Let's take a look at the ranking of jokes in the CAGcast
1. Large poop jokes
2. Jokes about Cheapyd's small penis
3. Male sodomy jokes.
4. Jokes about Shipwrecks donkey schlong
5. Dildo Jokes
6. Masturbating/Semen Jokes
79. Vagina jokes
Now I am tired of the FANBOY-ISM that goes on during this podcast. That's right. You heard me. FANBOYS. I am of course talking about the insane amount of penis and anus jokes that go on during the cast, but never many vagina jokes. (I think the last one was what is now known as "The War of the Vagina Clown.")
I am tired of you boosting the stats of what is obviously the worst parts of the body (the sooner people learn this, the better). People don't even have penis's outside the US. What's that tell you? Maybe the poopy company is trying to buy credibility. These three anus lovers are laughing their way to the bank.
I'm just stating the obvious. I'm tired of the fankids talking negatively to me because I criticize their penis jokes.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a fanboy (I own both a penis and a vagina, along with an anus). But look. 20% of the jokes are about sex PERIPHERALS. Those aren't even human.
I don't care. Ban me. Whatever, you kids can't even prove to me that I'm wrong. Prove to me that the penis is better than a vagina. Do it, you children (It makes myself feel better if I call you children, because those are the only people I can make sense to.)
Let's look at other websites numbers....
Google.com search for the word "vagina" - 1,234,546,235 hits
"for the word "penis" - 7 hits
Obviously you are not allowed to have your own opinion on anything. You must be like everyone else, and like what everyone else does. Stop trying to be yourself RIGHT NOW!
F'ing children...
P.S This is a satire of this thread (
http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=257462 ) mentioned on the CAGcast. Don't take this seriously, please.
P.S.S I made up these numbers, and I don't have both a penis and a vagina. If I did, I would definately not have my hands on the keyboard right now.