CAGcast #191: Motion Fighters

I think you guys should have a more regular "spoiler discussions" about games like you had in the previous show. That would probably mean more than one of you would have to play through the same game, so that might be a rare occurance though. Maybe Cheapy and Wombat can prerecord drop-ins like "uh-huh. yeah. I hated that part too." while Ship delves into the plot intricacies of the latest Southpeak opus.

Or you could just make such episodes into stand-alone minipodcasts to increase the traffic on your feeds.
Great show as always

I wish you could arrange more instant reactions to the dumb shit that gets announced. The Sony movement instant reaction was hilarious.

It would be rally cool if you could hook yourselves up to some mikes at the press conferences during E3. That would be comedy gold I tell ya!
Is anyone else starting to wonder whether Frisky Tanuki is actually wombat?

I've got nothing against Frisky, but his questions and comments are starting to get more air time than Wombat's....and there is no way Wombat would let that happen unless Frisky actually was Wombat.
I like the fact that Shipwreck has become a part of the podcast; I think that he has really good opinions. Plus, you need someone to counteract Wombat. Podcast is great, though I wish you would spend less time talking about personal problems.
Wombat, I have similar feelings to the guy who wrote in and said he has been getting annoyed with you lately. But, in this episode you were actually bearable, so keep doing whatever you did.
I'm a first time listener to the CAGcast and I've got to say you guys did a great job. I just put it in the background while I did some things that needed to get done. I can't tell Wombat or Shipwreck apart yet by voice for some reason. Kept getting confused by them, but one of them had me laughing right at the beginning. Awooga, huh? I'll finish watching it later on. Got to the DRM Attack and have to go now.
Enjoyed the show -- agree that PS Move is yet another fucking horrible idea, and very indicative of the cheesy direction the gaming industry is going. If this keeps up, I'm going to ditch gaming and raise bees instead.

As for negatives, definitely feel that game commentary is too light at times, and that more focus (at least some of the time) would result in a better show.
Long time listener, first time poster. Great show as always guys. The Cheapyd, Wombat and Shripwreck combo seems to be developing well. :)

I agree with your feelings about motion control but I guess it's a good example of the hardware manufacturers being reactive. Not just to Nintendo but to the publishers too. No doubt the big guys (Acti/EA etc) were putting pressure on MS and Sony to do something similar in the control department due to profits being made on shitty party games on the Wii.

This has obviously led MS and Sony to spend a lot of money and time developing their own solution but it's too little too late. The irony of this situation is that the publishers have already moved on! I think this quote from Alan Tascan of EA Montreal is very telling....

"The Wii market is a little bit unpredictable these days. We're going to see how Christmas is going to do and while with the Wii we have had very successful titles, we are going to focus on big, blockbuster-type titles. It doesn't mean that we are going to abandon the Wii, but as a studio we want to be ready for new challenges, I feel right now our label wants to focus on fewer and bigger things, and the market is going through this soft transition where people want these very high value productions on one side, which is our specialty within the games label, but also this casual, but high quality, product that they can play quickly, of which mobile is one part and Playfish is another. We're just trying to adapt to the reality of today. I think the market is showing that if you don't adapt fast enough then you'll be in trouble."

I think MW2 was a real wake up call for the industry and highlighted just how much cold hard cash well planned, produced and executed AAA titles can make. Mass Effect 2 in January of all months has also backed this up. This is all obviously a big problem for MS as Sony. The hardcore gamers don't give a shit, the casual gamers don't want to spend more than a couple of bucks, and now it seems the publishers aren't that bothered!

It'll be very interesting to see how all this pans out.

Keep up the great work! Love the show! :bouncy:

P.S. Wombat, nothing personal as I love your insights, but lay off Cheapy for answering questions he's already answered before. Opinions, circumstances and listenership all change from time to time and I don't think 'find the old show where we talked about it before' is particularly helpful advice. I've listened from the start and it doesn't bother me as I recognise that new CAGs must be coming on board all the time. On a positive note, well done for inventing Batman AA and good luck at PAX east! Oh, and if you could find some time to invent a new Space Combat game that would be great too.... :)
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Good podcast, don't make this your last podcast wombat ;). I also agree the playstation move seems pretty useless and the lackluster game titles sure don't make it feel like it has any worth...
I agree that it is nice when games are just fun sometimes. Saints Row is one game you mentioned, and it would be nice if more games were like that. I think Crackdown 2 will fill that for me soon enough.
First time in a long timE i listened to the CAGcast. Shipwreck is a nice addition to the podcast. Cag foreplay was dull IMO. Everything was good. Cheapyd's personal stories were good as usual. Wombats conservative dialecte was there as usual and this pessesmestic ness never goes to waste on me. Good show. :)
One of my favorite things about the CAGcast is that you all have attitudes of "I don't care what other people think honesty." Like CheapyD's talk about how Tim Rodgers is really strange. People just don't talk about others in the industry with that kind of honestly that often. Definitely keep it up.
I know this may well fall under the heading of "don't encourage him," but I actually like Wombat's uber-sardonic turn of late. Let's face it, having Shipwreck as a regular host has brought some new positivity to the show, and I think Wombat's just trying to help keep the cosmic balance.

As you touched on in your Sony BM discussion, the CAGcast is one of the few places we gamers can come to hear some well-warranted piss and vinegar regarded the industry's missteps. As horrible as it may sound, I think we all sort of depend on you to be the necessary voice of negativity (or, at the very least, skepticism) in an community that treads lightly around the obviously inane.

Great show, guys!
Good show overall, I enjoy the shows a lot more when everyone seems to be getting along. Thanks for the contest of winning a wish list game (I did), it's generous for sure. The show was a little more mellow than usual, but that isn't necessarily bad. Keep up the good work on the show, it really helps getting through a work day.
Another great show as always! The Cagcast always helps to keep me sane for at least about 2 hours of my work week. Keep up the good work!
Yet another gonzo show from the 3 stooges! Wombat needs to stay on the show, he adds so much sarcasm and foolishness. Also, it's a great idea if they all played the same game/demo each week so they could all give an opinion, not just hearing an opinion/side from one of them...usually Boatcrash with the insane amounts of games he's able to play. Me jealous. BTW, Chime is a kickass game, the music doesn't suck, Wombat does!! LOL. Can't wait for #192.
Ok so in regards to your orders placed on
I thought that if a company advertises an item for sale they have to sell it for that price. They cant just say oh we made a mistake and cancel everyones orders. Yea it was nice that they put $25 dollars in your account, but I am guessing many people are still pretty upset about that.
Man why all the hate on Wombat? I like the 'bat ,he adds to the overall greatness of the CAGcast...........I would so buy a Wombat plush If there were such a thing ,heck I'd even get the set(Wombat and CheapyD.....I don't know about the Shipwreck plush yet,maybe if it came with a little boatcrash figurine I'd think about it) .......Oh and the CheapyD plush would be sold wearing a Big Ass Chain.
Cheapy you shouldn't take the CAG villain thing personally you just have the most recognizable name on the list. I voted for Wombat myself, not because i think he is villain (i actually like him) but because i would of found it funny if he won.
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Good show guys.

And what's odd is Amazon sent me one of those emails saying i'd get a 25 dollar credit, but they didn't.

Granted, i only ordered the one omnibus and it shipped, but just thought it was odd. Got my hopes up.
Good show guys. I can't wait to hear your enthusiastic coverage of this year's motion control filled E3.

Speaking of E3, since the three of you are going to be there this time, I hope you plan on having a CAG meetup somewhere in LA.

I won't be at E3, but I would go hang out somewhere after the show.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea... I knew that which made Wombats rant really obnoxious. Please don't rant about something you don't know Wombat. Meaning don't rant anymore.

And talking about ranting about stuff you don't know; Motion Fighters is not the name of the final game...[/QUOTE]

lmao amen brother. he does that alot it seems but that rant on batteries was a bit much. even if it did use batteries so what buy rechargable ones. even with that proven i bet he will find something else to complain about.
Great Cast fellows. Your gaming news continues to make me a fan. Looking forward to the next cast. Wombat the world loves ya.
I completely understand why everyone is so pessimistic about the motion control stuff, given that the Wii is such a huge disappointment to most serious gamers.

But I'm willing to hold out the tiniest bit of hope that Sony Bowel Movement and Microsoft Shitbox won't completely suck. Motion control isn't a fatally flawed concept, it just hasn't been executed properly yet.

And even if the BM/Shitbox turns out to be just an HD Wii, I could see myself being mildly enthusiastic about that. It would be nice to have some games on the 360 that girlfriends, parents and other non-gamers could enjoy with me.

So, I'll cling to the one in a million possibility that motion control isn't a terrible idea, at least until I see some of these games in action.
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I have no problem with the blasting of BM and Shitbox. I already have a nintendo wii sitting in my entertainment center I never turn on.

I am not going to sugar coat this, I am lazy. I play games to be lazy, I do enough exercise at work. I play games to relax. Give me a controller and that's it. Let me say that there is NOTHING that will make me buy Shitbox or BM. The only way it will ever happen is if my systems break and it comes with the next one i buy. The same goes for 3D television/3D games. I will NEVER buy this as a separate add-on.

I can see the day where you have friends over to play your 3D version of Madden 2013 (Shitbox Edition) four people sitting around a television with the glasses on and waving arms around like idiots and accidentally punching each other. Get the class action lawsuit ready lawyers !

(P.S. I would pay to see Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck playing 3D Shitbox enabled version of Black College Football experience.)
I really enjoyed this show. All of the talk about the Tokyo Tower and then Shipwreck's FAQs about Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball (and Wombat in general, big fan). Keep up the good work guys. I really like the trio podcasts =)
guys, please stop reading the wombat hate mail! all this hearing about how whiny and annoying wombat is is getting to me! i actually like wombat so dont make me hate him too!

and actually, im pretty interested in the playstation move! it looks like fun, especially for those of us without wiis!
Just wondering if Cheapy's apartment became "Luxury" after installing the $1,000 cabinets....good show and it was enjoyable. Did not read any posts but you guys forgot to mention Socom 4 using the BM, but I agree its a waste...
great show this week I listen to you guys all the time and enjoy you guys every week is nice to listen to some people that are honest about what they like and not have to worry about the newest pr machine , I really enjoy the add on with shipwreck or as wombat calls him boat crash hehheheheh that always makes me laugh. And yes sadly im only comenting cause your bribing me , hehehehehhe thanks again for a great show and website keep up the great work and no wombat you dont complain that much if i could free games i would 2 little boys are money suckers
great show guys

I really like the new idea of all three of you having a long discussion about a game. I just have to catch up on these games so I can listen to the discussion.
bread's done