@CheapyD the CAG iphone app is just something you made up isn't it. You've been talking about it like it was just around the corner for at least a year now. That's okay we need things to believe in like Santa, the Easter bunny and the CAG Iphone app.
@Wombat Let me preface this by saying, you are the reason I come to this podcast, I usually agree with you and find you to easily be the funniest. However, I disagree with you on the Mass effect Co-op. I think it's at least worth a shot and I am excited to play mass effect alongside my best friend. I would have preferred something along the line of letting your friend control one of the AI partners in the main single player(For example, let me control Liara while my friend controls Shepard) and I'd get money or XP for my Character in my game and he doesn't have to deal with crappy AI. I would do this on my second playthrough as to not get spoiled but I'd rather do that than play generic salarian or something(who wants to play as a salarian?) The most disappointing news is no elcor have been mentioned as playable.
Also will you guys be getting the collectors or regular edition of ME3
PS. @ShipWreak I will also solicit X-men destiny because as a college student I have a surplus of game time and a deficit of cash. As for my super hero comment, I picked up batman year one and am excited to get a chance to read it.
@Wombat Let me preface this by saying, you are the reason I come to this podcast, I usually agree with you and find you to easily be the funniest. However, I disagree with you on the Mass effect Co-op. I think it's at least worth a shot and I am excited to play mass effect alongside my best friend. I would have preferred something along the line of letting your friend control one of the AI partners in the main single player(For example, let me control Liara while my friend controls Shepard) and I'd get money or XP for my Character in my game and he doesn't have to deal with crappy AI. I would do this on my second playthrough as to not get spoiled but I'd rather do that than play generic salarian or something(who wants to play as a salarian?) The most disappointing news is no elcor have been mentioned as playable.
Also will you guys be getting the collectors or regular edition of ME3
PS. @ShipWreak I will also solicit X-men destiny because as a college student I have a surplus of game time and a deficit of cash. As for my super hero comment, I picked up batman year one and am excited to get a chance to read it.
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