Jack Thompson is being a dick again...perpetually (Update: Bitchslapped by P-A.com)

[quote name='I D 10 T']Can someone stop ranting long enough to tell us what exactly happened in this show?

I didn't see it.[/QUOTE]


Blitz is the devil.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']"where as video games are normally associated with children, that is clearly not the case anymore"

yeah....no shit. thank you captain obvious.

I can't beleive I left that show on for an hour just to see a few seconds of them bashing a generic football game.[/QUOTE]
blitz aint generic
[quote name='Strell']I was referencing Lewis Black, did I somehow channel something else? (is probably going to get IP at TRU)

More on the unofficial licensing thing: Does anyone honestly think the NFL would NOT jump at the chance to to get more money from licensing, especially if it is a sensationalized game that might have fairly good sales depending on it's material? I'm sure they would think it was cool as hell, being run by detached, out of touch people who simply want as much money as they can possibly get.[/QUOTE]

No. The NFL
Someone should summarize the whole debacle of Jack Thompson, complete with links, and forward it on over to O'Reilly. Sure, O'Reillly may not give a hoot about the videogame industry, and I'm sure he thinks that GTA is a crappy idea (as do I). But this Jack Thompson character is simply irresponsible and wreckless. The guy is a dangerous lunaticand I'm sure there is someone out there who reaches an audience of millions who would love the chance to expose someone like this...
[quote name='I D 10 T']Can someone stop ranting long enough to tell us what exactly happened in this show?

I didn't see it.[/QUOTE]
Cooper gave a general description about the game, how it goes farther than any other football game, the main character is voiced by Lawrence Taylor, then they played a 20 second clip of Jacko saying 50% of minors who try to buy M rated games aren't carded. I fucking hate it when newstation pull that shit, they draw people who would not normally watch the show to the show with a particular story, then put it at the end of the program as a footnote without providing any real/new information.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Someone should summarize the whole debacle of Jack Thompson, complete with links, and forward it on over to O'Reilly. Sure, O'Reillly may not give a hoot about the videogame industry, and I'm sure he thinks that GTA is a crappy idea (as do I). But this Jack Thompson character is simply irresponsible and wreckless. The guy is a dangerous lunaticand I'm sure there is someone out there who reaches an audience of millions who would love the chance to expose someone like this...[/QUOTE]
its been done, screw the neutrality crap
[quote name='sevdustflyer']http://www.chatterboxgameshow.com/

They have a podcast interview with jack-o on their site. It's worth checking out. The guy is really an idiot.[/QUOTE]
Finished listening to it:
The general tone is he keeps his logic matrix intact for about 20 minutes, then things start to fall apart. By the time 50 or so minutes have passed, he starts to get increasinly absurd. By the time an hour and 15 minutes comes along, you can tell his logic matrix is about to lose it, by the last 10 minutes his true nature is revealed

Here are the Jack Thompson"greatest fucks".
23:00 = Defending Grandmother suing because bought an M-rated game for her grandson.
29:00 - "Conjectures" on Bully
39:30 - What Hillary Clinton's #1 platform to run on for Presidency really is
47:00 - Jacko prophesing government intervention and why we should turn against the gaming industry
48:00 - Racism against Groundskeeper Willy's people
50:00 - Jacko vs. Free market
52:00 - Vietnam war = Violent video games
59:30 - The conspiracy between Pornagraphers and EA
1:11:10 - Call for the end of Video Game Ratings
1:13:00 - Why government should do the parent's job
1:21:00 - Jacko's true intentions are revealed
Some people in the Penny-Arcade forums have launched some small, grass roots type efforts. Emailing, fax, phone, snail mail, to media and the Florida Bar Association. Things like that.

One of them just recently registered StopJackThompson.org, and is currently looking for Hosting. It would have to be serious hosting, as recent gaming media publicity have been enough to give the Penny Arcade site some hiccups.

The Gamers are many, and though they are angry, are quite unorganized and know not what exactly to do or how to do it. The effort needs a focal point. Not just people complaining on message boards.
Why hasent anyone tried making an assassination attempt on this dude. It would be so easy, and even if you do get life in prison, you'll still be a hero to the gaming community. :) So either way its a Win Lose Win situation. And 2 wins are better then nothing.

:: goes and fries ants with magnifine glass ::
negative chief. One dead martyr is worth 10 live heroes. He'd be out of our face personally, but I'd be worried about the legacy of insanity he might leave behind.
The comic book industry survived Herr Werthham and his "Seduction of the Innocent" and video games already made it through the trial by fire that was Mortal Kombat/Night Trap.

It won't be that many years from now where these incidents appear on some Gamespy Top 25 Events That Tried To Destroy Video Games, in which Jack might crack the Top 15.
I just banged out a quick letter to SD's largest newspaper. Please tell me anything that you think needs to be reworded, added, taken out, whatever.

I am a journalism student at the University of South Dakota. Over the past several days, I have been following the antics of Florida lawyer, Jack Thompson.

Mr. Thompson has been quite outspoken over the last several years concerning censorship in the video game industry. His latest action of utmost concern was guaranteeing a $10,000 donation to charity, if a developer created a game showing video game players as murderers. Exactly one week later, a "mod team" created the very game, to Mr. Thompson's exactly specifications. His response? That the offer to charity was nothing more than "satire". In response, the owners of the videogame related website www.penny-arcade.com went ahead and donated the $10,000 to charity out of their own pockets.

I'm sure many agree that reneging on a deal regarding charitable organizations is a serious moral offense.

Unfortunately, this story has seen virtually no audience from the mainstream media. In fact, Mr. Thompson appeared on CNN Monday night, and proceded to blast video games as an "expert". There is an obvious need for the general public to see both sides of this man, who is trying to crusade against the multi-billion dollar industry.

I ask that the Argus Leader at leasts looks into the possibility of covering this story.

I am not knowledgable regarding how free lancing program works, but if it's possible, I would be willing to write an article myself, with no financial reward. To me, this is a story that needs to be heard by the public.
Edited for grammar. Go for it.

[quote name='b0bx13']I am a journalism student at the University of South Dakota. Over the past several days, I have been following the antics of Florida lawyer Jack Thompson.

Mr. Thompson has been quite outspoken over the last several years concerning censorship in the video game industry. His latest action of utmost concern was guaranteeing a $10,000 donation to charity if a developer created a game showing video game players as murderers. Exactly one week later, a "mod team" created the very game, exactly to Mr. Thompson's specifications. His response? The offer to charity was nothing more than "satire." In response, the owners of the video game related website www.penny-arcade.com went ahead and donated the $10,000 to charity out of their own pockets.

I'm sure many agree that reneging on a deal regarding charitable organizations is a serious moral offense.

Unfortunately, this story has seen virtually no audience from the mainstream media. In fact, Mr. Thompson appeared on CNN Monday night and proceeded to blast video games as a self-appointed "expert." There is an obvious need for the general public to see both sides of this man, who is trying to crusade against the multi-billion dollar industry.

I ask that the Argus Leader at leasts looks into the possibility of covering this story.

I am not knowledgable regarding how your free-lancing program works, but if it's possible, I would be willing to write an article myself, with no financial reward. To me, this is a story that needs to be heard by the public.[/QUOTE]
I listened to the whole interview, I'm so lost with all of this.

I don't see how you can stop people from creating and selling violent entertainment software.
If you can't supress Paintings with feces on them, Movies like "Natural Born Killers", or Black Sabbath, then by jesus golly, you can't supress games

Video Games are just as much art as Paintings, Music, Or movies. They are the creation of a mind, with immense detail and precision placed in them. Jack Thompson, is part of the lowest form of life on this planet, and that I will most certainly debate
bread's done