I would like to get my hands on some of the games i were not able to play so if anyone has any of the game from the list be it a resell, timeshare, locked or a phantom account let me know either by a pm or here. Thank you!

Dark souls 3 (resell only)
Far cry primal
EDF 4.1
Neptunia VII
Dying light the following + the base game
Dark Chronicle
Rouge Galaxy
Just Cause 3
Beyond Two souls
Dragon quest heroes
Sword art online Lost song
Samurai warriors 4-2
AC Syndicate
Transformers Devastation
Mad max
One piece pirate warriors 3
Until dawn
Deception 4
Batman Arkham knight
Omega Quintet
Dragon ball xenoverse season pass
The order
killzone shadow fall

Hey Guys,

Glad to see this forum is still going strong. Having been away for a long time it is a welcoming sign to see this place to be active :D.
Now that i finally have some time to play I would like to get my hands on some of the games i were not able to play so if anyone has any of the game from the list be it a resell, timeshare, locked or a phantom account let me know either by a pm or here. Thank you!

Yeah Qdizzle has almost all those games for rent besides a few obscure jrpgs

With a big resident evil sale, does anyone want to do a PS3 gameshare of Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil Remake Zero?

I'd be IN for a phantom of both. (Figure we could do one account for both games) Thoughts? Hope theres some interested parties.

Resident Evil Remake & Resident Evil Remake Zero (PS3) * Looks like $12 & $16 for the games total of $28 (or we can just fund the account $30 even and it would be $10 for resells and $5 for phantoms.
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle will be better solution. I'm in.

1. Resell - JikiNova
2. Resell - JikiNova (or the "third phantom" - open)
3. Phantom - Rollobobo
4. Phantom - open

Timeshare. PS4
THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Heavy Rain + Beyond Two  Souls $3.50

Mortal Kombat XL $3.50

Guns,Gore & Cannolli $1

Alekhine's Gun $3.50

Farcry 4 +Season Pass $2


Next Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

The Division $3.50

Hitman $3.50

Last Week (PM To be added to be added to the queue)

Plants Vs Zombies 2 $3.50

Far Cry Primal $3.50

Walking Dead::Michonne $1

Digimon World Cyber Sleuth $3.50

Hitman Go $1

Click spoiler to see PS4 Library

Alien Isolation $1.50
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$2
Assassins Creed Chronicles (China Russia India)Trilogy $2.50
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50
Assassins Creed: Syndicate & Season Pass $3.50
Axiom Verge $1.50
Back To The Future:The Game $2
Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
The Banner Saga $2
Beyond Two Souls $3
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $2
Bloodborne +The Old Hunters $2.50
Blood Bowl 2 $2
Broken Age $2
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $1.50
COD Black Ops 3 + Season Pass $3.50
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2.50
Darksiders II Definitive Edition $3
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny & The Taken King $3
Dishonored: Definitive Edition $2.50
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance $3
Divinity $3
DMC Definitive Edition $2
Dog Child $1.50
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC$2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2
Dragon Quest Heroes $3.50
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light +The Following DLC $2.50
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $2.50
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2

Gravity Rush Remastered $3
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50
Farcry 4 $2
Fallout 4 + Season Pass $3.50
FIFA 16 $3.50

Firewatch $3
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2
Final Fantasy 7 $1.50
Game Of Thrones +Season Pass $1.50

Gemini: Heroes Reborn $2.50
Guantlet: Slayer Edition $2
Goat Simulator $1
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $1.50
Gone Home $2
GTA V $2
GTA Trilogy Pack $2
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50
iNFAMOUS Second Son $1.50
Just Cause 3 $3.50
Journey $1.50
Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1

Layers Of Fear $3
Legend of Korra $1.50

Lego Marvel's Avengers $3.50

Lego Hobbit $1.50
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Lego Jurassic World $3
Life is strange + Season Pass $1.50
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2
Mad Max $3
Magika 2 $1.50
Madden 16 $3
Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain $3.50
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Mega Man Legacy Collection $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
MLB 15 The Show $2
Mercenary Kings $1
Minecraft $1
Minecraft: Story Mode + Season Pass $1.50
N++ $1

Monopoly Plus $1

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Deluxe Edition $3.50
NBA 2K16 $3
NHL 15+16 $2.50
Need For Speed $3.50
NFS Rivals $1.50
Onechanabra Z2 $2
PVZ Garden Warfare $1
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 $3
Project Cars $2
Project Root $1
Rainbow Six Seige $3.50
Rayman Legends $1.50
Roundabout $1.50

Resident Evil Origins Collection $2
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2
Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishment $1.50
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition $3.50
Star Wars Classics $1

Street Fighter V $3.50
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Submerged $1.50
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1
Tales from the borderlands + Season Pass $0.50/day
Tales Of Zestira $3
Tearaway: Unfolded $2
Tembo the Badass Elephant $2
Tony Hawk Pro skater 5 $2.50
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50
Transformers Devastation$2
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Trine 3 $2
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2

Unravel $3
Until Dawn $3.50
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection $3
Trials Fusion & Season Pass $1

This War of Mine+Saturday Morning RPG $3
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2

The Witness $3.50
Wastelands 2 $2.50
The Witcher 3 + Season Pass $3
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 + WWE 2K16 $3
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Zombi $2

Phantoms Available.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth $8

Firewatch $6
Dying Light + The Following DLC $7
Lego Marvel's Avengers $8
Gemini: Heroes Reborn $5

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Selling Black Ops 2 phantom. It includes the first dlc map pack. It also has the dlc to black ops on the account.

Also selling a resale of Ghost dlc for Playstation 3.

Asking $4 each I guess there still worth that? Or both for $6
random question, but if I set the primary user to one that doesn't have ps+ will I still be able to play online? Another user on the ps4 does have ps+
Yes. Only need one user to be a member.

Joined the Master Race have ya? :)
Haha yeah for the time being, having a lot of fun with it.

PS3 resells
MGS HD Collection
MGS Revengeance
Tales of Xillia
Tomb Raider
Metro Last Light

Seperate accounts, take all -$10 obo

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Joined the Master Race have ya? :)
I might skip the PS4 entirely. Outside of Uncharted 4, there's nothing I want to play that's not also on Xbox One. Knowing that Uncharted 4 Remastered and any other decent PS4 exclusive will show up on PS5 doesn't help matters. Almost three years in, and I only want to play one game.

I might skip the PS4 entirely. Outside of Uncharted 4, there's nothing I want to play that's not also on Xbox One. Knowing that Uncharted 4 Remastered and any other decent PS4 exclusive will show up on PS5 doesn't help matters. Almost three years in, and I only want to play one game.
I went with both this generation but definitely won't next. To me the ps4 is light years ahead. I don't know one thing the xbox does even half as good as the ps4. I wanted the xbox because i wanted the exclusives, and while they've been good, I've yet to play one that even comes close. To just name one, Bloodborne just kills everything exclusive to the xbox one. Infamous, Until Dawn, Knack *hey I liked it, fuck what everyone else says!*... I haven't seen one xbox game I'd put in their class. *Except maybe Tomb Raider, but it isn't exactly gonna be exclusive much longer*

I might skip the PS4 entirely. Outside of Uncharted 4, there's nothing I want to play that's not also on Xbox One. Knowing that Uncharted 4 Remastered and any other decent PS4 exclusive will show up on PS5 doesn't help matters. Almost three years in, and I only want to play one game.
With Persona 5, Ratchet, Dragon Quest 11, Yakuza, the fact the last gaurdian is actually releasing, etc..

I dont know. PS4 is the place to go for both multiplatforms, and basically any exclusive that won't make it to any other platform. Ive owned all three consoles this gen, and the Xbox is the least used. The only game I really played last year on it was Halo 5. Not to mention the fact that Phil is currently talking about unifying both the xbox brand and the pc marketplace. Which is why certain exclusives to the console like Quantum Break are now heading to PC. This is obviously them trying to sell more copies of first party titles, since the console itself is under preforming.

I guess if you don't really have a capable PC, my argument doesn't really work.

But it's really up to you. Xbox is a culture, same with Playstation.

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Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle (PS3)

1. Resell - JikiNova
2. Resell - Open as "the third phantom"
3. Phantom - Rollobobo
4. Phantom - Amatsuri

The game has been purchased. PM for details and price.

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Still trying to clear out some old PS3 slots.

Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters - $3.00 resell / $1.50 phantom (3 open slots total)

Also have a PS3 (and PSP, if anyone wants to try that) slot available on my main account. (1-2 open slots)
Selling Black Ops 2 phantom. It includes the first dlc map pack. It also has the dlc to black ops on the account.

Also selling a resale of Ghost dlc for Playstation 3.

Price drop. $3 each or both for $5.
I went with both this generation but definitely won't next. To me the ps4 is light years ahead. I don't know one thing the xbox does even half as good as the ps4. I wanted the xbox because i wanted the exclusives, and while they've been good, I've yet to play one that even comes close. To just name one, Bloodborne just kills everything exclusive to the xbox one. Infamous, Until Dawn, Knack *hey I liked it, fuck what everyone else says!*... I haven't seen one xbox game I'd put in their class. *Except maybe Tomb Raider, but it isn't exactly gonna be exclusive much longer*
Previous MS employees have confessed that XBOX was created with the only goal of "killing" Playstation because MS was scared that Sony and Playstation were getting too "big".

This is one of the reasons why they killed the first Xbox so soon. PS2 was the "thing" and no one cared about XBOX, so they decided to kill it and start over with XBOX 360. Since they launched first and PS3 had an horrible start, they were happy with it, their plan to "destroy" Playstation was working. Thats why they extended Xbox360 to 8 years.

With Xbox ONE, things have gone back to PS2 days all over again. PS4 got so big they know they have no chance. Thats why they pretty much already pulled the plug on Xbox ONE and decided to release the few exclusives they had on PC too.

After the release of the new Nintendo console, i won't be surprised if they just kill Xbox ONE completely, start over and announce a new console.

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Previous MS employees have confessed that XBOX was created with the only goal of "killing" Playstation because MS was scared that Sony and Playstation were getting too "big".

This is one of the reasons why they killed the first Xbox so soon. PS2 was the "thing" and no one cared about XBOX, so they decided to kill it and start over with XBOX 360. Since they launched first and PS3 had an horrible start, they were happy with it, their plan to "destroy" Playstation was working. Thats why they extended Xbox360 to 8 years.

With Xbox ONE, things have gone back to PS2 days all over again. PS4 got so big they know they have no chance. Thats why they pretty much already pulled the plug on Xbox ONE and decided to release the few exclusives they had on PC too.

After the release of the new Nintendo console, i won't be surprised if they just kill Xbox ONE completely, start over and announce a new console.
Aside from the exclusives going to pc, another clear sign is the defeatist attitudes their executives have publicly these days. It started months ago when someone said that they're not competing with sony, and was just confirmed the other day when another executive said that any gamer who wanted to see one company fail wasn't a real gamer. Statements like these weren't made when the 360 was kicking the shit out of the ps3. The whole xbox one debacle began immediately: they planned it to work almost exactly how the rumors had the ps4 working, with the used game lock. If you look at the product as it was set up at the announcement, its almost exactly opposite now, from the always online requirement to the expressed necessity of the kinnect.

I'm admittedly very new to the xbox and the way they do things, but there's 2 gripes I have, and they're pretty noticeable: 1. The controllers are horrendous! I already had to swap one out because the right analog stick moved on its own and the d-pad was pretty unresponsive and the d-pad still works only when it wants to on my new one. Not to mention how fragile the thing feels! And #2, this one is a biggie, but for all the hype of having backwards compatibility, you cannot currently buy those games on the one. If you want to buy one of those games you have to do so on a 360 or on the website. And by the way, logging in to buy from the site, you cannot buy using wallet funds, you HAVE to use a credit card. I've never in my life seen a company make it so hard to spend money on their product!

Aside from the exclusives going to pc, another clear sign is the defeatist attitudes their executives have publicly these days. It started months ago when someone said that they're not competing with sony, and was just confirmed the other day when another executive said that any gamer who wanted to see one company fail wasn't a real gamer. Statements like these weren't made when the 360 was kicking the shit out of the ps3. The whole xbox one debacle began immediately: they planned it to work almost exactly how the rumors had the ps4 working, with the used game lock. If you look at the product as it was set up at the announcement, its almost exactly opposite now, from the always online requirement to the expressed necessity of the kinnect.

I'm admittedly very new to the xbox and the way they do things, but there's 2 gripes I have, and they're pretty noticeable: 1. The controllers are horrendous! I already had to swap one out because the right analog stick moved on its own and the d-pad was pretty unresponsive and the d-pad still works only when it wants to on my new one. Not to mention how fragile the thing feels! And #2, this one is a biggie, but for all the hype of having backwards compatibility, you cannot currently buy those games on the one. If you want to buy one of those games you have to do so on a 360 or on the website. And by the way, logging in to buy from the site, you cannot buy using wallet funds, you HAVE to use a credit card. I've never in my life seen a company make it so hard to spend money on their product!
Exactly, if people notice, theres many signs that they already gave up on Xbox ONE long ago. At this point, Phil Spencer is just annoying with the everyday fake "we love you all and want everyone to succeed". Just yesterday he said he wants PS VR to be a success and Uncharted 4 be a good game. The same day they announce Forza 6 for PC.

Yeah right, as if we don't know why they say/do all this now.

I went with both this generation but definitely won't next. To me the ps4 is light years ahead. I don't know one thing the xbox does even half as good as the ps4. I wanted the xbox because i wanted the exclusives, and while they've been good, I've yet to play one that even comes close. To just name one, Bloodborne just kills everything exclusive to the xbox one. Infamous, Until Dawn, Knack *hey I liked it, fuck what everyone else says!*... I haven't seen one xbox game I'd put in their class. *Except maybe Tomb Raider, but it isn't exactly gonna be exclusive much longer*
As an owner of both, I agree entirely. Xbone has rare replay, dead rising 3, and tomb raider, but not much else. Hardware and OS is inferior on the xbone.

Aside from the exclusives going to pc, another clear sign is the defeatist attitudes their executives have publicly these days. It started months ago when someone said that they're not competing with sony, and was just confirmed the other day when another executive said that any gamer who wanted to see one company fail wasn't a real gamer. Statements like these weren't made when the 360 was kicking the shit out of the ps3. The whole xbox one debacle began immediately: they planned it to work almost exactly how the rumors had the ps4 working, with the used game lock. If you look at the product as it was set up at the announcement, its almost exactly opposite now, from the always online requirement to the expressed necessity of the kinnect.

I'm admittedly very new to the xbox and the way they do things, but there's 2 gripes I have, and they're pretty noticeable: 1. The controllers are horrendous! I already had to swap one out because the right analog stick moved on its own and the d-pad was pretty unresponsive and the d-pad still works only when it wants to on my new one. Not to mention how fragile the thing feels! And #2, this one is a biggie, but for all the hype of having backwards compatibility, you cannot currently buy those games on the one. If you want to buy one of those games you have to do so on a 360 or on the website. And by the way, logging in to buy from the site, you cannot buy using wallet funds, you HAVE to use a credit card. I've never in my life seen a company make it so hard to spend money on their product!
Mageshadow font colour :

The March update brings this feature so your second problem is fixed. I dont have issues with the controller and i find the Xbox Dashboard to be a bit more engrossing than ps4.

Also as someone who has all consoles Xbox Live is the most stable. And their servers are more reliable than sony's. Phil Spencer is an actual gamer so it is fitting for him to expect those things he said. But i could be wrong on that one

Mageshadow font colour :
The March update brings this feature so your second problem is fixed. I dont have issues with the controller and i find the Xbox Dashboard to be a bit more engrossing than ps4.
Also as someone who has all consoles Xbox Live is the most stable. And their servers are more reliable than sony's. Phil Spencer is an actual gamer so it is fitting for him to expect those things he said. But i could be wrong on that one
I couldn't disagree more, I find the ps4 dashboard to be much easier. All you have to do is turn the ps4 on and everything is right there laid out for you. Whereas with the One it takes a little navigation to find your games/aps/achievements etc. Their store is a complete nightmare to navigate. I have yet to find the sales on their store, I always have to go to the website. Everything is completely different, and sometimes change is good, but in this case it's just a mess. I like their subscription service better than ps+ though, I've gotten more enjoyment out of the games with gold than I have in 3 years of ps4 free games. To each his own I guess but for years I heard how much better xbox live was overall than psn but I'm sorry, if this is what constitutes better, I must have a vastly different interpretation of what "better" is!

Yes, I did see the update allows you to buy the games on the console but my thing is, why was it not possible from day one? It would be like if the ps2 games that are compatible with ps4 would be listed on the ps4's store but when you try to buy, getting a message that says "Sorry, must own a ps2. Please purchase on computer!" *Which, by the way, is essentially what the xbox representative told me."
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Looking for Crypt of the Necrodancer timeshare/phantom/guest, would absolutely LOVE checking it out before buying in psn, is it really that much fun as ev1 says? :)

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I think more people will favor the PS4, especially in this thread, over the Xbox One.

I'm in that group myself... I own the PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One.
For Xbone:

Rare Replay

RE Revelations 2

Gears of War Ultimate

Sunset Overdrive

Rise of the Tomb Raider

HALO Master Chief Collection

For Wii U:

Yoshi's Woolly World

Super Mario 3D Worlds

Mario Kart 8

Bayonetta 2

Wind Waker HD

Mario Maker

New Super Mario Bros. U

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Super Smash Bros.

Hyrule Warriors

Pikmin 3

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Wonderful 101

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

For PS4:

MGS V: The Phantom Pain

Tearaway Unfolded

The Golf Club

The Last of Us Remastered

Madden 25

Skylanders: Swap Force

Rainbow Six Siege

Metro Redux



The Witcher 3

Heavy Rain

Beyond: Two Souls

Street Fighter V


Dying Light Enhanced: The Following

Asssassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Far Cry 4

Guitar Hero Live

FFX/X-2 Remastered

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

The Evil Within

Tomb Raider: Definitive

Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition

And a whackload of other digital titles....

Clearly I favor the PS4/Wii U over my Xbox One, although last generation was completely opposite where I loved my 360, but didn't really play as much on my PS3 or Wii.

My main issues with the Xbox One... I don't like the controller, I HATE the UI and storefront, and the system design just looks really blocky and old.

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I had some great times with the 360 but this sums up why I've always preferred PlayStation:

In 5 years we had to purchase 3 xbox 360's - all RROD

PS3 since December 2007 - still working

bread's done