[quote name='ryushe']Yep and honestly, that very reason is what made the game really not as hard as people tend to exaggerate it to be. I know this might even sound crazy, but I hoped in NG+ the enemies would have random spawn poinst, so everytime you enter a world, you're face with something completely different in a new location. It'd be then the game would be balls to the walls hard.
If they make a Demon's Souls 2, I
really truly hope they add a feature like that! That's when we'd see dozen and dozens of videos on youtube with people breaking their disks is magnificent, horrific ways. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Yeah. That would be very cool; particularly if coupled with the ability to more easily choose your blue phantom partner. Send a direct invite and allow voice communication.
Some blue phantoms are ok, but others are complete douchebags. I remember the first time I ever summoned one- fourth stage of the first level (the stage before the blue dragon and final level boss). It was my first time through it, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Man, was that a mistake. The guy rushed through everything and left me to fend off two black phantom NPC's by myself. He scared away two geckos while "helping" and then got himself killed by an assassin at the first landing at the stairs. That's the kind of "help" I simply didn't need.
Oh boy, I absoltly agree. That brings me back to this black phantom fight I had in the game against a dude that, by the looks of his armor, weapons and magic, was clearly a higher level player than me. I was in world 5 (I think, the one with the Manta rays) where he finally caught up to me. It was there where we battled for like, 20-30 minutes just going back and forth, me dodging when I had to and being conscious of my stamina and him carefully as well as methodically attacking and blocking as he saw fit. It wasn't until a stray ray from on of the Manta's hit him and as he got up to attack, I just riposted the attack and killed him one shot.
I've been playnig games pretty much al my life and that was single handedly the greatest thing to ever happen to me in any single game. And I doubt it'll ever be topped...
Damn, now I feel like playing this game again!
That had to be awesome. I have to admit, the first time I experienced an invasion, I got over-anxious and rolled right off a bridge. The next couple of times were no less exciting and beating both of the invaders within five minutes of each other had me feeling like a world champion! Then five mintes later, I simply got destroyed by a more skilled player after I forgot to lock on while moving away (backstab!). He smashed a magic sword right through my shield and I panicked. That was a bad matchup against a more skilled (and prepared) opponent.
The cool thing is that all of those experiences are reasons to buy the game and a big reason why death in it isn't the annoyance it's made out to be. Generally, by the time you're at a high enough level to be killed by a more skilled invader, you've already figured out that the only way to avoid it is to improve.