(DEAD)May BB @Gamer $25 GOW:A, $20 BL2, $50 Injustice,


2 (100%)
Coupons valid 5/5 - 6/1
Splinter Cell Blacklist is on the cover of the mag/booklet
Prices in () are AFTER COUPON

$20 off Borderlands 2($20)
PS3 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Borderl...id=1218402136474&skuId=3433069&st=borderlands 2&lp=2&cp=1
X360 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Borderl...id=1218402131364&skuId=3433032&st=borderlands 2&lp=1&cp=1
$20 off NCAA FootBall 13($40)
PS3 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/NCAA+Fo...3662.p?id=1218538976471&skuId=4833662&st=ncaa football 13&lp=3&cp=1
X360 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/NCAA+Fo...3708.p?id=1218538976607&skuId=4833708&st=ncaa football 13&lp=2&cp=1

$15 off GOW Ascension ($25) http://www.bestbuy.com/site/God+of+War%3A+Ascension+-+PlayStation+3/5272444.p;jsessionid=C63EFCA189541F8445F2E596A50FB67D.bbolsp-app01-174?id=1218629939809&skuId=5272444&st=god of war&lp=1&cp=1

$10 off Injustice Gods Among Us($50)
PS3 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Injusti...p?id=1218705941927&skuId=5924102&st=injustice: gods among us&lp=2&cp=1
X360 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Injusti...p?id=1218705943570&skuId=5924139&st=injustice: gods among us&lp=1&cp=1
Wii-U http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Injusti...p?id=1218705944674&skuId=5924148&st=injustice &lp=3&cp=1

$10 off Fallen Earth Blood Sports or Rift Storm Legion for PC
($10)Rift Storm Legion http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Rift:+S...8672.p?id=1218768192809&skuId=6638672&st=rift storm legion&lp=1&cp=1
($10) Fallen Earth Blood Sports http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Fallen-...dows/1122132.p?id=1218223233664&skuId=1122132

$10 off any USED game $30 or more http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Video-G...ed/pcmcat203500050000.c?id=pcmcat203500050000

$10 off SELECT Afterglow controllers http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchp...ist=y&usc=All+Categories&nrp=15&fs=saas&iht=n

$20 off HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition ($140) http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Hauppau...608353.p?id=1218761710047&skuId=6608353&st=HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition&cp=1&lp=1

($19.99/$17.99) USED NCAA 13 w/$10 off coupon + 10% GCU

If you think the @Gamer coupons have been lackluster, want more total coupons, coupons on systems & PS Vita/3DS games SPEAK UP HERE so they will change them.
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Was hoping someone can help me out with a question. If i renew my gamersclub membership will i get another 50% off game guide coupon? Or is it just for new members?
Im not going to use these coupon codes this month. They are digital coupons and can only be used once so here you go...

God of War Ascension: 48893a0d

Borderlands 2: 472b1b98

NCAA Football 13: 4772a0e5

Fallen Earth or Rift Storm: 47b3a8f1

Injustice: 47d85b43

Afterglow Controllers: 4820f305
My codes for anyone that has use for them:

God of War - 48836b98
Borderlands 2 - 475855c9
NCAA - 4768a58f
Fallen Earth - 479e32cc
Injustice - 47c81065
Afterglow controllers - 47fb20dc
HD PVR - 48a3cb58
$10 off preowned - 4837165a
[quote name='SGRX']My codes for anyone that has use for them:

God of War - 48836b98
Borderlands 2 - 475855c9
NCAA - 4768a58f
Fallen Earth - 479e32cc
Injustice - 47c81065
Afterglow controllers - 47fb20dc
HD PVR - 48a3cb58
$10 off preowned - 4837165a[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I used the $10 off pre-owned
[quote name='SGRX']My codes for anyone that has use for them:

God of War - 48836b98
Borderlands 2 - 475855c9
NCAA - 4768a58f
Fallen Earth - 479e32cc
Injustice - 47c81065
Afterglow controllers - 47fb20dc
HD PVR - 48a3cb58
$10 off preowned - 4837165a[/QUOTE]

Thx used the GOW Ascension code.
Here are mine-

GOW 48890f0e
Borderlands 2 4740deb0
Ncaa 13 478670a0
Injustice 47ec569d
Preowned $10 off 48319bf6
[quote name='BigBizzee']Here are mine-

GOW 48890f0e
Borderlands 2 4740deb0
Ncaa 13 478670a0
Injustice 47ec569d
Preowned $10 off 48319bf6[/QUOTE]

Used GOW code thanks
I can't believe there hasn't been any word on next months coupons yet.
The current coupons expire today correct? We usually know what there are about a week before.
[quote name='Flacksguy']I can't believe there hasn't been any word on next months coupons yet.
The current coupons expire today correct? We usually know what there are about a week before.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what I was thinking...perhaps they're working on better coupons lol :D
So these codes can now be used online? Sorry, my sub ran out last year and I haven't gotten around to subscribing again. If anyone has a spare GoW coupon I would be grateful!
[quote name='the_punisher']If anyone has an extra GOW:A code I'd appreciate one as well :)

Anyone have any idea the deals that start tmrw?[/QUOTE]

You have too many PMs dude

And I hope they have a decent coupon this upcoming month!
Definitely switching my sub to digital, don't have to go to the store anymore :)

Just got GoW:A for ~$20 after the coupon and the free $5 they were giving out. What a deal
At my best buy, I saw the coupons. Playstation All Stars Battle Royale for PS3 was $20 off. Thats the only one I recall specifically.
[quote name='Flacksguy']I can't believe there hasn't been any word on next months coupons yet.
The current coupons expire today correct? We usually know what there are about a week before.[/QUOTE]

I think most people that posted the coupons early were able to find an early copy of the magazine in stores. I know that's how I was able to post them early before. Now that they don't carry the magazine in stores, we may have to wait until someone's magazine or digital copy is delivered.
I bought a copy of GOW:A, it came with the Zeus and Isaac Clark dlc for Playstation All Stars too. That was a nice surprise.
Here are my codes if anybody wants them.

Borderlands - 473f5128
God of War - 487f2f2a
Injustice - 47d60668
NCAA 13 - 4776416d
Afterglow - 4803e8c9
HD PVR - 48b63f43
Fallen Earth or Rift - 4799809f
$10 off $30 used - 48385380

Really hope this months are better.
[quote name='ZombiesWorld']Here are my codes if anybody wants them.

Borderlands - 473f5128
God of War - 487f2f2a
Injustice - 47d60668
NCAA 13 - 4776416d
Afterglow - 4803e8c9
HD PVR - 48b63f43
Fallen Earth or Rift - 4799809f
$10 off $30 used - 48385380

Really hope this months are better.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Picked up the GoW one.
[quote name='cheapgamerone']If any one has an unused $10 off used code to spare please PM me.[/QUOTE]

Still need it? PM me if you do so I don't send it unneccesarily.
Anybody see anything that would be a great deal on the 360 with the 10 off coupon? I must have too many games because I'm not seeing any must buys.
Here are my codes if anybody wants them.

God of War - 486bd2a6
Injustice - 47d70d40
NCAA 13 - 47699b05
Afterglow - 480c33ed
HD PVR - 48c5c544
Fallen Earth or Rift - 47c19697
[quote name='mrclutch']Anybody see anything that would be a great deal on the 360 with the 10 off coupon? I must have too many games because I'm not seeing any must buys.[/QUOTE]

Borderlands is an incredible value at $20. Sure it will go lower or get a GOTY version, but I feel guilty having paid less than $60 for my copy considering the amount of time I have put into it.
[quote name='chileatw']If there is another spare $10 off used game code please PM me. Thanks[/QUOTE]

Will do in a minute.

Won't be using the rest of mine either so here they are.

God of War - 4888fb69
Injustice - 47e04f8f
NCAA 13 - 47812429
Borderlands 2 - 4744119f
Afterglow - 481594f7
HD PVR - 48aff0fa
Fallen Earth or Rift - 47a9f72d
I'd make a new thread, but i`m too lazy to do the upkeep.

June Coupons for those who are wondering

$20 Off Playstation All-Star Battle Royale (PS3/VITA)
$10 Off assassin's creed 3 liberation (VITA)
$15 off pre-owned HALO 4 (360)
$20 off wireless prismatic headset
$15 off Game capture pro HD
$10 Off any Pre-owned game $29.99 and up
$5 off bejeweled 3 (PC)
$10 off Tomb raider (PS3/360)

Valid 6/2-7/13 Source- Best buy handout after I renewed my unlocked so I could get $20 back for last of us.
[quote name='allstar45']I'd make a new thread, but i`m too lazy to do the upkeep.

June Coupons for those who are wondering

$20 Off Playstation All-Star Battle Royale (PS3/VITA)
$10 Off assassin's creed 3 liberation (VITA)
$15 off pre-owned HALO 4 (360)
$20 off wireless prismatic headset
$15 off Game capture pro HD
$10 Off any Pre-owned game $29.99 and up
$5 off bejeweled 3 (PC)
$10 off Tomb raider (PS3/360)

Valid 6/2-7/13 Source- Best buy handout after I renewed my unlocked so I could get $20 back for last of us.[/QUOTE]
Wow. Just....wow
Here are a few others if anyone needs them

Borderlands 2 47418fcc
NCAA 13 478addca
Fallen Earth or Rift 478eabca
Injustice 47e4fd8b
Afterglow 48103a00
HD PVR 2 48ba81d4
[quote name='allstar45']I'd make a new thread, but i`m too lazy to do the upkeep.

June Coupons for those who are wondering

$20 Off Playstation All-Star Battle Royale (PS3/VITA)
$10 Off assassin's creed 3 liberation (VITA)
$15 off pre-owned HALO 4 (360)
$20 off wireless prismatic headset
$15 off Game capture pro HD
$10 Off any Pre-owned game $29.99 and up
$5 off bejeweled 3 (PC)
$10 off Tomb raider (PS3/360)

Valid 6/2-7/13 Source- Best buy handout after I renewed my unlocked so I could get $20 back for last of us.[/QUOTE]

Depending on the after-coupon price of ACIII Liberation, I might try it again. It just did not click with me (but it was my first AC game, so maybe I just to give it more time?)
[quote name='allstar45']I'd make a new thread, but i`m too lazy to do the upkeep.

June Coupons for those who are wondering

$20 Off Playstation All-Star Battle Royale (PS3/VITA)
$10 Off assassin's creed 3 liberation (VITA)
$15 off pre-owned HALO 4 (360)
$20 off wireless prismatic headset
$15 off Game capture pro HD
$10 Off any Pre-owned game $29.99 and up
$5 off bejeweled 3 (PC)
$10 off Tomb raider (PS3/360)

Valid 6/2-7/13 Source- Best buy handout after I renewed my unlocked so I could get $20 back for last of us.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for taking the time to post.

Another month of nothing for me. Wait to see what July has in store now. lol
$20 for Battle Royal and $20 for Assassin's Creed Vita are pretty good though. I dont think anyone has had it for those prices yet?

If you own a vita its basically $10 for a ps3 copy and $10 for vita copy.
[quote name='Deader2818']$20 for Battle Royal and $20 for Assassin's Creed Vita are pretty good though. I dont think anyone has had it for those prices yet?

If you own a vita its basically $10 for a ps3 copy and $10 for vita copy.[/QUOTE]

Alot of people feel the need to bitch. Just let them, its how they are.

They are decent for what they are. Especially the two you pointed out. I already have both. Payed more than $20 for PSABR so that is a good coupon to me. Have no regrets in buying/playing those two.
Damn, I already got AC:l & battle royale for $20 each & TR was like $25 used at GS.
Too bad the $35 TR sale is not going to last.
Would like to see some better used games coupons like $10 off $20 or a straight 50% off.
PS Battle Royale and Tomb Raider are possibilities for me, depending on the price they're selling for. $20 for either after coupon would be a go. I'll have to hope there's an MSRP drop or sale on Tomb Raider while the coupon is in effect.
bread's done