CAG Xbox 360 Street Fighter IV Tournament **over** congrats suko_32!


109 (100%)
The tournament will start 8pm Central time on Friday Feb. 27, 2009. This tournament will be a single elimination match with 99 secs per round, best 2 out of 3 rounds. No restrictions on characters or stages (unless some complain about lag).

-If you are interested in a one day match and have already posted your info in the CAG SFIV pre-registration thread. Please just post something like "I'm in".

-If you have not posted your info in the CAG SFIV pre-registration thread and are interested, please post your info here and I will update the the roster list.

-Can't make it Friday/prefer multi day tournament? Please post/read in the CAG SFIV pre-registration thread for more info.
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Here are your challengers

CAG Username `Live ID
Main Character
Anthony.Miller 9 'CRKFIEND

amusedtoe `ShineyBlueShoes
Cammy (might change)

kenshiro3rdstrike 'Godstance

gobz 'zinsbog

grndoom `grndoom

naiku `naiku

PhilESkyline 'PhilESkyline

Pure Apathy `Pure Apathy

Purple Flames `Purple Flames

Ronin317 `Ronin317

SmallWind `Z3R0 GaME
Cammy (or Rose)

Soodmeg `soodmeg

striker199 `sTRIKER1999
Sakura or Ryu

suko_32 `suko32

TheRock88 `x TheRock88 x

TruVisionary 'Deviltongue

y2jedi `y2jedi

ZerotypeX `ZerotypeX

Brackets Up!

The winner of this tourney is suko_32, congrats
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[quote name='mike.m']8 central is 6 pst? Thats probably too early for me on a Friday. Oh well[/quote]

If we can all agree on a time, I'm sure most people won't mind the change.

What time is good for you?
I'm in. Friday is good.

P.S. If I lose a match one of the following happened:
1) Lag
2) Controller Disconnected
3) OMG HAX!!
4) Internets shut down
I am in I guess..9 PM on a friday though?

Ummmmm, that video is hilarious. All that for a damn racer and Fred Savage? How I miss you.
Doesn't matter much to me.

Sunday - Wednesday I am booked @ the MGM so I wont be able to play then. Friday is all good.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Um.. 8 Central is 9 Eastern. That's pushing it for a Friday..[/quote]

I'm probably not home until around 8pm PST on a Friday. Just kind of tough night for me because I get off work, then go pick up my kids.
Oh believe me, I understand. People have lives.. I'm usually not home on Friday nights though.

EDIT: Actually, I just realized. I wouldn't be able to make a 9pmEST Friday tournament anyways.
Just realized that Killzone 2 comes out Friday and COD4 will be doing double XP for the weekend. Very bad timing to have a tournament now :bomb:. Oh well, to thsoe that can make it, thanks! Not the turn out I was hoping for, but the show must go on.

So far, we have 5 participants in the 360 tourney with...
and myself

I would say this tournament should take about an hour if everything goes smoothly. Hopefully the next tournament date will be at a more convenient time for everyone.

Just also wanted to let the people that can not make it and still want to participate in a tourney, there will be one on Saturday, but it will be multi-day.
Please add me to the bracket's I would love to be in the single day tournament!

Anthony.Miller 9 XBL TAG: CRKFIEND
Main Dude = Ryu
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[quote name='ZerotypeX']so far....

and myself[/quote]

You forgot me PhilESkyline
Any prizes for the winner? I held an UMK 3 tourny when it came out on Live and gave away 1600 points. Just a thought. I would like but I can't make the 6 PM PST time.
[quote name='PhrostByte']If there's a decent prize I'll just skip jiu-jitsu and play in the tournament. :D[/quote]

A bag of curry chips from Japan. :p
Shit, I have to drop out some other stuff came up. might want to think about changing the time and day. 9pm on a Friday is just hard to do.
brackets will be out tomorrow afternoon just to make sure I will be able to add everyone in that wants to compete.

and myself

any other takers....
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Shit, I might be back in. Found out that what I have to due ends at around 8.

Will you easily be able to replace me if I dont show? I dont want to mess anything up for you guys but I actually think I will be able to make it at 9 est.

Dont worry about subs in the bracket just give the person they are matched up against a first round bye if they are a no show. Makes shit easy imo.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']I'm in for Friday and I'll be using Blanka.[/quote]

[quote name='Soodmeg']Shit, I might be back in. Found out that what I have to due ends at around 8.

Will you easily be able to replace me if I dont show? I dont want to mess anything up for you guys but I actually think I will be able to make it at 9 est.[/quote]
I'll add you in just in case. If you can't make it, we'll figure something out.

[quote name='suko_32']I'd like to be in the one day match if still possible.[/quote]

[quote name='striker199']Will try me best to log on for a few matches, any set time?[/quote]
Added you. 360 tourney starts at 8om Central

[quote name='kenshiro3rdstrike']I'll try my best to make it as well.

GT: Godstance[/quote]
added you

Here's the 360 bracket

Good luck to all!

Spots are still open, just don't pm/post in this thread 10 min before the start of the tournament.

If everyone can enter this chatroom while in the tourney. It would be easier to communicate with everyone there than posting in this forum and it will hopefully make the tourney quicker so you guys can do other things tonight.

Please identify yourself as your CAG username on there please.
Sweet I just have to win two rounds and I'll get a bye to the finals! :lol: Won't help that I could potentially have to face two Blankas and I have fought all of zero so far outside arcade.
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[quote name='grndoom']I'm a bit confused, but I'm going against naiku right? The names above the boxes confuse me.[/quote]

Sorry for the confusion. You will be facing Soodmeg
bread's done