Also want to chime in on the local business Vs Amazon issue for a moment. I'm a big local business kind of guy and personally feel the trend of "showrooming" is genuinely a s***** thing you, as a consumer, can do. Having said that, I'm also tired of these chain stores complaining to congress about how Amazon is totally unfair.
Allow me to explain a recent three strikes in three days for Best Buy. On a Saturday, got bored, decided to try and hunt up a copy of Tales of the Abyss. They didn't carry it but the next day, they ran a B2G1 on games $29.99 and up and I thought I would snag 2 copies of Pokemon Conquest (one for myself, one for my mom who has a 260+ hour DQIX save file... yeah) and TheatRhythm. Once again, didn't have it. Target wouldn't price match but definitely had the better selection so I snagged the FF game there and buggered off on Pokemon. The next day, Uncharted 3 CE's went on clearance on the website and so after beginning the long and annoying task of setting up an account, even picking out which store I'm near, I try to check out. Can't. Shipping is unavailable and advertised on a banner as free. No store within 200 miles has copies. Instead, I spent 20 minutes setting up an account to be refused a sale and I still receive emails once every 2-3 days noticing that game is in my cart and if I needed help completing my purchase. Across the span of 3 days, this was $140+ of sales they managed to screw up on and as such, missed out. I readily acknowledge I could have "tried harder" to be a better consumer but godDAMNit, if I can't buy a recent game at Best Buy, what good are they? Should also be noted that they didn't have copies of Gravity Rush, Disgaea 3, or even the vita version of Lego Batman 2... and not sold out, just never stocked.
Tuesday, I went on another adventure. I'm entering a game design contest surrounding Steampunk and I cannot draw steampunk to save my life. So I thought, "Hey, reference books and easy money for my local bookstore." No go. They had books on cartoon animals, furries, dragons, vampires, mechs, etc, but no Steampunk reference art books. Try Pages for all Ages, same thing. Try Barnes and Noble, once again, same thing. Check Amazon, over 60 different unique returns and a purchase was made.
Now I love supporting local business as my local game store, Armored Gopher, can tell you (500+ board games, most bought locally). It's not that the chain stores crying to congress can't compete with Amazon, they don't WANT to compete. It's a hell of a lot easier to play the victim rather than address the issue. My local Target has a game department roughly 20% the size of Best Buys yet has a much better selection. How is that even possible? If the chain stores want to compete with Amazon, I'm all for it. They just have to step up and actually compete.