Indeed, most all of them should do this. Minecraft's done the best so far, giving 75% off of the Xbox One version to anyone with the 360 version in his play history. The way Halo's re-release was done, they at least gave you 2 remasters of games more than a decade old, plus two other games and all of the DLC for $60. Even though it came broken, it's probably still the remaster gold standard of the generation, to me.
$40 for Gears of War Ultimate Edition or God of War 3's remaster? No, thank you.
I mean, even if I had gotten it with GWG, I wouldn't pay $20 to get it again. Like I said, got it for under $15 on Steam. I'm not even saying I deserve anything for this, or even that I want anything from it. I'm just saying that while this is better than the mess of most remasters, I still think it's only decent, not great. I just don't think games less than 5 years old need remastered (less than 3, in this case).