Dante's Inferno Divine Edition (PS3) $15.99 @ Amazon

Ahhh, why is Amazon doing this to my wallet?

I wonder if I'll have enough time to wait and see if Star Ocean 4 gets price matched and then buy both.
Aw man, great deal. I ended up buying this used for $12.99 from Gamefly. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. hehe
Hmmm interesting, might bite on this and Dead Space for 9.99 as well. Looks like EA and Visceral are getting my money tonight!
Thanks OP! Like others, I got my order canceled during the gohastings deal, so w/Prime, it's only like $4 more, and will probably come in much better shape!
Nude Beatrice FTW!

Thanks for the heads-up, OP! Might pick up Dead Space, too.:drool:

But yeah... Amazon is beating the sh*t out of my wallet right now! :lol:
Decided to finally cash in on the free month of Amazon prime and nab this guy. The way Amazon has been dropping prices on older games I figured this would be a good time to take advantage :p
bread's done