Hey guys, just a couple of topics that you might be interested in discussing in this week's Cagcast, both having to do with COD: Black Ops.
First of all, how do you guys feel about consumers not giving a shit about the Activision/Infinity Ward debacle? Can the gaming press finally stop treating Treyarch like they're Activision's redheaded stepchild? Black Ops' first day sales exceeded Modern Warfare 2 by almost a million units. It seems the impact of review scores and the opinions of the gaming journalist is much less than the blog communities would like to think.
I was also wondering, did you read the comments from the Cuban government on Black Ops? I'm not sure if you'll find this interesting, but it certainly caused me to do some thinking about Treyarch's intentions. In case you haven't played the game, maybe you should skip over my next few sentences. In the game, in a rewrite of history, you assassinate Castro. It just didn't occur to me that this is a man who is still alive and the leader of their country. It would be the equivalent of having a mission focus on assassinating President Obama.
And probably the worst part is that the mission isn't treated like the "No Russian" airport scene from MW2, it's just another "ra ra", chest pounding, "let's get him" style mission. I guess when you're dealing with actual history you risk offending some people, but creating an artificial history where you murder a very much current political figure seems a bit much. I really don't care, I'm not easily offended. It just seems it wasn't designed to make some sort of heavy handed political statement, but instead was just an oversight. I'd love to hear your thoughts on all of this, love the show!