CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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Holy Shaq-fuing Cow, this is one awesome contest. I think CheapD's name should be changed to something like GenerousD or SantaClausD. WOW!!!!
Insane prizes. Whoever wins is going to be a VERY happy camper, haha. Thanks for doing this contest, and good luck to all of the competitors! :D
This has got to be the most epic giveaway ever! Also, it helped show me a few more features of CAG that I haven't been using. Great idea Cheapy D! Totally lusting after the Move Starter Kit and Red Wii.
I like winning poop. Well not actual poop of course. That's gross. I mean like free poop. But not actual free poop. That's just nasty.

Thanks for the great contest. In the same spirit of your contest, it'd be great to win and share the goods with friends and family.:)
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