CAGcast #217: F*cking Adorable

"Suck the meat off of a chicken bone"?!? hhahaha. Fantastic, you can almost hear the regret tailing that statement as it came out of his mouth. Wombat you are always hilarious.
Has Shipwreck informed the Mrs. about his male masseuse fetish? You never know, she might be game to spice up the bedroom activities once in a while. Just remember: It's only gay if you look him in the eye.
I disagree with your opinions, you guys are nothing but fanboys :lol:

Seriously though, good show. You had me laughing out loud on my ride to work a couple of times. The only thing I disagree with is the batteries in the PS3 controller. That seems like a step backwards. I'm not sure what the battery life is, but you would probably be good if you just plugged it in every time you finish playing. I have two for multiplayer games, so I just switch between the two when one runs out.
I'm a little surprised at how unexcited cheapy and shipwreck seem over Fable 3 considering Fable 2 was I believe their best game they played of the year award from a couple years back. I figure they would be anxious to get their hands on it.
awesome episode really enjoyed it you guys where so F**king Adorable. Especially you shipwreck learning how to use cheapy toliet guess tai is not the only one who potty training.Sort of surprise you guys gave xbox 360 mostly 5 especially with the whole RROD & auto renwal problem, I guess you guys have never had any problems with the 360. I wish you guys talk more about red dead dlc some more & costume quest, i don't know if i should buy it. regards to the escalators in Japanese department stores and escaping during a fire, they often have very large and wide stairwells, usually in the back...I generally seek them out when I'm leaving because they are usually completely empty and you can go down them much faster than the escalators....Esp in stores like Takashimaya times square, which might be 14 stories tall, and it can take a long time to get out the building via the escalators.
I'm posting to win a copy of Vanquish ... I need something to play while waiting for them to patch Fallout New Vegas so that the touted "consequences of my actions" are not corrupted and unusable save files
Great to have the show back! I was delighted to hear you all enjoyed Rock Band 3, I've been holding off on getting it but this episode helped me decide. Rock Band is a great game the whole family can enjoy together. One other thing, please don't encourage Wombat to be funny. He tries too hard already.
I agree with Shipwreck about game journalists wanting to hate games. A lot of them focus on the bad parts of games a little too much. I like games, I want to hear why the game is fun and I can overlook jank if the game is a fun experience. I have a feeling journalists are going to tear apart Black Ops.
Hey, all y'all folks complaining about Wombat complaining about Shinji Mikami's janky games, he spent a good twenty complaining about how janky Fallout is. It's all personal preference, okay. Geeze.

Also, 1 for the Wii! Come on guys, you're breaking my heart.
What fun would it be to discuss a game if it didnt have glitches or issues? Then we get patches to fix one portion only to have something else break. Oh Boy!!!
Another good show. I definitely feel like Black Ops is going to at minimum score below a 90 on metacritic by default regardless of whether or not it's a better game then MW 2.

World at War was up the standard that Modern Warfare offered and was even better in some regards. But WaW wasn't really treated to anywhere near the same level of critical acclaim because it was made by Treyarch who many journalists still unfairly consider to be a second class dev.
In my opinion the Ps3 is a better console than the 360. There are more quality exclusives on the ps3, such as MLB the show, uncharted, god of war, etc. But the main reason you guys forgot to mention is that the ps3 can be your main entertainment hub. It sounds like you guys use your ps3 only for gaming, but I use my ps3 to watch tv on the play on media server, watch blue rays, surf the net, to display pics and videos to friends and family when they visit, to play movies off a USB drive and of course play games. I am sure there are plenty of people out there like me.

Since launch I've had 2 360s and while I do like it, there are a few thing that drive me crazy about the 360. I hate having to find batteries for the controller, unlike cheapy, I don't have an endless AA battery supply. I hate the interface, and the avatars. I hate the nickel and diming for wireless adapters, hard drives, online, etc. The only thing 360 has in it's favor is that our friends are on live, and people always go where there friends are.
Thanks for another great show. I can say I look forward to listening to you guys every week, which is the only podcast I listen to.

Shipwreck, thanks for the tip on Alundra. Any possibility of a retro game recommendation every other week or so? It doesn't necessarily need to have been released on one of the game download services.

Thanks guys
Good show guys. Totally agree about Game Dev Story. The only problem with it is that it's so hard to put down you'll finish it really quickly. I wish you guys had talked a little more about Ship's Japan trip though. Otherwise, good show overall.
Great show guys. Welcome back, Shipwreck.

[quote name='casamh']In my opinion the Ps3 is a better console than the 360. There are more quality exclusives on the ps3, such as MLB the show, uncharted, god of war, etc. But the main reason you guys forgot to mention is that the ps3 can be your main entertainment hub. It sounds like you guys use your ps3 only for gaming, but I use my ps3 to watch tv on the play on media server, watch blue rays, surf the net, to display pics and videos to friends and family when they visit, to play movies off a USB drive and of course play games. I am sure there are plenty of people out there like me.

Since launch I've had 2 360s and while I do like it, there are a few thing that drive me crazy about the 360. I hate having to find batteries for the controller, unlike cheapy, I don't have an endless AA battery supply. I hate the interface, and the avatars. I hate the nickel and diming for wireless adapters, hard drives, online, etc. The only thing 360 has in it's favor is that our friends are on live, and people always go where there friends are.[/QUOTE]

The quality of game exclusives is completely subjective, some people would rather play Gears, Halo, and Fable. I also believe that Cheapy has mentioned in the past that he has a mac mini or something hooked up to the TV, so he wouldn't be using the PS3 for streaming since he has a better solution.

PlayOn and playing video, music, and photos off USB drives are things that the 360 also does. And companies have been making rechargeable AA batteries for decades now. You don't need an endless supply. If you keep a pair in the controller and a pair on the charger, you never have to stop playing or have any wires going across the living room. An Xbox 360 controller retails for $50 and the PS3 Controller retails for $55. That $5 will buy you 4 good quality batteries online. And it's not like you have to factor in the charger as another expense for the 360, because a lot of people need batteries for remotes, cameras, toys, wireless computer peripherals, and even toothbrushes.
Another solid show. I have been so busy over the past few months the CAGcast is the only time I get my gaming fix.
Great podcast guys,though I do differ a little on the rating 1 to 5 for this gen systems.With the 360 I can't see giving it a 5 with the hardware issues.I'd say a four max,PS3 four,and the Wii 2 at the most.
I agree about the exclusives being subjective no issues there. I haven't used the Playon or streaming on the 360 yet, but the GUI on the ps3 is so fast and easy to navigate, to me it's much better. The battery is really annoying to me. With the 360 I have to find new batteries often, and I do have a battery charger but it automatically shuts off when the batteries are full, meaning you cannot just leave a set of batteries in it fully charged without constantly manually turning it on again. Perhaps I need to invest in a new solution, but I just feel the ps3 much easier..I keep one controller plugged in to charge and the other I use to play, and I switch these out as needed.

Like I said..I like my 360 even though I got the RROD on my launch model. The two main things for me are , I enjoy the ps3 more as an entertainment option, and enjoy the games more, however I enjoy the 360 for the feeling of community. To each his own.
I'm disappointed that there wasn't a CAGcast while Shipwreck was in Japan. Even Mrs. Shipwreck could have participated for some retro Foreplay action. Sad :(

This was a great episode though. Seemed to flow a little better than usual. I like how the past few episodes has all the twitter/FB/CAG comments being sprinkled throughout rather than in a mostly redundant section at the end. Yeah!

Bring back developer theatre!

I recently supported you guys by picking up $150 worth of domains (5 year term) at GoDaddy, so you better keep it up :D
I find it interesting how Wombat has changed since the introduction of shipwreck into the show. While Shipwreck has been slowly evolving into the controversial ginger tweeter-bomber, Wombat is slowly becoming the snugly old timer who wants everyone to feel comfortable and content (with the occasional joke here and there). Sometimes even Cheapy gets some of it too (in the way of cutting off ramblings with no sultry insult or the likes) and I believe part of it is because both of you feel old, which is utterly ridiculous since none of you are even close to hitting above their mid-forties. My other guess is that your work and families drain you from that scandalous energy we all need. I'm just saying this because I want my two poop-joking, conspiracy-spewing, controversial Internet Space Pimp and rabid Wombat I came to love. Or maybe I just want more poop jokes, who knows? {Great 6 minutes last CAGcast by the way.}

PS- Berating each other is always great fun for fake radio; extent this further to the spectrum of personalities ranging from Bobby Kotick to Justin McElroy for a great time (for the audience, since we don't get the repercussions)!
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Enjoyed the show, as always. I own all three consoles, and my ratings for them line up pretty much exactly the same as Cheapy's, for the same reasons. My 360 is my go-to console, and I almost always buy the 360 version of multi-platform titles that I purchase. It gets the vast majority of my gaming time, so I'd give it a 5. I've enjoyed a lot of PS3 exclusives quite a bit, but I use it more to watch Blu-rays than play games, and those horrendous updates knock it down to a 3 almost by themselves. Like Cheapy, I can't even remember the last time I used my Wii. From me, it gets a 1 (I'm sure it would score much higher from my wife and kids, who do put it to regular use)
Resident evil was made the way it was to add to the horror of being trapped and escaping zombies. Don't look at it as "WTF can't get away game sucks" but as "omg how would I really get away if this was real! Omg I'm scarred"
Best show in awhile - good job guys. Regarding the Red Dead DLC that you discussed, I rather like the idea of what the devs did there. After they put all the effort into creating a game world, various engines, menus, etc, why not keep using it to essentially put new games into that world? You can think about it like getting a short sequel where they didn't really improve much, but for only $10! Hell, we get short sequels where the devs don't improve much all the time for $60 a year after the original.

PS: I don't see how you can give a console what has broken on you twice plus on countless other gamers a 5. Shouldn't that knock it down to a 4 automatically?
Good show guys. Looks like Shipwreck unleashed his otaku powers in Japan. Wow, Wombat played games! Can't wait to hear Wombat's thoughts on Fable 3 as he progresses further into the game. I'm still quite skeptical about buying Fable 3.
Great podcast! I enjoyed your fallout new vegas discussion the most since i've been playing it a ton, and i'm lovin it!
I guess I'll play ball:
PS3: 5 - I've used it the most, and I've had the most fun while playing both SP and MP (primarily Borderlands). Games like Infamous, both R&C Futures, and both Unchatreds make me proud to own this system
Xbox 360: 4.5 - Though I've also played this system a lot, I've found it to be primarily about shooting guys in the face in order to progress forward. I mostly play the system for SP games only, since I don't feel like dropping X amount of dollars to play online only to get rocked and never play those games online again.
Wii: 3 - There are solid games on there, but most of them either don't need any motion controls or were ports from older systems. The two games I would recommend for this system are Metroid Prime Trilogy and Super Mario Galaxy. Everything else, from No More Heroes to Okami, feel like they could play better with a normal controller. I also rarely if ever am able to connect onto the Internet with the system, so I can't even play games like Brawl online (that's probably just my wireless acting up, though).

I've never tried to tally up my favorite systems' features before, so it feels pretty odd to do so.

Also, have CheapyD, Wombat, and Shipwreck stated the winners of the Vanquish contest? I've been through two contests here, and with my experience I find they're terrible with stating who won those contests. I had to sift through numerous pages in the forums just to get a poorly formatted list of winners. It would just be easier to edit the first page and put the winners' names there, instead.
Cheepy I too share your need for a clean post poo fanny. I started using cottonelle fresh wipes and now I can't imagine a bm without them. They are sold in most major big box stores by the tp. They have the at home box but the big saving grace is the to go wipes that look like those packets of hand wipes. I always make sure I have one on my person (three if eating mexican) at all times. Loved the show.
much love
the og
Nice show, figured it would be with all the games out. Give Super Meat Boy another try, the game is seriously addictive and a great deal at $10. The pacing in the demo does not match that of the actual game, the devs did an great job of scaling the difficulty. It is satisfying to "learn" a level and pull of moves that seemed impossible at first attempt.
Never had issues with my PS3 since I use it the most, occasionally I have to download an update but it never takes that long really. I have a dedicated charging unit for my controllers so I don't have the same issues as CheapyD has when it comes to the controllers. At the same time I find myself going through many batteries with both my Wii and Xbox360 when I do play them. I did have to be careful with my Wiimotes and took out the batteries since I generally do not play that system and I've had batteries explode in controllers before.

Overall I would rank PS3 4(would pick 5 but there is always room for improvement which they have done in the past updates), Xbox 4(I'm tempted to pick 3 since I've had one fail on me), and Wii a 2(It has solid games but I just don't play it very often).
Very insightful post here. Good podcast guys, im hoping to visit Tokyo sometime also before I die, maybe you should have a Tokyo travelers podcast! lol
bread's done