CAGcast #705: Xbox Pioneers


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
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I just want to go on record saying that I also do not hide my corporate loyalties behind fake outrage. Thank you.
You should try a 5K race and see if you like it, Cheapy. Running can really boost your cardiovascular capability. After your first race you might think that it felt awful and never want to do one again. Or it might have felt good, and then you have a 5K personal best time to improve on in the future. I’m sure you can go under 30 minutes to start with.
Just wanted to say thanks for getting the Cag app back running properly for the new iOS update.

Ive been slowly going back through every single CAGcast (and Cag Foreplay) for the better part of the last year, and not having the app working for the last month meant having to listen to something else while working or mowing the lawn, which is all well and good, but when you've been listening to something for so long and it’s not conveniently available anymore, it put a damper on my spare listening time. I’m up to episode 539 now, and feel like I’ve listened to everything in order to this point so far, may as well keep going.

Appreciate the show, and everything you’ve put out there for the last (almost) two decades, and have enjoyed listening to the episodes well before I started listening regularly (which is probably about seven years ago). Despite having polar opposite views on quite a lot of things as you three, I still enjoy and appreciate every new episode as well!
Hello!  I just wanted to say I enjoy listening to you guys. I have been listening since my medical residency which was 15 years ago at this point and I have enjoyed hearing how life has changed around your gaming and families. You guys are hillarious.  I do have one small suggestion. A few weeks back you guys mentioned trying to be more inclusive and then this week you mentioned even having a few female listeners.  I like that you went away from watch this b***ches but I think watch this bois is still not quite there.  Might I suggest "watch this people".  Any way keep up the great work. 

People love to rag on Activision, but you can’t deny how impressive it is for them to release a new call of duty game every year and its always one of the top selling games every year. EA would love if Battlefield could do that. And while Activision doesn’t make many new ips themselves they do publish new Ips from other independent studios, Destiny and Sekiro for example were published by Activision. Activision’s problem is Blizzard. Blizzard was a shitty developer before the merger and the merger didn’t change that. Blizzard has been oblivious as to what made their past games so successful which is why they can’t live up to their past greatness. Diablo 3 was horrible at launch with features no one asked for like being online only and the real money auction house. Activision will have made 7 Call of duty games in the time it takes Blizzard to make one sequel to Overwatch. Diablo mobile was announced three years ago and still isn’t out yet. World of Warcraft is bleeding subscribers, and no one talks about Hearthstone or Heroes of the Storm so I don’t even know if they still exist.

 Blizzard has become an embarrassment to the gaming industry and Activision needs to shut them down and give their IPs to more competent developers.

I don't recall if it was this episode or the previous one, but the idea of hiring a gaming coach for casual gaming seems really dumb to me. It would be different if it was for reasons like actual competitions or tournaments, but for playing Halo for fun, it's really dumb.

bread's done