[quote name='Hiei69']I thought that Wombat's topic of whether or not a game should ever be made from a business point of view was interesting. Anybody who has kept track of game sales for this console generation can probably get a gut feeling of whether a game will sell or not just by looking at a short demo. Many of these games that don't sell well are indeed good games, but what will it take to sell them? It's kind of sad to see talented developers avoid new and untested concepts out of fear that it just won't appeal to the mass audience. But hey, throw enough advertising money at something an it's instantly appealing. $500 million dollars sure did the trick for Microsoft.[/QUOTE]
It seems like the top sellers these days fall in the first person shooter (Halo, Call of Duty), first person action RPGs (Fallout, Mass Effect), sports (NBA2K11, Madden), and open world (GTA, Red Dead) buckets with an emphasis on brand name studios pedigrees behind them. Other then above, it's really hard to break out a new hit with an unknown studio (Batman AA excepted) even IF you make a great game.