Little Mermaid DMR from 3d
Oz Great and Powerful DMR from blu (plus the 50 point code for getting the 3d disc)
Want (trade or to buy) DC or DMR from a version that came with a digital copy
Pirates of the Caribbean collection - pm me your price
Robin Hood - I'll pay $7 for a complete code (dmr and dc)
Nightmare Before Christmas - I'll pay $5 for a complete code (dmr and dc)
Legitimate Question: is it illegal to sell these vudu codes? I'm asking because a person I met through this board is telling me not to mention vudu or code name or anything in my paypal transaction.
Legitimate Question: is it illegal to sell these vudu codes? I'm asking because a person I met through this board is telling me not to mention vudu or code name or anything in my paypal transaction.
Big Clearance Sale !!Update!! All are gone except the following Anchorman, Alyce Kills, Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, War World Z, GI Joe Retailiation, Clear and Present Danger and a 5 pack of low budget movies that include Bahama Hustle,Pastor Jones, Grand Opening, Fright Club and Distortion.
Two days only! All SD and UV and/or VUDU
ONLY $1.00 EACH!!
5 pack of movies (see above for titles)
Clear and Present Danger
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible III
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol
World War Z
Jack Reacher
GI Joe Retaliation
The Power of Few
Alyce Kills
2 Headed Shark Attack and Mega shark vs Crocosaurus
The Hit
Kevin Hart Laugh at my Pain
Kevin Hart Seroiusly Funny
Best Pay per view Matches 2013
Tactical Force
I'm in Love with a Church Girl
Who did I Marry
Filly Brown
Teenage Ninja Turtles Enter Shedder
Teenage Ninja Turtles Showdown
Ma & Pa Kettle The Egg and I
Star Trek II Wrath of Khan
A Good day to Die Hard
Pain & Gain
Crocodile Dundee
Minority Report
The Mummy
Paranormal Activity
Teen Mom Season 1
Bill Cosby Far From Finished
We have the following codes for sale. Prefer Paypal. Beside each movie, we have listed where the code came from. We cannot guarantee what the code redeems as (HD, SD, or HDX), that is up to the movie companies.
Star Trek Into Darkness (UV & iTunes, came from combo pack) $3.50
G.I. Joe Retaliation (UV & iTunes, came from combo pack) $3.50
The Dark Knight Rises (UV, DVD) $2
Also looking for Hatfields and McCoys mini series digital copy.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Blu-Ray (iTunes) - $3.00
WANTS / LOOKING FOR UV/VUDU codes from Blu-Ray at reasonable prices please
All Is Lost
The Counselor
Enough Said
Thanks For Sharing
The Fifth Estate
Nightmare Before Christmas
Captain America
The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book 2
Legitimate Question: is it illegal to sell these vudu codes? I'm asking because a person I met through this board is telling me not to mention vudu or code name or anything in my paypal transaction.
It is not illegal, there is not precedence regarding the sale of ultraviolet codes. I have yet to find any legal rulings on this. However paypal restricts the sales of digital goods. They do this because of the fear of copyright litigation. It is the same reason eBay no longer allows the sales of uv codes. There is no precedence, but this large company does not want it to be an issue. Using paypal has been an issue for some people with stores. Particularly the tictail sites which are everywhere (and overcharge). Paypal has closed a couple peoples accounts who were selling through tictail stores. There are large video store chains that sell UV digital codes online. I know that you can go on family video's website and buy uv codes ($5.00 a piece)
The minute I see family video is no longer selling them, I will start to become more concerned.
UltraViolet Movies & TV Show Codes For Sale - Great Prices!
All UltraViolet codes which I am selling can be redeemed in the USA, CANADA and UK easily!
All codes will transfer to Flixster, and most will go to VUDU also. See this link for the list of UV titles which are GUARANTEED to transfer to VUDU ---> http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=8710738) - UK codes can be redeemed in the USA & Canada regions easily via a simple proxy browser add-on. When buying from me, mention you are in the US and I will give you easy instructions on how to redeem your codes. The proxy is only needed to redeem the codes, once they are redeemed you can watch them as you normally would on your account. ** I CAN ALSO REDEEM THEM FOR YOU TO YOUR ACCOUNT IF YOU WISH** Codes may redeem in SD or HD, this is up to the studio, not me. If you want to make sure a code will be HD before buying, just PM me and ask. Your code is guaranteed by me to redeem, or your money back! That's my UV price promise!
-GRAVITY HD just $4!
-GRAVITY SD just $3!
-Oblivion UV just $1!
-About Time UV just $2.70!
-Captain Phillips UV just $2.80!
-One Direction: This is Us UV just $2!
-Gravity (HD) [UV] - $4
-Gravity (SD) [UV] - $3
-Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 [UV] - $2.80
-House of Cards: The Complete First Season [UV] - $5
-Captain Phillips [UV] - $2.80
-About Time [UV] - $2.70
-R.I.P.D. [UV] - $2.40
-Beyonce: Life is But a Dream (Movie + Concert) [UV] - $2.50
-Defiance: The Complete First Season [UV] - $5
-Peaky Blinders: Season One [UV] - $2.50
-Dead in Tombstone [UV] - $2
-Dark Shadows [UV] - $2
-The Incredible Burt Wonderstone [UV] - $1.80
-Barbie: The Pearl Princess [UV] - $2
-The Big Bang Theory: The Complete Sixth Season [UV] - $5
-Top Gear: The Perfect Road Trip [UV] - $2
-Man of Steel [UV] (Also includes feature-length UV exclusive 'Journey of Discovery: Creating Man of Steel') - $2
From Blu ray, unless other wises stated. But no guarantee on HD that is up to the studios.
Let me know if you want too do a .xml trade.
UV codes: 21 jump street dvd $2
21 jump street $4
after earth $4
alex cross $4
Argo $4
Amazing Spiderman $2
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter $3
blue crush 2 $4
Breaking bad final season $10
board walk empire 3 $10
beowulf $5
cabin in the woods $3
Cabin in the woods $4
Conjuring $4 Darkman $4
Dream house $5
Despicable me 2 $5 The Dilemma SD $2
Dark Knight Rises $2
end of watch $4 the eagle $4 flight $4
Girls season one $7 flixter
Girls season two $7 flixter
game of thrones 2 $7 flixter
game of thrones 3 $7 flixter
grace unplugged dvd $3
Gi joe retaliation $4
Guilt trip $4
Harry potter 7 part 2 $3
Hitchcock (Alfred) $5
The Heat $5
Hope Springs $4
Hangover 3 $5
Hobbit $4
hotel Transylvania $4
Identity thief $4
Italian Job unknown source $3
Joyful noise $4
jeff dunham minding monsters dvd $3
jack and jill $3
looper $3
Last stand $4
Life of pi $4
Les miserables $5 Man of steel $5 Men in black 3 $3
Magic Mike dvd $2 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones $5
Nebraska $5 Olympus has Fallen $4
pacific rim DVD $2
Parental guidance $4
[/B]Pirates band of misfits $3
parker $3
Rock of Ages $4
resident evil retribution $2
Strike back season one $8 flixer
Scary movie 5 $3
Super 8 $5
Sinister $4
star trek in to darkness $3
smurfs 2 $4
This Is the End $4
Think like a man $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II $4
Ted $4
Taken 2 $4
[/B]True blood season 4 $8 flixter
The Vow $4
Woman in Black $4
The Wolverine $5
world war z $4
Zero Dark Thirty $5 White house down $4 Underworld awakening $4
wrath of the titans $2
itunes only
Adventures of tin tin $4
The Artist (Canadian Itunes) $5
apparition $3
alex cross $4
Big wedding $4
blue crush 2 $4
board walk empire 3 $10
Bad grandpa $5
Cirque du soleil worlds way $4
the change up $3 Cowboys & Aliens $4 cabin in the woods $3
dream house $4
Django $4
death race $4
Despicible me 2 $4
end of watch $3
Expendables 2 $4
Fast 6 $5
The fast and the furious $4
footloose $3 The Family $5
flight $4
The grey $3
Gi joe retaliation $3 Girls season two $8
game of thrones 3 $9 the goon $4
Guilt trip $4
the grey $4
hop $3
Host $4
Hit and run $4
haywire $3
hugo $2 dvd
hugo $3
Hansel and Gretel $4 Hunger games catching fire $5
Hyde Park on Hudson $5
Hulk (Ang Lee) $4 Identity thief $3
Jobs $5
Kickass 2 $5
Last stand $4
Lorax $3 (the new one)
Les Miserables $3
Machete Kills $4
Mamma Mia $3
Paranormal activity 4 $3 Ridick $5
rise of the guardians $4
safe house $3
silent hill revilation $3
Sinister $4
savages $3
Strike back season one $8
star trek in to darkness $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II $4
Ted $4
The thing 2011 $5
Tin tin $4
True blood season 4 $8
This is 40 $4
Tower heist $4
Texas Chainsaw $3
warm bodies $3
world war z $4
zombie attack 3 pack DVD $5(Rise of the zombies, Zombie apocalypse and Abraham Lincoln zombies)
DISK AND CODE, $5 ea + $2 flat shipping OR I can enter them into your itunes for $3 each
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
a good day to die hard act of valor
Beverly Hill Chihuahau 3
The Change up date night
Don jon expendibles
escape form planet earth
family guy its a trap FAST & FOURIOUS Four Christmases
the fast and the furious
get him to the greek Hitchcock (Alfred)
Haunting in Connecticut
Ice age continental drift $5 The Internship life of pi
life as we know it
jackass 3
Jonas Brothers: The Concert Experience Blu-ray Justin bieber never say never
orphan Parental guidance
Paranormal activity 3
Prometheus (includes movie) $8
Parental guidance Planet hulk
Percy jackson and the sea monster
punisher war zone
Red dawn new
rango Spy kids all the time in the world
sex in the city 2
this means war the three stooges
Thor the warrior
the watch unknown
van helsing
Digital code only no disk included: $1.50 each (DMR used if disney)
family guy its a trap
family guy somthing, somthing dark side
Game of Thrones Seasons 2 and 3 Digital Copy codes-(Vudu already redeemed, both itunes and Flixster still valid on both seasons)-$11.00 total must buy both
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (iTunes only) - $3
Game of Thrones Season 3 (iTunes only) - $5
Paranormal Activity 4 Unrated (iTunes only) - $1
(Below are probably from Blu-ray but cannot guarantee because they were given so they are being sold as DVD):
GI Joe: Retaliation (UV) - $2
Les Miserables (iTunes) - $1
Les Miserables (UV/iTunes) - $2
Madagascar 3 (UV) - $2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - $1
Rise of the Guardians (UV) - $2
Star Trek: Into Darkness (UV, iTunes may still be available) - $1
Ted (UV/iTunes) - $2.50
World War Z (UV) - $2
Looking for UV/Vudu (from Blu-ray) will pay around $3 ($4 for Marvel films) or trade:
Captain America
Cold Comes the Night
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Also looking for Vudu credit codes, will pay 50% of value or trade movies. Please let me know what you have.
So are the codes for the Hunger Games and Hunger Games:Catching Fire good for both itunes and Vudu? Or is it one or the other? Or are there two different codes in the movies one for itunes and one for Vudu?