Club Nintendo Rewards- Kid Icarus 3D, Mario Tennis, Super PunchOut


1 (100%)

3D Classics: Kid Icarus (3DS) - 150 points
Mario Tennis (Wii) - 150 Points
Super Punch-Out!! (Wii) - 150 points
Starship Defense (3DS) - 150 points

I think this is my first CAG thread, hope I didn't mess this up too badly. I didn't see a thread but if I missed it, sorry.
There is one in the Nintendo sub-forum but posting a thread here isn't the end of the world.

I'll probably pick up Kid Icarus 3d.
Already picked up Mario Tennis last year with my points. Smacking my head I missed out on Super Smash Bros last October. I'll probably just get Kid Icarus
Any clue if Nintendo hinted at the Gold Nunchuk making another return? I finally have the points for it and I'm going to hate myself if I buy something and they announce they're bringing it back again.
Wow. I'd love to get Kid Icarus and Punch Out but I'm out of coins for a couple months. I can barely hit plat each year so I have to wait to register anything else I get this year. Boo!
[quote name='Alkalinejoe']Any clue if Nintendo hinted at the Gold Nunchuk making another return? I finally have the points for it and I'm going to hate myself if I buy something and they announce they're bringing it back again.[/QUOTE]

They used to have it at the bottom of the rewards page under the heading "currently unavailable". Now, it's completely removed from the site. That doesn't bode well.
[quote name='Indiana']Mario Tennis or Super Punchout? Does anyone have an opinion on which is better?[/QUOTE]

Super Punchout is a like a twitch action puzzle game where cartoonish character stereotypes throw bombastic attacks patterns for the player to recognize, exploit and overcome. Mario Tennis is just that. Go with Super Punchout.
Probably going to pick up kid icarus. Never knew they redid these retro games with 3d graphics. Should be pretty good. Have some points I just registered a 3ds pin the other day.
Got mario tennis a few months ago through the promotion. looks like they are reusing old game rewards?
either way, mario tennis is def worth the 150 coins. It has held up pretty well through the years and still fun
[quote name='nflsonic']Starship Defense is a fantastic game - highly recommended![/QUOTE]

I got up to level 19 or 20, can't remember which. Damn my perfectionism for not allowing me to skip a level. It's a fantastic game, will most definitely keep you entertained.
[quote name='Bioterror']Need ten points to get platinum, if I redeem one of these games will there be a survey?[/QUOTE]

I've never redeemed my club nintendo coins for a game. Does Nintendo email you a code you redeem through the eshop? I'm tempted on Kid Icarus as Ive never played it.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']I've never redeemed my club nintendo coins for a game. Does Nintendo email you a code you redeem through the eshop? I'm tempted on Kid Icarus as Ive never played it.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much how it goes. I was emailed a code last time I did this.
Only 50 points short for Super Punch out. Looks like I'm going to have to pick up some new games for points.
In for super punch out. Never played it before. Played the heck out of mike tyson and dream versions back in the day. I do have the Wii punchout game, but haven't played it yet either. Think I'll wait till punchout comes out for 30 cents for Wii U Eshop, play that again, then play super punch out, then the Wii Punch out.

Okay I'm a total noob when it comes to the Nintendo rewards program, so I thought I'd ask this here.

I've been Platinum status for a while now after getting the Wii U and some Wii / Wii U games this last holiday season. I hear there is a platinum reward. But how do you go about claiming it? I thought maybe they just sent it to your address on your account, but I haven't received anything in the mail, actually I never receive any mail from club nintendo, just the occasional email.
At the end of June when the Club Nintendo year ends is when you should get the email asking you to pick which prize you want (Platinum can pick either the Platinum or Gold Prize)
Oh, okay. Thanks for the help Yoshi. Thats cool we get to pick from both sets if you reach platinum.

And if I had a 3DS, I'd be all over Kid Icarus remake. I loved that game as a kid, I remember it as challenging, but then I was a pretty new gamer back then!
Super Punch Out! Ah memories. I had a blast destroying the Bruiser bros back in the day. Was fun figuring out the patterns and timing and beating my best times and such.. of course this was before YouTube so was a ton of trial and error.

Might pick up for the nostalgia.

Kid Icarus is somewhat tempting too, but all my memories of that game consist of being turned into an eggplant and the death music and I'm Finished screen. LOL
I'm still sore that I missed out on Majora's Mask for lack of points. D:

Debating on whether or not I should grab something or wait until next month. lol
[quote name='scol']Super Punch Out! Ah memories. I had a blast destroying the Bruiser bros back in the day. Was fun figuring out the patterns and timing and beating my best times and such.. of course this was before YouTube so was a ton of trial and error.

Might pick up for the nostalgia.

Kid Icarus is somewhat tempting too, but all my memories of that game consist of being turned into an eggplant and the death music and I'm Finished screen. LOL[/QUOTE]

Oh yes, I had a blast trying to best my times back in the day. I would be all over this deal if I hadn't already bought it on Virtual Console the day it came out.

By the way, all 16 fighters have not only strategies and patterns, but they also each have built in "trick" strategies that can let you win incredibly fast (like in a matter of seconds). Fun Easter eggs to find.
[quote name='Namurashi']I'm still sore that I missed out on Majora's Mask for lack of points. D:

Debating on whether or not I should grab something or wait until next month. lol[/QUOTE]
Ooh majoras mask, when was this? How many coins? Id definitely be interested in picking it up and selling my zelda CE I have.
I always end up flip-flopping on these things, last time it was Paper Mario and I ended up forgetting about it. Wish I could just give them an actual 150 coins and be done with it. :lol:
[quote name='hollowfreak']I always end up flip-flopping on these things, last time it was Paper Mario and I ended up forgetting about it. Wish I could just give them an actual 150 coins and be done with it. :lol:[/QUOTE]

You can. Give Nintendo 150 dimes and you can have Paper Mario.
Man, I loved Mario Tennis so much on the N64, but not sure I should use my coins this way. I just bought Paper Mario last month, so I'm hesitent to spend them before I can earn them back...
[quote name='smacd101']Man, I loved Mario Tennis so much on the N64, but not sure I should use my coins this way. I just bought Paper Mario last month, so I'm hesitent to spend them before I can earn them back...[/QUOTE]

Mario Tennis is Mario Tennis, great game.. get it!
[quote name='Indiana']Mario Tennis or Super Punchout? Does anyone have an opinion on which is better?[/QUOTE]

Big toss up.
Super Punch Out vs Mario Tennis:
- Super Punch Out slightly better than Mario Tennis, though highly debatable
- SPO slightly more expensive than Mario Tennis if you bought the cartridges (few dollars difference on Amazon & Ebay)
- SPO battery in cartridge nearly 6 years older than Mario Tennis battery
- SPO slightly less expensive on Virtual Console $8 vs $10 for Mario Tennis

- if you want both games on VC use your Club Points on Mario Tennnis, buy SPO on VC.
- If you want only one game on VC buy whichever you prefer to play.
- If you're going to buy 1 game on VC and 1 on Cart that's where all the variables become important. I would go with SPO on VC and Mario Tennis on Cart due to MT's younger save battery age, costing less than SPO on Cart, and being more expensive on VC.
[quote name='Alkalinejoe']Any clue if Nintendo hinted at the Gold Nunchuk making another return? I finally have the points for it and I'm going to hate myself if I buy something and they announce they're bringing it back again.[/QUOTE]

Sorry. After a second reprint there is an incredibly slim chance of it coming back.
I never use my coins on digital. I'm sitting on 950 in one account and 400 in my sisters. I'll just wait till the next gold nunchuck of prizes comes out. I do have 20$ in wii points that I bought from a thrift for 3.99 so I'm good there if I really want something.
[quote name='J7.']Big toss up.
Super Punch Out vs Mario Tennis:
- Super Punch Out slightly better than Mario Tennis, though highly debatable
- SPO slightly more expensive than Mario Tennis if you bought the cartridges (few dollars difference on Amazon & Ebay)
- SPO battery in cartridge nearly 6 years older than Mario Tennis battery
- SPO slightly less expensive on Virtual Console $8 vs $10 for Mario Tennis

- if you want both games on VC use your Club Points on Mario Tennnis, buy SPO on VC.
- If you want only one game on VC buy whichever you prefer to play.
- If you're going to buy 1 game on VC and 1 on Cart that's where all the variables become important. I would go with SPO on VC and Mario Tennis on Cart due to MT's younger save battery age, costing less than SPO on Cart, and being more expensive on VC.[/QUOTE]

Also if this matters, Fight Night Round 2 for Gamecube has a full, original copy of Super Punch-Out on the disc playable from the start, so if you're wanting to go a cheaper route for a copy of SPO that is an idea.
[quote name='Desousa93']Sorry. After a second reprint there is an incredibly slim chance of it coming back.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I figured. :cry: It happened both times they brought it back. I had enough points then I spent it it and days later they announced it was coming in stock or showed up.

I don't want Mario Tennis that badly so I'll just hang on to my points for now.
[quote name='Desousa93']I never use my coins on digital. I'm sitting on 950 in one account and 400 in my sisters. I'll just wait till the next gold nunchuck of prizes comes out. I do have 20$ in wii points that I bought from a thrift for 3.99 so I'm good there if I really want something.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for sharing, desousa93, but the physical prizes almost always suck
bread's done