CAGcast #417: Ultimate Remastered Edition


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
We’ve used the latest technology to remove Wombat from this episode, in which we talk about Gears of War Ultimate, YouTube Gaming and oh so much more!
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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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First?  Woohoo!   Please enter me in any and all contests that may or may not have been discussed in this episode.

Question:  How the heck do you spend money in Pac Man 256?

I like the game but hate the FTP hooks - but I have yet to find a way to spend $6-7 to just unlock everything.

Listening to Cheapy talk about Batman AK.... in recent years, has there ever been a game hyped so much that landed with such a thud?  I feel like nobody is talking about it anymore - I actually forgot that it came out.  The reviews were generally good, but there's no excitement for DLC or talk about GOTY or anything.

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"Who would want to play a whole game as a tank?"

"Great Tank games?"


I hate you children...

Here's my list. What a great question. Interested in what other people's are.

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Halo: Halo 3

Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy 1 on GBA

Mario: Super Mario 3D World

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I would say Final Fantasy VI for my answer. I'm not a big fan of Final Fantasy, and consider IX to be the best of the 3D games.

I haven't completed Zelda or Mario, nor played a Halo game ever.

CheapyD, are you going to start watching Person of Interest? I've heard Mr. Robot is like it, and it goes even further and more berzerk, plus it has Taraji P. Henson.

Man that's weird, upgrading a soundbar via burning an audio cd. Time to get a commodore 64.

Shipwreck, how do you feel about the new Transformers game? Did you like Bayonetta?

They did bundle the Gears Remaster with a console. It's going to replace Halo MCC as the standard pack in.

Sounds like the PC version of Gears Remaster will be the one you and Shipwreck wants. It's confirmed 4k resolution with unlocked frame rate.

Seems like the word of mouth is going to carry Until Dawn (plus all those consoles they sold).

Cheapy D you get 10 hrs of access with EA Access for most of the games. Make sure you close the game once you are done because you can waste your hours if you leave it open for instant-on mode.

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I haven't listened to you guys in years. The CJ Bolland intro brought back some great memories.  Armand Van Helden remixes never disappoint. You were living in Japan the last time I checked in. Welcome back to the states. 

Madden NFL 16 is the third Madden for PS4 and Xbone.  Unlike with NHL, EA put out a version of Madden in November 2013 when the new consoles launched.

Good show guys!

Cheapy, you have much more will power than I do. This was my Xwing collection only a few weeks after getting the Core set:


I might have a problem.

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As a PC PC PC PC gamer you should explore the Windows Store in Windows 10 more. Some good stuff in there:
Asphalt 8
Disney Infinity 2.0: Play Without Limits
Pinball FX2 (free tables in this version.)
Tentacles: Enter the Mind

And the Xbox branded games connect to Xbox Live for achievements, friends, and leaderboards.

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55 minutes in Shipwreck says "No reason to upgrade to a X1/PS4 yet."

Well good news Ship, they just canceled Mortal Kombat on last gen consoles :p

It's going to be Amazing if after this year we see any significant titles for PS3/360 outside of the usual sports titles, skylanders and COD. I'm honestly surprised MGS4 is still coming to PS3/360. Also in November Tomb Raider if it doesn't get canceled before then.

AFAIK Persona 5 still coming to PS3 as well.

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Great show as usual, but I 'd have to disagree on all of the Gears hate on the show. The Campaign is still really fun to play through and it's as difficult as I remember it being. This game also had more variety gameplay wise than the latter two games. As someone who plays a ton of shooters, I would say it holds up pretty well. 

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Here's my list. What a great question. Interested in what other people's are.

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Halo: Halo 3

Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy 1 on GBA

Mario: Super Mario 3D World
Thanks! I'd asked it for weeks, so I'm glad they answered. I just wish Wombat had been there, as I'd have liked to hear his responses.

For me:
Zelda: Link to the Past
Halo 4
Final Fantasy 7 (or Tactics, if that counts)
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)

Next time, I'll ask about their most recently finished:
God of War
Resident Evil
Metal Gear

The last completed question was a fun one.

Technically have never beaten a Zelda game. I've played a few - OoT, Majora's Mask (only rented that one), Oracle of Ages and Link's Awakening for the GB, the Link to the Past remake/re-release on GBA. But I was really bad at games as a kid so I never got even close to beating any. I think I may have "beaten" Link's Awakening using GameShark codes. I have watched quite a lot of Zelda speedruns for various games, to completion, so I know a good bit of the stories.

Actually, wait, as I was typing that out, I realized that I played and beat the original Four Swords Adventures via link cable on GBA with a friend. I guess that counts? It was rather short.

I think the only Mario game I've ever beaten was the first New Super Mario Bros. on DS. And I was pretty surprised that I did manage to beat it. Again, I've always been rather mediocre at those types of  games. A group of friends beat the Wii NSMB together, but since there were more than 4 of us we passed around a lot. So I didn't play the whole thing.

I've never played a Final Fantasy game. Only like the first 15 minutes of a SNES one (maybe 3? I don't remember) on an emulator once.

For Halo, it was either 3 or ODST. I don't remember if I ended up finishing the ODST campaign; I mainly just remember playing a lot of firefight with friends on that one. I haven't had continual access to a 360 for a long time now so I never got to play Reach or 4.

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I didn't think the mad max movie was all that good either...most of the movie they are driving and mad max is more of a supporting character...the bald chick is the real star.

bread's done