Chase The Chuckwagon > eBay


CAG Veteran
I just registered here, I know, but I just wanted to see if anyone else uses for buying or selling? Its much cheaper than eBay and doesn't screw you with all the fees.

Anyone else tried it? Are there any other good auction sites?

Thanks and glad to be here.
[quote name='Breedlovin']I just registered here, I know, but I just wanted to see if anyone else uses for buying or selling? Its much cheaper than eBay and doesn't screw you with all the fees.

Anyone else tried it? Are there any other good auction sites?

Thanks and glad to be here.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Breedlovin']I just registered here, I know, but I just wanted to see if anyone else uses for buying or selling? Its much cheaper than eBay and doesn't screw you with all the fees.

Anyone else tried it? Are there any other good auction sites?

Thanks and glad to be here.[/quote]

pay cheapyd for a ad next time.
Easy on the noob.

I looked over the site. Doesn't look half bad... but yeah, generally questions don't go here, just specific deals.
[quote name='InFlames215']Easy on the noob.

I looked over the site. Doesn't look half bad... but yeah, generally questions don't go here, just specific deals.[/quote]

Ok sorry about that...feel free to delete the thread. I'll go find the right place to talk about auction/trade sites. Thanks.

[quote name='Breedlovin']I just registered here, I know, but I just wanted to see if anyone else uses for buying or selling? Its much cheaper than eBay and doesn't screw you with all the fees.

Anyone else tried it? Are there any other good auction sites?

Thanks and glad to be here.[/QUOTE]

Please don't breed.
[quote name='PINKO']pay cheapyd for a ad next time.[/quote]
I highly doubt this is some sort of advertisement for CTCW. SoCalMike (the owner of CTCW) is a member here and has a thread in the "Auctions" section.

This is just a newbie who was confused.

But yeah, this should've been posted in the Auction forum. CTCW is good, it doesn't have the same exposure as eBay, but it works and I like it.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']infor3

[quote name='Furashu']in for 10[/QUOTE]

fucking hoarders! You killed the deal for the rest of us whine whine whine
[quote name='ninja dog']fucking hoarders! You killed the deal for the rest of us whine whine whine[/quote]

hahaha XD!

+i dont think this site sounds so credible.
Why did this pop into my head when I read the title...

[quote name='Alkaline']Why did this pop into my head when I read the title...

Cause that's what he named the site after.
Hey Guys,

May I chime in here :) First off, I don't know breedlove in any way, shape or form. I believe it was just an honest question as he's posted it in a couple other forums.

And yes, as Mguiddy mentioned I have a long standing thread here that was approved by CheapyD so no need for me to invent another way to start a thread if that's what you were all thinking :)

As far as Breedlove - shoot on over to our forums as we have lots of people talking about their success on the Chuck vs. Ebay. It should answer your initial quesions and then some.

That's all I will say and anything more will revert back to my long standing thread :)
For those that are curious, I have used both and here is a little Pro list for each site.

+Much more Traffic
+Easier interface
+Feedback System is more Refined
+Better Seller Protection

+Site is videogame oriented, so the (significantly lower) traffic is looking for what you're selling.
+SoCal Mike is really nice
+CTCW Staff ACTUALLY cares about your problems and does everything to help you feel satisfied, unlike EBAY who could care less about what happens as long as they get paid.

So, I would recommend those who are selling newer/popular games to go for EBay, but if you have a rarer/older video game, use CTCW.
Let me sum this up in the easiest most American way.

eBay = dirty red freedom hating commies that want to take away our freedom fries and make us wear ugly hats.

Chase the Chuckwagon = Awesome people who throw filthy tea into harbors because they kick ass, and then they do awesome stuff, and they love freedom.

Yep, that perfectly sums it up. So, unless your a filthy commie... who hates freedom... and hates freedom fries... you will love Chase the Chuckwagon :D
[quote name='georox']Let me sum this up in the easiest most American way.

eBay = dirty red freedom hating commies that want to take away our freedom fries and make us wear ugly hats.

Chase the Chuckwagon = Awesome people who throw filthy tea into harbors because they kick ass, and then they do awesome stuff, and they love freedom.

Yep, that perfectly sums it up. So, unless your a filthy commie... who hates freedom... and hates freedom fries... you will love Chase the Chuckwagon :D[/quote]
So in other words, we should flame you too! :D
[quote name='cereal_killerxx']So in other words, we should flame you too! :D[/quote]

You must be a freedom-hating commie!
bread's done