CONTEST: CAGcast #74 - Win the $60 game of your choice from

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Bald white guy!

Ahhh I would have to go with the Lion also.

Nothing personal tall bald white guy.
CLEARLY gotta go with Bald White Guy!

What kind of suicidal lion would go up against a god damn Bald White Guy, really now.

Sorry, Lion beats bald white guy this week. I think even the lioness would use bald white guy like a tampon :p

Now bald white guy with a Robocop gun would be a different story...
I would usually say, that a bald white guy would rule over a lion because the bald white dude has oposible thumbs, in which to kick butt in video games but knowing that the lion would get bored and angry watching the screen (and the bald guy) and not being able to play anything because of the for mentioned thumbs, would totaly eat his ass. :)
I always thought it was pronounced "strat-eh-go" not "stra-tee-go"

Pronounced like "strategy" but with a "go" instead of a "jee" at the end.
I have to say between a lion and a white bald guy i would have to go with a lion because there are too many white bald guys around anyway.... No offense cheapy.
It depends. What do you mean "who's better?" Better at what? If it's maiming woodland creatures, then it would have to be CheapyD, assuming he's the bald white guy that you're talking about. Now if it were, "who gets laid more" kind of better, then the discovery channel and past Cagcasts would tell me that lions, hands down, get more ass than a toilet seat.
I'll go with the bald white guy because he can reflect the sun off his head and blind people. It is also, as I am told by the Discovery Channel, an excellent way of attracting mates.

old white guy... the Master of the flying Guillotine... was an old bald white guy... and he was blind... damn he kicked ass
If you would have asked before the draft then I would have said bald white guy, But my Detroit Lions actually did go so I have to roll with the Lions.
Well, from the arguments so far, a bald white guy certainly could beat a Lion. Thus, I'll go with bald white guy. However, you must realize that all pales in comparison to the

Bald Pink Lobster-guy.
I would say the giant bald white guy since he is in the land of cutie japanese girls. Plus, the gaint bald white guy could team up with Gozilla and stomp on the lion.
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