I'll be getting this game for sure... But, free is still better than cheap.
shajek CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,251 I'll be getting this game for sure... But, free is still better than cheap.
Ren_Echo CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,252 I used to play South Park on my N64, it would be nice to revist South Park again. Infamous looks good too.
I used to play South Park on my N64, it would be nice to revist South Park again. Infamous looks good too.
P poopmasterfunky CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,253 Totally got my eye on that South Park... looks pretty neat!
A AdamSmasher2000 CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,257 I can't wait for inFamous: Second Son and South Park Stick of Truth. March is going to be a great month. Thanks to CheapyD, Shipwrech and Wombat.
I can't wait for inFamous: Second Son and South Park Stick of Truth. March is going to be a great month. Thanks to CheapyD, Shipwrech and Wombat.
gambit116 CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,260 Won't be able to play Second Son but can't wait for South Park
even13flow CAGiversary! Feedback 52 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,262 I will enter, thank you very much for the opportunity
macontosh2000 CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,263 Would love to win either one of those!
C chich2300 CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,265 Great show, maybe Wombat should have a blue screen of death every week at the one hour point. Looking forward to South Park.
Great show, maybe Wombat should have a blue screen of death every week at the one hour point. Looking forward to South Park.
B black_hand313 CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,268 Would be so happy to win South Park! Looks hilarious so far and been hearing good buzz about it from people who have gotten to play it early!
Would be so happy to win South Park! Looks hilarious so far and been hearing good buzz about it from people who have gotten to play it early!
M maple CAG Veteran Feedback 1 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,275 This Looks pretty cool! I definitely would like to eneter
peruvian_001 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,277 Put me in for the South Park Collector's GRAND WIZARD
Brother Daz CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,278 would love that SP CE, make it happen Cheapy
ZxT Vendetta CAGiversary! Feedback 339 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,287 Can't wait for either of these games!
Ecto311 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,289 Entered. Thanks for the tweet reminder game looks awesome.
Izzyrocks CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,291 I can't believe how long it's taken for Stick Of Truth to come out!
Lord_Kefka CAGiversary! Feedback 39 (100%) Mar 3, 2014 #1,294 I'm in. South Park for a friend or Infamous for me.
200STM CAGiversary! Mar 3, 2014 #1,298 I am going to enter this by saying this; I was listening to sleepercar while playing south park race rally on nintendo 64.
I am going to enter this by saying this; I was listening to sleepercar while playing south park race rally on nintendo 64.