[quote name='robbrism']I feel like such a dummy. When everyone was talking about it becoming free to play, I never read much detail about it. I figured you had to buy the game first and then the online stuff was free to play. I had no idea they would just throw the entire game at you for free. I don't give two shits about trophies so not having those doesn't bother me in the least.
I will definitely be returning this. Crap. I feel like a goober.
Anyway...kind of related question...when you return something to a local BB store that you bought online from them, they give you full credit back, correct? One of my friends said that BB will only exchange or give you "store" credit and will not give you back a refund on any item bought online through them. I read their return policy on their website and it just mentions "credit" but doesn't really state whether that credit is back to you or if it is store credit.[/QUOTE]
I think they'll credit you based on how you paid for the item.
edit: On second thought, I think they'll credit you either via gift card or an exchange.