CAGcast #316: All Heart


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[preview][IMG-L=5838]15060[/IMG-L]The gang talks Assassins Creed IV, Star Wars Pinball, next-gen, and so much more.

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Intro/Outro: Who Are These Assholes? / Hollertronix - GI Joe PSA

Wreck-it Ralph
Girl Model

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Immediately after recording, I got to levels in Naruto Powerful Shippuden where you actually move along environments that are bigger than a screen. So disregard what I said on the show about that.
Great show, guys.

About your "cagrocks" coupon, next time you should just change the coupon name to "" and bypass any BS from other sites.

Paths of Exile does look awesome. Maybe we can get some CAG multiplayer action going?

And if you have any leftover super house of the dead ninja codes for the pc left, I'll take one. Thanks!
I find it odd that Shipwreck would get Tomb Raider on Steam. He's so giddy for the game, I figured he'd want a physical copy for his collection, not to mention the Collector's edition Lara Croft figurine. Is he going to get rid of his game collection and go all digital?
[quote name='meager']I find it odd that Shipwreck would get Tomb Raider on Steam. He's so giddy for the game, I figured he'd want a physical copy for his collection, not to mention the Collector's edition Lara Croft figurine. Is he going to get rid of his game collection and go all digital?[/QUOTE]

There's no ruling out that I won't run out and scoop up a collector's edition for the console as well. That's certainly happened before. I generally try to get whichever version of the game is the best one and with Tomb Raider I think the graphics on the PC will give it the edge.
New CAGcast yay !! 35 minutes into the show and no games were mentioned ... is that some kind of a record ? Will u guys try to break the record next week ^_^ I like to throw my hat into the ring for the steam codes of Super House of Dead Ninjas.
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So will this be this weeks show or will there be an other later in the week, about this week ? :p
Great show als always keep it up!
A code would be appreciated :D
As far as possible show improvements, I would like to hear your opinions on more gaming accessories. For example, do any of you play XBLA games from memory sticks and what brands work best for you? What headphones do you use/recommend? Do you use a portable speaker or bluetooth controller for I-phone/I-pad gaming? You could make this a semi-monthly feature entitled something like "buy-use- touch-stroke- this bitches." Hell, why not have a full-on man-cave section where you discuss anything from the beer or liquor consumed while gaming to any particularly comfy furniture you have in your game room?

Also, I would love to get a code for super house of dead ninjas. Peace-out broseph!
So disagree with Wombat. Amazing Spider-Man was awesome.

Also, gimme Super House of Dead Ninjas
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Will not be purchasing anymore from PSN if they can not be transfered to PS4. What about PSN+? Can this transfer over? What about games that we currently have through PSN+? I guess I'll just let my subscription run out until I hear otherwise.

Super House of Dead Ninjas
I don't understand the continued paranoia about used games on the PS4 with everyone trying to find a negative interpretation of what Sony said.

When asked specifically about used games:

“When you purchase the disc based games on PS4, that should work on any hardware,” Shuhei Yoshida

"That's the general expectation by consumers," Yoshida told Eurogamer. "They purchase physical form; they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation."
Yoshida added: "So, used games can play on PS4. How is that?"

Also the quote that Wombat was referring to was specifically in answer to a question about online registration. So publisher's can continue project $10 for online play, but Sony has specifically said their games won't.

Combine all those statements and only the tin-foil hat brigade could seriously believe Sony is going to implement a system to block or make you pay extra for a used game. Never mind that it would have to be an always online system, so they'd be throwing away one third of the market to start, with the always impending disaster of a PSN meltdown preventing people from playing their games. Imagine a repeat of the 24 days that PSN was down in 2011.
Last time I was in Japan I spent a lot of time shopping for video games in Akihabara and inevitably walked into a store selling literally tens of thousands of child modeling DVDs. It was right alongside the Chuo-dori too, so it's not like you had to enter some obscure alleyway to find it. Anyway, I snapped a few pics so I could show my friends the kind of crazy shit you can get away with in Japan. These should give people an idea what CheapyD was talking about:



These ones say they're from Russia right on the box:


(technically SFW, but I'm sure you can decide for yourself whether you wanna see these or not)

Most of them were Asian girls (many of them probably not from Japan), but there were a few of those Russian girls in there as well. Will probably check out that documentary at some point.
It's the fact that they are being so evasive about it, cloaking everything in lawyer-speak is what sets off gamers' spider-sense. He says used game CAN play on PS4, he doesn't say whether there will be a pay wall to make it happen. Though I would agree there is not much point in dwelling on it at the moment as we don't know for sure.

So I am to understand that a documentary crew followed the girls along on the plane back from Siberia then just sit there and watched the 12 year old girls suffer and break down in the airport without offering assistance when they didn't know what to do next? It always amazes me how the thin veil of the camera lets documentary filmmakers abdicate any feelings of moral responsibility.

Regarding Amazing Spiderman, it still annoys me that Dylan Baker didn't get to bring the Dr. Connors character to the end of his villain arc after 3 movies. After all, they brought Judi Dench over for the Bond remake somehow. and Baker would have been great in that role.

Regarding Star Wars, I am hoping now that Disney owns it we can FINALLY get a proper version of the original trilogy; not non-anamorphic, old laser disc transfers which is what we got on the last OOT DVD release.

I would too like the to be entered into the drawing for the game.
Cheapy and Wombat, I don't know what is wrong with your Xboxes, but in my experience the long booting time is not normal. I have a near launch 360 (February 2006) and I timed the boot up sequence today. 12 seconds of the initial startup (spinning white logo), followed by 9 seconds where my profile is connecting, Kinect is initializing, etc. Less than 20 seconds total and I have control of the dashboard.
That was an amazing amount of Star Wars pinball talk. I think the best moment was when Shipwreck explained that it was better on a portable "because you can take it with you." I was stunned by this analysis.

It was a great show with the exception of having to suffer through the exact same joke every single person in the world makes about THQ. "Cheapy you should buy this. You should buy this." I swear this was on every video game podcast that exists for a solid two months.
The whole "Child Model" thing makes me weep.

One game code to help me with my sudden-onset depression please...
Just got to the part where Wombat claims "Free To Play" are his least two favorite words. Guess we're left trying to pick the two in that set of three.
Thanks for the tip on the documentary, CheapyD. If I need to get a lady out of the mood so that I can play more video games I'll be sure to put it on.

I also liked hearing about that kid park that Cammie left to work on. I saw her name in an old article about a month ago and thought about how I hadn't heard anything about that endeavor. I guess it's because they aren't in the US.

I'm also interested in Super House of Dead Ninjas.
Great show today guys! The bit about human trafficking of siberian peasant girls was especially uplifting. Btw, I'd love super house of dead ninjas :)
[quote name='kaw']Cheapy and Wombat, I don't know what is wrong with your Xboxes, but in my experience the long booting time is not normal. I have a near launch 360 (February 2006) and I timed the boot up sequence today. 12 seconds of the initial startup (spinning white logo), followed by 9 seconds where my profile is connecting, Kinect is initializing, etc. Less than 20 seconds total and I have control of the dashboard.[/QUOTE]

:lol: 20 seconds, that's an eternity. Plus it's not as if it's some technical limitation of the hardware; the only reason for that spinning white disk is to cover up the time it takes to load new ads into the dashboard.

btw mine takes 28 seconds, on a good day.
My Xbox takes literally 20 minutes to boot up (I timed it) - it's actually driven me to play my PS3 more, and predominately play PC. I want Super House of Dead Ninjas.
Great show guys. A couple things...

Like Shipwreck I too received a free Gillette Mach 3 razor more than 10 years ago and still have it. Actually a lot of people I know also received the same razor for free in the mail as a promotion they had.

Cheapy, last year I had used laser removal for the hair on my neck. I went through 10 treatments, about 1 every 5 to 6 weeks, and wasn't completely satisfied with the results. The thicker the hair the more difficult it is to erradicate it. The hair on my neck has thinnned out and lost it's color pigment so it is difficult to see but it's still there. It will take more treatments to completely get rid of it. Since it wasn't too expensive so I may go back later.

Also Cheapy when shaving, prep is everything. There is definitely something to the hot towel on the face you see in movies/tv.
Good info here:
[quote name='guardian_owl']
So I am to understand that a documentary crew followed the girls along on the plane back from Siberia then just sit there and watched the 12 year old girls suffer and break down in the airport without offering assistance when they didn't know what to do next? It always amazes me how the thin veil of the camera lets documentary filmmakers abdicate any feelings of moral responsibility.[/QUOTE]

The one girl who was traveling with the filmmaker eventually asked him for help. I think she got it. Later in the film, another girl tells of the same experience at the airport.
Hey cag, I have been wondering about cheapy's pc specs? i was listening to 8-4 and they said DMC looked sick. at 200 frames per sec !?! so what you got cheapy?
[quote name='maxiell']

It was a great show with the exception of having to suffer through the exact same joke every single person in the world makes about THQ. "Cheapy you should buy this. You should buy this." I swear this was on every video game podcast that exists for a solid two months.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it was meant to be a joke.

[quote name='Possumjones']Hey cag, I have been wondering about cheapy's pc specs? i was listening to 8-4 and they said DMC looked sick. at 200 frames per sec !?! so what you got cheapy?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='guardian_owl']
So I am to understand that a documentary crew followed the girls along on the plane back from Siberia then just sit there and watched the 12 year old girls suffer and break down in the airport without offering assistance when they didn't know what to do next? It always amazes me how the thin veil of the camera lets documentary filmmakers abdicate any feelings of moral responsibility.[/QUOTE]

The one girl who was traveling with the filmmaker eventually asked him for help. I think she got it. Later in the film, another girl tells of the same experience at the airport.
The handling of the playstation 3 was a devastating dissapointment ,disaster. IT started with the launch price. It was just too high. It is like udraw you really didn't need a focus group to figure that out.

If they were at least in the 360 ball park. IMO they would still be the leaders but the pricing led the non diehards to take a wait and see approach.

Sony choose to push thier blue ray but the jump wasn't as impressive for everyday folks likt the vhs to dvd. When they saw the games they was like Meh. Still to high.

Then you had the crazy installs and the horrible download speed. I recall brother in arms taking 4 plus hours for the demo. This was happening on multiple routers Nat changes ETC.

Nintendo fumbled the ball, Sony fumbled the ball it will be interesting to see what Microsoft does. And lets not forget the mother of all fumbles. The NBA live series. EA had such a following on that series that it took years of crappy games for the die hards to say hell with it. I will never understand the handling of that license.
I finally got a chance to "wtb" Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

I was somewhat surprised that they could make a documentary about sushi and have it be interesting as well as include a B story about Japanese overfishing.
[quote name='LiK']So disagree with Wombat. Amazing Spider-Man was awesome.

I think the reason for the movie was more about establishing Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man along with the rest of the cast. I think if they started the movie with him already as Spidey, you lose something there. I won't ignore the dumb and pointless parts in the movie just like I won't over look the dumb and pointless part in the Rami trilogy. I like all of them (aside form 3) and I'm looking forward to the next with Electro.
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Congrats on 8 wonderful years of the CAGcast Cheapy! It's one of the staples during my week, so I thank you for giving me a quality piece of entertainment to look forward to week after week.
I really enjoy this show. I always like hearing about Cheapy's lifestyle in Japan (I'm a bit jealous because I'm very fond of Japan after living there for a year) and about his family life.

I was hoping you guys would talk about Metal Gear Rising. I've played the demo a few times already. I can't remember if you guys talked about it in the past; maybe you're just not interested.

My initial reaction to the demo was that it's just another button masher, but after watching a perfect playthrough of the demo online, I saw the potential of the sword slicing system. You can literally cut dudes into 50+ pieces once you get the hang of the sword. Give the game a chance if you haven't already.

That said, I still think I'll wait for it to drop in price to buy.
Great show guys. I used the Gillette Mach 3 for years because of the free one they mailed me when I was in high school.

Wombat, you might want to try the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom game at Disney if you get the chance. My 6 year old and I had a lot of fun playing that when we were at Disney World last December. If nothing else you get a free souvenir and the lines are usually shorter than most other Disney activities.
Great show guys, unfortunately I have to side with you guys with how silly Spider-man was. Keep up the great work guy. I'm especially liking the Watch this Bitches segment and more pc love you guys have been giving.

Also, I would like to be entered in the drawing for the steam code/game.
There's a lot of excitement building for Assassin's Creed IV but I just can't get behind it. This was the kind of hype that got built up when Assassin's Creed III was revealed; remember how excited we all were that it was going to take place in America with a half-Indian assassin? I know I'm not the only one that was severely let down by that game so my instinct is telling me not to get that excited about IV, even if you're a pirate. I think making AC a yearly franchise has killed it for me.
I would like the game ....Just a quick note on the standing room for hockey at least shipwreck could see in nashville. At the United Center it is about $30 and the seats in the 300 level block you view so every one stands at the stairs. It kinda sucks but a lot of cool people are up there.
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I know I can run Super House of Dead Ninjas on my pc because I Constructed my own computer. I would like a code if you found this lame.... So if you don't give me a code you're confirming how funny I am.
Microtransactions aren't anything new at EA (and they reason I don't buy their games.) They started that shit back with The Godfather. What is new is that they keep moving that line closer and closer to being obnoxious. Kind of what Wombat was saying. It crosses the line when it takes you out of the game. Gamers have voted with their wallets and Dead Space 3 missed the sales targets EA had set for it.

I'd like the Steam code for Super House of Dead Ninjas too.
It'll be interesting to hear how Cheapy and Shipwreck like the Uncharted-ness of the new Tomb Raider since they aren't the biggest Uncharted fans.
i'm surprised cheapy hasn't playing real racing 3 yet, it's actually really good. Ignore the reviews and try it yourself, looks great on the iphone. The only complaint is no icloud sync, so i can't switch between devices. The microtransactions are not that bad, i have 4 cars and haven't paid out any real money yet.
Re the spinning 360 circle, they've mentioned this several times now and I wonder if others have this problem, cause mine's normal as far as I can tell. The circle's visible for about 15 seconds with the ethernet jack plugged in (so logging into Live) and about 5 without it plugged in.

About 45 seconds to go from power on to dashboard.
bread's done