I am guessing they will ship more Ninjini, my area has a ton of thumpback and eye brawl, TRU charges $15.99 per giant, you can get them for a lot less elsewhere. Best Buy has many of the giants for 12.99 each now. I am betting at some point Ninjini will be flooding stores, just like eye brawl and thumpback are now.
I don't see a problem with this series, you don't HAVE to buy all the figures to finish the game, you need 9 figures one of each element, and for the Giants the one in the starter pack will do just fine, you don't have to buy any more giants,so that's 10 figures. Parents just can't tell their kids no.
I did buy a Thumpback, I like fish and sea critters in general so naturally I like Thumpback, I would like to find a wham shell, as I have a big collection of crab related items and he is a crab, although he is a rare one and he doesn't look that much like a crab so I am not dying to have him or anything like that.