Dark Knight Returns game reg. $6.99 on sale .25¢ in Kindle Fire App Store

[quote name='Nochance']Lol.[/QUOTE]

What's so funny? This is the HD version for Kindle Fire. Not the phone version through Google Play.
[quote name='Nochance']Lol.[/QUOTE]

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He posted.... *gasp*... a deal...*pounds on desk*...*gasp*...that wasn't posted anywhere else! Oh man comedy gold.
[quote name='4thHorseman']But still don't see why a "lol" was needed...[/QUOTE]

Maybe he said "lol" because it's called the Dark Knight "Rises" not "Returns".
Idk, just making a guess.
I picked it up even though it doesn't work on my Fire HD. I figure it was so cheap, I would take a chance and hope they update it to work with it. And if not, it's only a quarter.
[quote name='aus_nacht']BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He posted.... *gasp*... a deal...*pounds on desk*...*gasp*...that wasn't posted anywhere else! Oh man comedy gold.[/QUOTE]

Haha,this is funny.
[quote name='Nochance']Lol.[/QUOTE]
bread's done