Felt like I should post again for some reason. Here's what I'd do with the winnings.
360 + Kinect - Sell it. I've become more disappointed with M$ in general these days.
PS3 - KEEP. All of my games are for PS3 and they have most of the games I want to play. Mainly RPGs. :3
PS Move - Probably going to keep it but it's not going to see a lot of use outside of casual parties.
Wii - Might as well keep it. They have a few games I still enjoy. No More Heroes in particular.
PSP3k/Go - I'll have the Go. As much as I dislike no used games, I hate the idea of lugging around UMDs even more. Also, off-region games from Japan.

DS - Probably just going to get a 3DS and sell it if no good games come out. I have a DS Phat and a Lite so that's all I need.
iPod/Pad - Probably the iPod since I lost my current one. If I somehow find it, I'll take the Pad and sell it.
$500 Gift Card - I play a lot of fighting games so this would allow me to get some arcade sticks. Maybe a few games and a PS2 as well.
Again, awesome contest!