new want added
clonesniper666 CAGiversary! Feedback 163 (100%) Oct 24, 2012 #104 looking for Scars on Broadway Japan Import CD (16 tracks+1 video)
clonesniper666 CAGiversary! Feedback 163 (100%) Aug 20, 2013 #119 bump and really looking to sell some more than before to help pay off my Credit Card and my Xbox preorder
bump and really looking to sell some more than before to help pay off my Credit Card and my Xbox preorder
clonesniper666 CAGiversary! Feedback 163 (100%) Dec 31, 2013 #128 bump and feel free to ask about any games you are looking for. this list is not 100% anymore so I may actually have a copy and just not have it listed.
bump and feel free to ask about any games you are looking for. this list is not 100% anymore so I may actually have a copy and just not have it listed.
Revixe06 CAGiversary! Feedback 53 (100%) Mar 28, 2014 #130 How much for Fable Anniversary? And what condition is it in?
clonesniper666 CAGiversary! Feedback 163 (100%) May 26, 2015 #131 Long Time Bump. Will be updating more in the coming days