[quote name='guardian_owl']If you fall from a height high enough that you land on the head of an NPC, it interprets this act as an attack and will not interact with you EVER AGAIN until you go to the next game+. IE. if you jump from a high place in the Nexus to get back into soul form and you happen to not be spatially aware and land on top of stockpile Thomas you're pretty FUBAR.
A much more likely scenario is where Sage Freke happens to set-up shop is on the ground up against a staircase, a drop of about 3 feet. If you go up the stairs and drop down to talk to him and happen to land on him, he will immediately become hostile for the rest of the game.
Do keep in mind if you make a mistake like that if you quickly quit the game by pressing the PS button on the controller (NOT through the in-game menu as that will save your game) it quits the game without saving so that you load from the last time the game saved, probably from when you entered the Nexus.
I just wish they did more often what they did in 1-1, as you progress through the level you would unlock shortcuts to bypass some of the areas you have already fought through to reach the boss rather than having to slog through again just to possibly die by fighting it. Though I must admit, that does make the boss battles more intense as there is a
great desire not to die.
Thanks for the tip on Yurt, I would have been mega pissed if that happened to me.[/QUOTE]
The comments on "dropping" onto NPCs and forcing them into perma-hostility, is false. This may have been changed in a recent patch (within the last month) but when I played, it took multiple attacks/mistakes to incur a permanent hatred from the victim.
I know this because I've accidentally hit SO many NPCs when setting down the shitty PS3 controller to walk away...
ing triggers.