I grabbed this one for twelve smackaroos when it was on sale used on Amazon - five minutes into it, I couldn't really drive myself to do much with it. It's purely a competitive FPS, much like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. Which is fine, if you're into that sort of thing, but as said, there's no community to play with, at least on consoles (360, in particular). The game more or less depends on you to sit through the rather lengthy video tutorial to understand the ins and outs before attempting play.
Even as a 'cheevo whore, I can't bring myself to devote any time to this in consideration of my already-bursting library. This sort of game has been done better before and is being done better even now. It's headed straight to Gamestop next time I feel like unloading games.
I really hope Rage does a better job.