PACIFIC RIM !!! preorder codes now in hand . you can watch this movie and not have to wait to release date.. Code only $ 9 code and the actual discs $ 17.
Also have preorder codes for White House Down code and discs $ 18 and Turbo code and discs $ 18
Codes always from blu-ray:
Star Trek Into the Darkness Uv-$2
Pain and Gain itunes only-$1.50
World War Z UV + Walmart Exclusive Walmart Zombie Town Hall Code -$3
The Croods UV- $4
Grown ups 1 + 2 vudu preorder you get the digital copy of grown ups on vudu today in HDX and Grown ups 2 is added on release day in HDX. Bluray must be sent to me -$8
I hope it's ok to ask this here (not sure if there's another thread where i should ask this), but yesterday I noticed 3 Disney titles with a "Redeem" button at Vudu; Adventures of Winnie the Poo, Peter Pan Return to Neverland, and the Little Mermaid. I have unused DC codes for these. Does anyone know if the DC codes work at Vudu and if it redeems in HDX? Or is the redeem for exclusive Walmart Vudu codes or something. I would appreciate the info if anyone knows, I'm debating whether to redeem or trade so that's why i haven't tried it yet.
DC usually means windows media/itunes but you might luck out and have a code that can be redeemed on both (itunes and vudu).
If you are unsure if a code works on vudu or not, go to the redeem page and make sure you aren't signed in, if its a valid code it will ask you sign in and if it is invalid it will tell you your code doesn't work.
On another note is there a way to report scammers? If you are dealing with MsHaileyS be careful or avoid altogether.
I have the following USA codes
I accept trade or paypal (2 dollar per code)
Bluray UV codes: -
- Final Destination 5 (x2)
- Cabin in the woods
- twilight breaking dawn part 2
- Chernobyl diaries
- safer
- ted
- Safe house
Bluray TV SHOWS codes: -
- Vampire diaries season 3 (5 dollars)
ITUNES ONLY codes: -
- Madea witness protection
- twilight part 2
- silver linnings
- twilight breaking dawn part 2
- killer elite
- Barbie in the pink shoes -
- A hunted house -
- Captain america 3D -
- The last exorcism -
- Serenity (No disc required) - pending
- dictator
-the master
- star trek 2
- Ted (x2)
-cowboys vs aliens
- safe house
- immortals
Amazon Codes:
- None
BLURAY DMR Codes (points only):
- the rookie
DVD DMR Codes (points only):
- Pirates of the caribbean Dead mans chest
- Any Bluray UV codes that is not in my collection
-ANY Amazon Movie Codes (Can check here [
- Salmon Fishing in Yemen
- 21 and over (Vudu)
- 43 (Vudu)
- Safe Haven (Vudu)
- any vudu code I don't have
- 10 vudu codes
These are all from blurays. If you are interested, please PM me! Check my signature link for the VUDU movies I already have. If you have vudu titles that I do not have on that link, then please send me a list and let's work a trade!
ULTRAVIOLET (NO DISC NEEDED) $4 each or trade.
*All from Bluray*
01. GONE
02. GONE
03. World War Z (Blu) + DC
04. Gangster Squad (Blu)
05. Ted (Blu) + DC
06. Warm Bodies (Blu) + DC
07. Pain & Gain (Blu) + DC
08. GONE
09. GONE
10. Jack Reacher (Blu) + DC
11. Zero Dark Thirty (Blu)
12. 42 (Blu)
13. Olympus Has Fallen (Blu)
iTunes Digital Copies (DISC/XML CODE REQUIRED)
01. Django Unchained (Blu)
02. 20th Century Fox Mystery Code (Blu) * No movie title on slip*
03. Sony Rewards Mystery Code (Blu) *No movie title on slip, just says "Disc Registration Code" and is 8 digits*
I accept PayPal only. I always do my best to reply within 12 To 24 Hours.
New Release Bluray
After Earth Uv $5.00 (Sold Out Will Restock Soon)
Curse Of Chucky Uv/Itunes $5.00 (Sold Out Will Restock Soon)
Frozen Ground Uv $5.00
Hangover Part 3 Uv $5.00 (Sold Out Will Restock Soon)
The Purge Uv/Itunes $5.00 (Sold Out Will Restock Soon)
Redemption Uv $5.00
This is The End Uv $4.00
New Release Dvd
After Earth Uv $3.00 (I Have The Code, May Need To Wait Until Tuesday to Redeem)
Disconnect Uv $3.00
Frozen Ground Uv $3.00
Hangover Part 3 Uv $3.00 (I Have The Code, May Need To Wait Until Tuesday to Redeem)
Iron Man 3 $3.00 Vudu, Amazon Or Google Play Choose 1(Plus it Comes With a Poster Offer & Read a Free Digital Comic)
Much Ado About NothingUv $3.50 (I Have The Code, May Need To Wait Until Tuesday to Redeem)
Redemption Uv $3.00
This is The End Uv $3.00
Source Bluray
21 Jump Street Uv $3.00
A Haunted House Uv/Itunes $3.00
Admission Uv/Itunes $3.00
Alex Cross Uv/Itunes $3.00
Amazing Spider-Man Uv $3.00
American Reunion Uv/Itunes $3.00
BattleShip Uv $3.00
Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome Unrated Uv/Itunes $4.00
Beautiful Creatures Uv $3.00
Bourne Legacy Uv/Itunes $3.00
Broken City Uv/Itunes $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Bullet to The Head Uv $3.00
Cabin in The Woods Uv/Itunes $3.00
Cloud Atlas Uv $3.00
Dark Knight Rises Uv $3.00
Dark Skies Uv $3.00
Dead Man Down Uv $3.00
Death Race 3 Inferno Unrated Uv/Itunes $3.00
Die Hard 5 Uv/Itunes $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Django Unchained Uv/Itunes $3.00
Dont be Afraid of The Dark Uv $3.00
Dr Seuss: The Lorax Uv/Itunes $3.00
Dredd Uv/Itunes $3.00
Drive Uv $3.00
End of Watch Uv/Itunes $3.00
Evil Dead Uv $3.00
Expendables 2 Uv/Itunes $3.00
Final Destination 5 Uv $3.00
Five Year Engagement Uv/Itunes $3.00
Flight Uv/Itunes $3.00
Gangster Squad Uv $3.00
G.I. Joe: Retaliation Uv/Itunes $3.00
Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance Uv $3.00
Great Gatsby Uv $4.00
Guilt Trip Uv/Itunes $3.00
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunter Uv/Itunes $3.00
Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghost of Georgia Uv $3.00
Here Come's The Boom Uv $3.00
Hit & Run Uv/Itunes $3.00
Hitchcock $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Hobbit an Unexpected Journey Uv $3.00
Hope Springs Uv $3.00
Hotel Transylvania Uv $3.00
Hyde Park on Hudson Uv/Itunes $3.00
Identity Thief Uv/Itunes $3.00
Jack And Jill Uv $3.00
Jack Reacher Uv/Itunes $3.00
Katy Perry The Movie Part of Me Uv/Itunes $3.00
Killing Them Softly Uv/Itunes $3.00
Last Stand Uv/Itunes $3.00
Life of Pi (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
LockoutUv $3.00
Looper Uv $3.00
Madagascar 3 Uv/Itunes $3.00
Mama Uv/Itunes $3.00
Man With The Iron Fists Uv/Itunes $3.00
Men in Black 3 $3.00
Oblivion Uv/Itunes $3.00
Oz The Great and Powerful $3.00 Vudu, Amazon or Itunes Your Choice + it Comes With dmr Points
Pain & Gain Uv/Itunes $3.50
Paranormal Activity 4 Uv/Itunes $3.00
Parental Guidance $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Peeples Uv $5.00
Place Beyond The Pines Uv/Itunes $3.50
Playing For Keeps Uv $3.00
Possesion Uv/Itunes $3.00
Premium Rush Uv $3.00
Prometheus Uv/Itunes $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Resident Evil Retribution Uv $3.00
Rise of The Guardians Uv/Itunes $3.00
Savages Uv/Itunes $3.00
Scary Movie 5 Unrated Uv $3.00
seven Psychopaths Uv $3.00
Side Effects Uv/Itunes $3.00
Silent Hill Revelation Uv/Itunes $3.00
Silent House Uv/Itunes $3.00
Silver Linings Playbook Uv/Itunes $3.00
Sinister Uv/Itunes $3.00
Skyfall Uv/Itunes $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Snitch Uv/Itunes $3.00
Snow White & The Hunstman Uv/Itunes $3.00
Stand Up Guys $3.50
Star Trek Into Darkness Uv/iTunes $4.00
Stoker Uv $4.00
Taken 2 Uv/Itunes $3.00 (Itunes Needs Xml File I Can Provide)
Ted Uv/Itunes $3.00
Texas Chainsaw Uv $3.00
That's my Boy Uv $3.00
The Call Uv $3.00
The Host Uv/Itunes $3.00
The Impossible Uv $3.00
The Vow Uv $3.00
Think Like A Man Uv $3.00
This is 40 Uv/Itunes $3.00
Total Recall Uv $3.00
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Uv/Itunes $3.00
Tyler Perry's Confessions of a Marriage Counselor Uv $3.00
Underworld Awakening Uv $3.00
Warm Bodies Uv/Itunes $3.00
What to Expect When Your Expecting Uv/Itunes $3.00
Woman in Black Uv $3.00
World War Z Uv/iTunes $4.00
Zero Dark Thirty Uv $3.00
Source DVD
Absolute Deception Uv $2.00
Call Uv $2.00
Company You Keep Uv $2.50
Dead Man Down Uv $2.00
Emperor Uv $2.00
Empire State Uv $2.50
Evil Dead Uv $2.00
Gallow Walkers Uv $2.50
Incredible Burt Wonderstone Uv $2.50 Source Unknown Could Be HDX
Jack The Giant Slayer Uv $2.50 Source Unknown Could Be HDX
Mud Uv $2.00
Now You See Me Uv $3.00
Olympus Has Fallen Uv $2.00
Oz The Great and Powerful $2.50 Vudu, Amazon or Itunes Your Choice
Peppless Uv $3.00
Rapture PalooZa Uv $2.50
Springbreakers Uv $2.50
Stand Up Guys Uv $2.50
The Campaign Uv $2.50 Source Unknown Could Be HDX
Tyler Perry's Confessions of a Marriage Counselor Uv $2.00
Itunes Hd New Releas $2.00
Star Trek Into Darkness HD
The Croods SD (Needs Xml File)
World War Z HD
Make me a reasonable offer, or I might entertain various trade combinations (e.g. multiple movie codes or movie codes + cashola). Some stuff I'm looking for (solely from Blu-ray or that will redeem HD):
PM me to reserve your code and get my payment info. Please be patient; due to high demand, you may not always get your code immediately. You will ALWAYS get your code within 24 hours of payment, though usually much faster. Let me know if you want to be added to my mailing list for updates on new codes! All codes are from ***DVD EDITIONS***in the United States and will usually redeem as Standard Definition. BUY 5 GET 1 FREE! Qualifying codes must be purchased together. Free code will be the lowest priced one. These are the only titles I have.Please don't request titles not listed. Newer titles in GREEN.
All Sales Are Final.
After Earth (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $3.00
At Any Price (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $3.00
The Big Wedding (DVD, Ultraviolet/iTunes) - $3.00
The Call (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $2.00
Chernobyl Diaries (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $2.00
Evil Dead, 2013 Version (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $2.00
Steel Magnolias (New Version w/ Queen Latifah) (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $3.00
Step Up Revolution (DVD, Ultraviolet/iTunes) - $1.00
The Sword in the Stone (Disney) (DVD, Vudu/Amazon) - $3.00
Temptation (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $2.00
Texas Chainsaw (DVD, Ultraviolet/iTunes) - $2.00
That's My Boy (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $2.00
This is the End (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $3.00
Total Recall, 2012 Version (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $1.00
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (DVD, Ultraviolet/iTunes) - $1.00
Warm Bodies (DVD, Ultraviolet/iTunes) - $2.00
Zero Dark Thirty (DVD, Ultraviolet) - $2.00
Any movie that is available by Vudu !!! message me if you are looking for ANY movie for your vudu collection. Anything thats available for D2D i can get. message me for details
All of them are from a Blu-ray unless noted. And I'm looking for trades only for everything. No Paypal.
Amazing Spiderman(UV)
Avengers (iTunes)
The Bourne Ultimatum (DC)
Bullet to the Head (UV) (Not sure if from DVD or Blu)
Cabin In The Woods (UV)
Django Unchained (UV)
Dredd (UV) (From DVD)
Fringe Season 5 (UV)
Gangster Squad (UV) (From DVD)
Grown Ups (UV)
NEW The Heat (UV)
Howl's Moving Castle (DMR) (From DVD)
Jurassic Park (DC)
Jurassic Park 3 (DC)
Les Miserables (DC)
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (UV) (From DVD)
Oblivion (UV & DC) (From DVD)
Office Season 8 (UV)
Office Season 9 (UV)
Oliver and Company (DMR)
Olympus Has Fallen (UV) (From DVD)
Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End (DMR)
Paul (UV/DC)
Pixar Short Films Collection 2 (DMR)
The Purge (UV)
Rock of Ages (UV)
Silver Linings Playbook (DC)
Spiderman 1 (UV)
Spiderman 2 (UV)
Star Trek: Into Darkness(UV and DC)
This is 40 (Digital Copy)
This is the End (UV) b
Tron Legacy (DMR)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection (DC) (From DVD)
A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas (UV)
Wrath of the Titans (UV) (From DVD)
Zero Dark Thirty (Not sure if from a DVD or Blu)
Have: (these are not for trade, I currently have them in my UV collection already.)
21 Jump Street
30 Minutes or Less
42: The Jackie Robinson Story
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Adventures of Tin Tin
Alex Cross
Amazing Spiderman
American Beauty
American Pie
American Pie 2
American Reunion
American History X
Arthur Christmas
Austin Powers
Away From Her
Batman Begins
Battlestar Galactica
The Big Bang Theory Season 5
Big Wedding
Black Beauty
Boogie Nights
Bourne Identity
Bourne Legacy
Bourne Ultimatum
Bullet to the Head
Cabin in the Woods
The Call
Chernobyl Diaries
Crazy Stupid Love
Dark Knight
Dark Knight Rises
Dark Shadows
Demolition Man
Dog Day Afternoon
Donnie Darko
End of Watch
Expendables 2
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Fever Pitch
The Fifth Element
Five Year Engagement
Galaxy Quest
Ganster Squad
GI Joe: Retaliation
GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Girl Dragon Tattoo
A Good Day to Die Hard
Green Hornet
The Green Mile
Grown Ups
Guilt Trip
Hangover Part 2
Hansel & Gretel
Harry Potter and the Chamber and Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Here Comes the Boom
The Hobbit
Hope Springs
Horrible Bosses
Hot Fuzz
Hotel Transylvania
Hunger Games
I Robot
Ice Age 4
Identity Thief
Inside Man
Iron Man 3
J Edgar
Jack and Jill
Jack and the Giant Slayer
Journey 2
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park 3
The Killers
Killing Them Softly
Kill Bill
King Kong
Knight's Tale
Kung Fu Panda
Last Exorcism Part II
Lean on Me
Legends of the Fall
Life of Pi
The Little Mermaid
Live Free or Die Hard
Lost World
Lucky One
Magic Mike
Mask of Zorro
Matchstick Men
Men in Black
Men in Black 2
Men in Black 3
Michael Clayton
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol
The Mummy
Never Been Kissed
New Year's Eve
The Other Guys
Olympus Has Fallen
Oz: The Great and Powerful
Paranormal Activity
Pay it Forward
Perk's of Being a Wallflower
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lighting Thief
Pitch Perfect
Premium Rush
The Producers
Project X
The Raid Redemption
Robin Hood
Robin Hood (Disney)
Role Models
Runaway Jury
Schindler's List
School of Rock
Scorpion King 2
Shark Tale
Sherlock Holmes 2
Side Effects
Silver Linings Playbook
Snake Eyes
Snow White and the Huntsman
So I Married An Axe Murderer
Soul Survivors
Spiderman 2
Spring Breakers
Star Trek
Star Trek: Into Darkness
St. Elmo's Fire
Stand Up Guys
Sword in the Stone
Taken 2
That's My Boy
There's Something About Mary
This is 40
Tinker Taylor Solider
Total Recall
Tower Heist
Trouble with the Curve
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection
Underworld: Awakening
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Valentine's Day
Vegas Vacation
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
The Vow
Warm Bodies
World War Z
Wrath of the Titans
Zero Dark Thirty
Looking for:
American Wedding
Big Bang Theory (any season but 5 and 6)
Bourne Supremacy
Friends Season 1
Friends Season 2
Hangover Part 3
The Impossible
The Master
Pacific Rim
The Place Beyond the Pines
Promised Land
Sherlock Holmes 1
Will always take offers for any movies I don't have.
Friday the 13th The Complete Series (Blu-ray)(UV) - $25
This is the set that contains 12 movies Friday 13th1-10, Freddy vs Jason, and the remake of Friday the 13th. The code comes from the newly released Steelbook set.