Oh my I'd love to win either one!
cobaltD CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #652 It'd be awesome to win one of those games...lord knows I'm too cheap to buy it at full retail...
PDJ CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #653 Can't wait for South Park. Something I grew up with as a child, so it holds a special place in my heart. Thanks for the give away!
Can't wait for South Park. Something I grew up with as a child, so it holds a special place in my heart. Thanks for the give away!
W wreckerman1 CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #655 I wish they had a Xbox one version but I'll drag out my 360 for this, big South Park fan.
ZForce915 CAGiversary! Feedback 112 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #659 I'm super excited for South Park. Nobody else enter this contest!
Ciffy CAGiversary! Feedback 48 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #660 Yes please! Don't own a PS3 or 4, so south park for me!
C Coffeemmmgood CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #664 Infamous looks sick! Can't wait to finally play a good game based on south park too!
Erad30 CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #668 I have both pre-ordered, but both for free would be pretty damn awesome.
JohnWaffles CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #671 Both games look awesome, but I'm currently more excited for Infamous
NJMane CAGiversary! Feedback 118 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #672 Nice Contest, Cheapy! Looking forward to both games.
sevendayrevolution CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #674 Hi - gimme gimme gimme. Here's hoping, good luck all!
DillPickles CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #675 Stick of Truth for the Win! Infamous 2 will end up free on PS Plus at some point so no rush for that one.
Stick of Truth for the Win! Infamous 2 will end up free on PS Plus at some point so no rush for that one.
mrw423 CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #676 I am really looking forward to The Stick of Truth. It looks exactly like an episode of South Park. What more can I ask for??? I hope I win!
I am really looking forward to The Stick of Truth. It looks exactly like an episode of South Park. What more can I ask for??? I hope I win!
crazyivan19 CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #679 In for Infamous, but would definitely be thrilled to win either. Thanks for the contest!
D Dustwalker14 CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #683 Watched the trailer for south park, it looks pretty good. In for south park
djplasmid CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #684 So excited to play Stick of Truth! The Grand Wizard Edition looks sweet!
Emiroo CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #686 Another great CAG contest! I'd love to win South Park! Thanks for the hook up Cheapy!
budz CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #690 Thanks cheapy. I'd be so happy if I won either copy
J jgressley CAGiversary! Mar 1, 2014 #691 I would love to win one of these games. It's very cool to have the site working with Walmart for a promotion. Bring the savings, Walmart!
I would love to win one of these games. It's very cool to have the site working with Walmart for a promotion. Bring the savings, Walmart!
Misframed CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #693 I'm not a huge South Park fan but this game looks like it could be good!
youruglyclone CAGiversary! Feedback 110 (100%) Mar 1, 2014 #698 hoping SP turns out good unlike it's previous games.