I can't wait for South Park! I was going to watch the 13 minute footage, but shut it off a minute in. It was hilarious! I didn't want anything to get spoiled. I don't know how the gameplay is, but as long as the humor is there I'm happy! I've seen every South Park episode 8 times, except for the last season, I watched each episode twice, but it will change! I love the Hobbit episode!
Infamous has been really hyped, so I'm looking forward to it! I'm a huge comic fan! I really liked the first game. I platinumed it, and beat it four times. Infamous 2, I didn't even want to finish. I hated the story and characters, and the gameplay was so repetitive, with dumb AI. It was a waste of money. I hope they step they're game up. I'm worried about reviews, because of how high scores it got, when I thought it was lousy.