CAGcast #193: Horse & Bucket

Anyone spot this "contest" that ship and cheapy were talking about? It was supposed to be posted around 11 eastern right?
[quote name='HarassmentPanda']I've been listening to the CAGcast since the beginning and I just want to say that the show is finally living up to its name: Wombat is cheap, CheapyD is an ass, and Shipwreck is a gamer. Way to finally round out the cast! Keep up the good work.[/QUOTE]:lol: That's really funny.
[quote name='banodyne']Whoa! Wombat got comic book info wrong. Captain America is the conservative one and Iron Man is the liberal? It's the other way around. This was pointed out most in the big "Civil War" event where Cap defended individual rights while Iron Man was on the side of big business/big government. In "Operation Galactic Storm" Cap believed heroes shouldn't kill while Tony argued otherwise. Now if you wanted to say Captain America was old fashioned while Tony was more modern in these Fox News times that's true to their characters since Cap was a WWII guy frozen in time until the modern era and Iron Man is a futurist.[/QUOTE]

I meant what I said, I always precieved Cap as a republican, and Stark as more of a hippy. That's what made civil war so shocking.
[quote name='banodyne']Whoa! Wombat got comic book info wrong. Captain America is the conservative one and Iron Man is the liberal? It's the other way around. This was pointed out most in the big "Civil War" event where Cap defended individual rights while Iron Man was on the side of big business/big government. In "Operation Galactic Storm" Cap believed heroes shouldn't kill while Tony argued otherwise. Now if you wanted to say Captain America was old fashioned while Tony was more modern in these Fox News times that's true to their characters since Cap was a WWII guy frozen in time until the modern era and Iron Man is a futurist.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this as well. At the very least, Cap is more of a libertarian, not the Republican that exists today.

Also, apparently SOME people are interested in Gamecrush:
Do you guys know you mention Shipwreck's girls basketball team each week. I know it is funny but give it a rest for a few months. I'm sure Shipwreck gives his girls a rest every now and then.
Hey Cheapy, If your looking for a great iPhone/ipod touch game, check out "Swords and Poker". I think you'll like it, and there's a free lite version to try if you want.
I loved the segue that cheapy used about taking a shit in a bucket to that being the only bathroom source at the sex hotel. I also have been enjoying Just Cause 2. It's definitely gonna tide me over until Crackdown 2 comes out.
Where are the new CAgcast logos they were talking about? Didnt even know we could vote on em.
Good show! Just finished listening to it a second time and I gotta admit, I wasn't planning on playing Metro 2033, but the big discussion at the end of the show really makes me want to play it! Thanks a lot, Cheapy and Ship!

I think I would've really liked it if Wombat had stayed up and thrown random comments in about it, though. :D

EDIT: Also, I really agree with Wombat on Cap and Iron Man's political standings. I've been a serious collector and reader all my life and I've always thought of them that way.
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Cheapy, any idea why they blur the no-no parts in Japanese porn, yet it's apparently kosher (and sexy?) for a dude to take a dump on a girl's face? Is the latter a common form of foreplay? Just trying to keep the cagcast classy!
I don't know if you guys were drunk or high or just in a really good mood but the energy in this weeks show was awesome and really made this show stand out in quality over the usual shows, the high energy throughout the entire show made this episode a pleasure to listen to for every last second. Whatever you did, keep doing it!

Also, i like it when you guys go for some profanity, I cant say why but it adds a certain something, maybe it's because you don't normally curse during the show. This show reminded me of a couple of really good shows you had around #122 (Double Dragon's). Truly, this is the age of great Cagcasts, and cagcast, cagcast never changes, or has cagcast changed? whatever enough rambling.

Great job to the three of you!

[quote name='volt1up']Am I the only one who's bothered when Cheapy and Shipwreck say nu-cu-lar?[/QUOTE]
No, it bugs me too. When previous episodes have Wombat and Cheapy discussing how retarded GWB is... maybe the people on the show shouldn't pronounce things the way he did when they busted his nuts for doing so. Not too big a deal, just thought that was ironic.
Brady Bunch movies and Harvey Birdman, really? This is where you reference Gary Cole, Wombat? You just need to say "The boss in Office Space," or simply "Lumbergh." If that doesn't get an immediate "Ooooooh" then you simply stop talking to that person.

Anyhoo, has anyone gotten a copy of Yakuza 3? I've seen empty spots on store shelves, but no real evidence of its existance. I had ordered one from the ToysRUs website two weeks ago and they finally sent me an email saying it shipped on tuesday, just seven hours after sending me an apology email for its unexpected and indefinite delay.

So where's the Just Cause swag contest? My fiance would make me wear that shirt.

And great job with the spoiler talk. It made me rush out and rent the game. Gonna try it out as soon as I stop typing all this. Love to have this a regular feature on the 'cast!

Terrific show, guys!
I dont know if this has been mentioned yet, if it has oh well.

Wombat if you want to play the ME2 firewalker missions with your original character, go to the load screen on the main menu there should be an option i think on the bottom of the screen to load a previous character.

An Shipwreck I kinda disagree with you on your opinions of how Bioware handled ME2 DLC. You said that they should have released the new content sooner, you do realize that the games only been out for 2 months, and it's free (if you have Cerebus)! When was the last time Microsoft released DLC content for a newer hit game and didnt charge for it? If there is anything to complain about its about the mission themself, but even that is hard because again, its free.

But i do agree that charging for 3 new costumes is completely obsurd!
You guys need to have Wombat/anybody sing the theme song during the GoDaddy advertisement every week. That was awesome. Especially considering that GoDaddy is a tough ad to pitch, since it's such a Shaq-fu-ing boring subject.
[quote name='colt4by5']I think calling the team his "harem" may make a few parents a bit uncomfortable ;).[/QUOTE]

I think it was used in a facetious manner, but who knows with Ship.

Also, as I just noticed this, it seems ironic offering your opinion in the matter with an avatar that states, "I love cock."

It made me lol.
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[quote name='colt4by5']Crashboat (see what I did there), I'm not sure how much longer you're going to be a girls basketball coach if you guys keep up with the sexual innuendos about young girls... especially living in Cincinnati of all places![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'd take this comment to heart. While the comments are all really funny, it's easy to imagine some parent hearing about it and flying off the handle. :/

On a lighter note: Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah. I'm going to have that stuck in my head for quite a while...
[quote name='bgame2']Anyone spot this "contest" that ship and cheapy were talking about? It was supposed to be posted around 11 eastern right?[/QUOTE]

Also came here for the contest.
Oh god, I forgot about the Little Spanish Flea during the godaddy commercial. I was listening while at work and had to keep pausing because I was laughing so hard.
[quote name='basston3s']I think it was used in a facetious manner, but who knows with Ship.

Also, as I just noticed this, it seems ironic offering your opinion in the matter with an avatar that states, "I love cock."

It made me lol.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, I agree it was facetious and I laugh at the jokes. Ship's obviously a stand-up guy, but there are some straight-laced parents out there who like to blow this stuff way out of proportion. It's one of those situations where the comments taken out of context could look worse than they were. What the F do I know though.
great show guys.
i can't believe that someone actually came up with game crush. i have to agree with cheapy though. watching porn instead of this service is hella cheaper and better.
Wombat definitely needs to continue humming during the GoDaddy bits. The pure hilarity of it made me listen to that part again.

And the pronunciation of nuclear by Cheapy was annoying. Not sure why this stuck out so much to me, it just did.
[quote name='itachiitachi']I'm surprised no one has mentioned that there is already a 3d game out for the DSi[/QUOTE]

Yeah if the tech is similar to this for the 3DS it could be pretty interesting in my opinion. Paper Mario is the first game that comes to mind :)

Great show guys.
Hey guys, the lead designer of the game is the same guy who led the Rainbow Six Vegas series. I welcome the removal of the complete stealth gameplay. I want to use guns to kill people, not play hide and seek for 10-15 hours. To each his own, but I liked the new gameplay mechanics, and look forward to the full game come mid April.
Excellent show. So glad Shipwreck seems to be an official member of the CAGcast crew now. I was sort of waning on the show until you brought him on board. Let's face it, you guys are great, but Ship has the facts.
I gotta say CheapyD, of all the podcasts I listen to (gaming wise), ur the first that shamelessly and openly talks about gettin' some from the wifey (when it happens, like ur Iphone App and knockin two positions outta the way).
Even if Microsoft comes out with the 360 slim they could use the same HDD but rather than plugging it in the side you can maybe plug it into the top of the 360 slim. Who knows but just a thought.
Eye of judgment is awesome. I love the psp version. There is a lot more strategy to EOJ than "tic-tac-toe with monsters" as boatcrash says.
After listening to this i downloaded Game Room. After getting 75 gamerscore in about 5mins I decided to try some of the games that I remember playing. Wow are some of them GOD awful! I wouldn't pay $3 or $5 for any of that crap. I should have just listened to what you guys said about it and never even downloaded it and wasted the space on my 250GB hard drive.
I have to agree with you guys in regards to the Game Room. Its a good idea but the games need to be a bit newer, as shipwreck said. Some 8-bit or 16-bit games would actually get me to pay for some of them but currently its just a waste of HDD space. Another great show for my drive home.

PS, I totally agree with you Shipwreck. All other skittles flavors are terrible besides the original and it always seems like those flavors are the only fucking flavors in the vending machines :bomb::bomb::bomb:.
Another quality episode. Lots of recent praise has been lauded onto Ship (who is great on the show) but I still think you guys, Cheapy and Wombat, bring just as much as ever to the Cagcast. In fact, Cheapy, my fiance thinks you have a sexy voice and it's the only reason she lets me listen without headphones :lol:

Oh and lmao @ Cheapy wanting to find a bucket at the beginning.
Another great show guys. I also really enjoyed my time with Metro 2033. My favorite shooter of all time is Half-Life 2, and the whole atmospheric vibe Metro gives off really reminds me of that game in a lot of ways.

Also Shipwreck's avatar on the CAGcast logo should just be an exploding boat in between Cheapy and Wombat.
Great show, once again. Though I am glad Shipwreck is a permanent fixture, I miss listening to the CAG Foreplay show with Mrs. Shipwreck. Hopefully, she'll make an appearance sometime.
bread's done