I'm going to point out right now that 'Gamergate' has nothing to do with this 'Play-Asia' & 'Tecmo Koei' move on the whole DOAX3 issue.
For a Japanese company/speaker (most likely speaking all the way from Japan) spouting this kind of statement about 'Gender Politics' says a lot about the Western market as a whole nowadays...for this kind of thing to reach the ears of the Japanese branch, and even if used as a 'marketing' excuse, it clearly points out that it's really evident that there is some 'SJW' crowd that may be against this game due to their Gender/Identity Politics nonsense that's taking place right now in the US.
It's no wonder why you see South Park doing parodies about Social Justice, PC culture & Safe Spaces...especially with all the marching that has been reported by a bunch of self-entitled brats who eat this 'Gender/Identity Politics' nonsense in all colleges all around the US...please look it up! Even comedians are having issues with the current of state of affairs, especially getting a plaform in colleges all around...because on the sudden rise of these pesky 'trigger' culture driven ideologs.
Also, let's point out at all the backlash from 'Journalists' *Cough* Kotaku's...what a surprise! *Cough* & other people that were offended by Play-Asia's statement on SJWs & how proactive they're in carrying with their decision (good marketing strategy btw) with carrying the game for importing...and these subjects that took offense called out for a boycott on 'Play-Asia' as a whole & with contacting ties in the gaming industry to cease all business with 'Play-Asia'.
It really goes to show that 2015 is very different from what the US, as whole, was 5 years ago...with all these Social Bullies that want to monitor and change everything to what caters to them and them only. Just poisoning everything they touch...the 'no fun allowed' crowd, the 'You must be fun at parties *sarcasm* ' crowd, etc. lol!
Hopefully this rise in PC culture lasts like 6 years then runs out of steam...just how the South Park farmers mentioned in the very first episode of the new season...hahahaha!
Also it doesn't really make sense for DOAX3 not to come out here...when it has sold the best in NA! Yes! Better than in Europe & Asia!
If the market research was solely done, not on numbers but, based on the market's behavior towards these kind of games...then it just further proves it's all about the above reasons...because if it was solely based on the 'sale numbers' then NA should be priority #1 in terms of release & sales. It just doesn't make any sense...when Japan isn't even the core market from a 'sales' perspective.
Anyhow! We'll see what happens...only time will tell. All I know is that 'Play-Asia' is now BANKING from this whole affair...more than Tecmo Koei for sure! Not just from sales on this game...but by giving itself worldwide exposure! Great marketing campaign more than anything for sure!