Skyfall Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Want (all from blurays preferably):
The Hangover and The Hangover II Zero Dark Thirty Lawless Silent Hill: Revelation Jack Reacher Hotel Transylvania Paranorman Paypal CYL for what you have
Paypal & The following UV Codes, Not Sure if from Blu's or DVD's, so assume DVD, for sale $3.00 each or (5 for $13.75) or (10 for $25) (unless otherwise posted and PM me, will give bulk price) or TRADE, TRADE, TRADE!: Willing to trade 3 of my sd codes for 1 Bluray I want! Check my list below and PM me your offers... PM me for Price on Bulk Orders!
Final Destination 5 Hope Springs Journey 2 The Mysterious Island X4 The Lucky One X3 Project X X2 Seven Psychopaths X5 Sparkle Wrath Of The Titans X2 21 jump street X3 Crazy stupid love Ghost Rider 2 X2 Harry Potter deathly hollows part 2 X2 Magic mike X2 The Adventures of Tin tin X2 Sherlock Holmes 2 a game of shadows X4 The lucky one X3 The cabin in the woods X4 Safe X3 That's my Boy X3 The Dictator Hangover 2 X2 The Artist X2 Hunger Games X2 The Words X2 Dark Shadows X3 New Years Eve Rock of Ages The Campaign X2 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey DVD X4 Dark Knight Rises Chernobyl Diaries Zero Dark 30 DVD X4 Wrath of the Titans BLU $5 Sparkle BLU $5 Dark Knight Rises BLU $5 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows BLU $5 Paranormal Activity 4 BLU $5 SkyFall BLU $5 X2 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey BLU $5 X4 Safety Not Guaranteed DVD Django Unchained BLU $5
Happy Feet Two Looper Woman In Black The Vow Jack and Jill The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo X2 Safe House The Grey Super 8 X2 Prometheus
Series/Seasons Pretty Sure all are Bluray! unless otherwise marked. If blu redeems dvd, I will refund $2.
Game of Thrones Season 2 UV/Flixster not Vudu $10 Game of Thrones Season 2 Vudu not UV $10 Game of Thrones Season 1 Flixster/UV $12 Big Bang Theory Season 5 UV/Flixster $10 True Blood Season 4 Vudu $10 True Blood Season 4 UV/Flixster $10 X2
iTunes Codes:
Silver Linings Playbook Blu $3.50 Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt. 2 Blu $3.50 SafeHouse dvd $2.50 The Grey dvd $2.50 Super 8 dvd $2.50 x2 safe dvd $2.50 Jack Reacher BLU $3.50 Alex Cross dvd $2.50 The Possession dvd $2.50 Paranorman Blu $3.50 Django DVD $2.50 Killing Softly DVD $2.50 Silver Linings Playbook DVD $2.50 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome BLU $3.50 Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away BLU $3.50
Paypal or Amazon GC
Would like to Buy and Trade in any quantity, if you have it for a reasonable bulk price, please pm me.
Bluray UV Codes I want:
Jurassic Park 2 30 minutes of less Safe Haven The Oranges Warm Bodies Intentity Thief GI Joe: Retaliation The Sorcerer and the White Snake Smashed Movie 43 The Master Close Encounters Happy Feet Rust and Bone The Raven Despicable Me Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters Jack the Giant Slayer A Good Day to Die Hard Warm Bodies Small Apartments Scooby Doo Mask of Blue Falcon Chasing Mavericks As Good as it Gets Hostel Part III Fun Size Hit & Run Game Change To Rome with Love Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Adjustment Bureau Change up Chronicle Friends With Benefits Like Crazy Lolita Madagascar Escape 2 Africa Puss in Boots 2011 Africa
Also, Looking for any Television Series, any seasons, UV Codes, for trade for multiple of my codes, blu and/or dvd. If you see codes you like and have a tv series, let's do a trade!
FYI: All codes are tested minutes before I send them to you. Feel Secure that you will be receiving VALID/GOOD Codes! (The exception is iTunes codes, I cannot test all of these.) Feel free to make me an offer! Thanks for stopping by!
The Bourne Legacy
Death Race 3
The Hunger Games
Les Miserables
Paranormal Activity 4
Rise of the Guardians
Silent Hill Revelation
From Blu-Ray: $3 each
The Bourne Legacy
Crazy Stupid Love
The Dark Knight Rises
Django Unchained
Guilt Trip
Hotel Transylvania
The Hunger Games
Ray Donovan pilot episode ($2)
Rock of Ages
Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
The Vow
From Blu ray, unless other wises stated. But no guarantee on HD that is up to the studios.
Let me know if you want too do a .xml trade.
UV codes I Have:
a haunted house $4
arthur christmas $4
arthur christmas $5 3d
big bang 5 $9
Crazy Stupid Love $5
cabin in the woods $3
dark shadows $3 unknown format
Death Race 3 $4
dolphin tail $3
drive $5
Dark Knight Rises $2
dark knight returns part 2 $4
flight $4
footloose $5
girl with the dragon tattoo $5
Here Comes the Boom $3
Harry potter 7 part 2 $2
hangover 2 $4
hotel transalvaina $4
hotel transalvaina 3D $5
Hope Springs $4
Happy Feet 2 $5
Hobbit $4
Hobbit $2 dvd
hop $5
hugo $2 dvd
hunger games $4
Ice Age 4 continental drift $4
Jack reacher $4
jack and jill $3
joyful noise $3
Legends of the Fall $4
little Fockers $4
life of pi $4
the lorax $3 Unknown format
the lorax $2 dvd (original animated)
mib 1 $5
mib 3 $5
magic mike $3
new years eve DVD $2
Pirates band of misfits $3
Parental guidance $4
Patriot Games $3
Prometheus $5
Premium Rush $5
Paranormal activity 3 $4
Paranormal activity 4 $4
residen evil retribution $4
spiderman 1 $4
seven psychopaths $5
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows $4
silver linings playbook $5
stand up guys $4 dvd
Snow White & The Huntsman $4
Total recall $5
Taken 2 $4
tower heist $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II $4
TRUE BLOOD 4 flixter $6
vow $3
wrath of the titans $4
Woman in Black $4
itunes only
1000 BC $3
anna karenina $3
a haunted house $4
Blue crush 2 $3
big miracle $3
cabin in the woods $4
cowboys and aliens $3
Darkman $4
Death Race 3 $4
Django $4
end of watch $4
Fast and the furious Tokyo Drift $4
the fast and the furious $4
flight $4
footloose $5
haywire $4
hugo $2 dvd
hop $5
The Hunger Games $3
The Hunger Games dvd $2
Harry potter 6 $3
Harry potter 7 part 1 $3
hit and run $4
inception $3
Jack reacher $4
Jurassic Park 1 $4
Jurassic Park 2 $4
Jurassic Park lost world $4
killer elite $3
the lorax $4
man with the iron fists $4
Mama $5
madagascar 3 $4
Parental guidance $4
paranorman $4
Paranormal 3 $4
Paranormal 4 $4
silver linings playbook $5
Safe House $3
Silent house $4
Silent Hill Revelation $3
Snow White & The Huntsman $3
supper 8 $5
safe $4
tower heist $4
True blood 4 $8
This is 40 $5
Texas Chainsaw $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II $4
DISK AND CODE, $5 ea + $2 flat shipping OR I can enter them into your itunes for $3 each
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Chipwrecked
Beverly Hill Chihuahua 3
The blind side
Brooklins finest
Captain America: The First Avenger
cop out
Dark knight
due date (includes movie) $8
family guy blue harvest
family guy its a trap
Four Christmases
2fast 2 furious
the fast and the furious
fast and furious tokyo drift
Get the Gringo
Haunting in Connecticut
The House at the End of the Street (2012)
Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
in time
incredible hulk
kick ass
Legend of the guardians
life of pi
love and other drugs
my bloody valentine
mr popper's penguins
marley & me
A nightmare on elm street
night at the museum battle of the smithsonion
Prometheus (includes movie) $8
public enemy
Percy Jackson litning thef
Parental guidance
puss in boots
sex in the city
sex in the city 2
star treks
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Sherlock holmes
star wars clone wars
super 8
The town
this means war
taken 2
this means war
terminator salvation
wallstreet 2
where the wild thing are
whats your number
yes man
Yogi Bear
DISK ONLY DIGITAL COPIES:$2 flat shipping, plus $2 each(Require codes)
127 hours
AVP Requiem
all about steve
alice and wonderland
alvin and the chipmunks the squeakquel
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Chipwrecked
bedtime stories
black swan
batman year one
brooklyns finest
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3
beaute and the beast
Back to the future three (includes movie) $12
Babylon AD
boondock saints
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3
Black Swan
Brooklyns Finest
Bedtime Stories
Chronicles of Narnia dawn trader
Chronicles of narnia prince caspian
Cars 2
the crazies
the crow
A christmas carol
clash of the titans
Captain America: The First Avenger
crank 2 high voltage
Dark knight
date night
day the earth stood still
diary of a wimpy kid
Due Date
dispiclible me
Fired up
the fighter
Friday the 13th
from paris with love
Four Christmases
finding nemo
Fast and the furious
family guy blue harvest
GI Joe
ghosts of girlfreinds past
green zone
horton hears a who
Haunting in Connecticut
hottubtime machine
house at the end of the street (includes movie) $6
the incredibles
Inglorious Bastards
Iron Lady
iron man 2
I am number four
in time
ice age dawn of the dinosaurs
ice age contenental drift
incredible hulk
Jennifer's Body
john carter
journey to the center of the earth
Kick ass
life as we know it (includes movie) $6
lord of the rings animated
Lord of the rings the fellowship
Lord of the rings The return of the King
Lord of the rings The two towers
love and other drugs
lion king
my bloody valentine
monsters inc
mr. popper's penguins
Night at the museum 2
nightmare on elm st (remake)
paranormal activity 2
paranormal activity 3 (includes movie) $6
public enemies
planet 51
Pirates of the carribean at worlds end
Pirates of the carribean curse of the black pearl
Pirates of the carribean dead mans chest
Pirates of the carribean on strangers tide
percy jackson & the lightning thief
Punisher war zone
Planet 51
Phineas and Ferb
Red dawn
race to witch mountan
Rise of the planet of the apes
slumdog millionaire
star trek
Sorcerers apprentice
Sherlock holms
Shark Night
sex and the city 2
superman/batman apocalypse
take me home tonight
toy story 2
toy story 3
Tron Legacy
taken 2
True Grit
Tree of life
the town
war hores
wine the poo 2011
unknown (inculdes movie) $6
xmen first class
xmen wolverine
yes man
Yogi Bear
Digital code only no disk included: $1.50 each (DMR used if disney)
Bridge to Terabithia DVD
cats & dogs
drag me to hell
Glee in concert
family guy blue harvest
family guy somthing, somthing dark side
Lemonade Mouth Extended Edition DVD
the karate kid
our family wedding
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause DVD
Wish Gone Amiss DVD
DMR codes $1 dvd, $1.5 blu
Tangled DVD
Ratatouille DVD
Cinderella Diamond Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack
The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack
WALL-E Blu-ray Combo Pack
Mulan And Mulan II 2-Movie Collection Blu-ray Combo Pack
Looking for UV codes from Bluray only and from USA
Despicable Me - UV - Will pay $3.00
Chasing Mavericks - UV -Will pay $3.00
For a Good Time Call - UV - Will pay $3.00
Lawless - VUDU - Will pay $3.00
True Grit (Vew Version)- UV - Will pay $3.00
Meet the Parents - UV - Will pay $3.00
Meet the Fockers -UV - Will pay $3.00
Red -UV - Will pay $3.00
Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Trilogy - UV -Will pay $10.00 - $15.00
All from Blu Ray.
Willing to look at lists, prefer UV to ITunes. If you are buying, I'll take PayPal or Amazon payments.
Have for trade / sale: Itunes
Jack Reacher
Django Unchained
The Fast & The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious 4
Amazing Spiderman
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Safe House
UltraViolet / VUDU / Flixster
Horrible Bosses
The Hangover Pt 2
The Fast & The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious 4
Ides of March
Get Him to the Greek
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Taken 2
Crazy Stupid Love
Safe House
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Life of Pi
Madagascar 3
Green Lantern
Itunes Only: $2.25
Promised Land
Texas Chainsaw X3
Guilt Trip X4
The Fast and Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious x2
Tokyo Drift
fast and furious x3
les miserable x2
Mama x6
silent hill revelation x2
From DVD (ITunes Only) $1.25
Last Stand
Texas Chainsaw X7
Steam Games:
Alan Wake
Alan Wake: American Nightmare
The Hobbit (UV) Blu
Silver Linings (UV) Blu
Looking to trade these two titles for movies below and would be willing to sell for $3 apiece.
Snitch Hdx or Sd
Jurassic Park 2 and 3 HDX, Have Number 1 in Hdx
Warm Bodies Hdx or SD
Oz the Great and Powerful Hdx or Sd
Death Race Hdx or Sd
Bullet to the Head Hdx or Sd
Any other popular release Hdx or SD
Django Unchained(Blu) - Itunes Only - $3
$8 Fandango Cash for one ticket to see Oblivion - $2
True Blood Season 5(Blu) - Itunes Only - $8
Last Stand(Blu) - Itunes only - $3
Schindler's List(Blu) - Itunes only - $3
Magic Mike(unknown) - $3
Mission Impossible(Blu) - $4
Mission Impossible 3(Blu) - $4
Hotel Transylvania(DVD) - $3
Prometheus(Blu) - $4
Life of Pi(Blu) - $4
UV + Digital Copy
Hunger Games(Blu) - $4
Twilight Breakingdawn Part 2(Blu) - $4
ITunes Only (UV redeemed) ($2.50 each)
Cowboys and Aliens(Blu)
Killer Elite(Blu)
Tower Heist(Blu)
Hunger Games(DVD)
The Possession(DVD)
End of Watch(Blu)
Cabin in the Woods(DVD)
TV Series
Game of Thrones Season 2(Blu)(UV-Flixster only) - $7
Non-UV VUDU E-Copy
Gamera: Guardian of the Universe(Blu) - $4
Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame(Blu) - $4
[quote name='KnotInMud12']All from Blu Ray.
Willing to look at lists, prefer UV to ITunes. If you are buying, I'll take PayPal or Amazon payments.
Have for trade / sale: Itunes
Jack Reacher
Django Unchained
The Fast & The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious 4
Amazing Spiderman
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Safe House
UltraViolet / VUDU / Flixster
Horrible Bosses
The Hangover Pt 2
The Fast & The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast & the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious 4
Ides of March
Get Him to the Greek
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Taken 2
Crazy Stupid Love
Safe House
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Life of Pi
Madagascar 3
Green Lantern[/QUOTE]
Would be nice if you posted prices or the very least respond to PM's.
I have uv:
21 jump street
underworld awakening
project x
the dark knight rises
ghost rider 2
no disc iTunes:
American reunion
disc required: iron man 2 or taken 2
4 dmr codes
Looking for UVs especially:
Extremely loud and incredibly close
Horrible bosses
Hunger games
Rise of the planet of the apes
Side effects
The Bourne series
The change up
Life of pi
This is 40
Tower heist
We bought a zoo
Willing to trade the 3 iTunes for 1 uv
[quote name='banditz']Looking for UV codes from Bluray only and from USA
Despicable Me - UV - Will pay $3.00
Chasing Mavericks - UV -Will pay $3.00
For a Good Time Call - UV - Will pay $3.00
Lawless - VUDU - Will pay $3.00
True Grit (Vew Version)- UV - Will pay $3.00
Meet the Parents - UV - Will pay $3.00
Meet the Fockers -UV - Will pay $3.00
Red -UV - Will pay $3.00
Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Trilogy - UV -Will pay $10.00 - $12.00
PM me with what you have.
Have paypal
I can have the movies in your account, unless you need the actual codes. Let me know?
Django Unchained (UV + Itunes)
Fast Five
The Thing (UV)
Crazy Stupid Love (UV)
Inception (Itunes or WM)
Jurassic Park Trilogy (Itunes or WM)
Game of Thrones S1 (Itunes)
Game of Thrones S2 (Itunes)
Gangster Squad - $3 (UV)
Impossible - $3 (UV)
Django Unchained - $3 (UV)
Killing Them Softly - $3 (iTunes)
Zero Dark Thirty - $3
Hobbit - $4
Breaking Dawn pt. 2 $3 (UV/iTunes)
Argo - $3
Sinister - $3 (UV/iTunes)
Here Comes the Boom - $3
Alex Cross - $3 (UV/iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 4 - $3 (UV/iTunes)
Hotel Transylvania -$3
Seven Psychopaths - $3
The Possession $3 (UV/iTunes)
Looper $3
Resident Evil Retribution - $3
Total Recall (2012) - $3
UV vouchers codes for sale $2.50 for ANY movies BELOW
Buy Three or more for $2 each
Dark Knight Rises
Men In Black 3
Amazing Spider-Man
Step up Revolution
That's My Boy
Conan the Barbarian (2012) (iTunes)
Cabin in the Woods
Crazy stupid love
Devil Inside
Hangover II
Harry Potter: DH pt. 2
Hunger Games
Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol (UV)
New Year's Eve
Project X
Woman In Black
Underworld Awakening
Pm me if your interested or if you have any Questions. I'll update the list as the new releases come out
-The Amazing Spider-Man (from 3d blu-ray) UV - $4
-Django Unchained UV - $3
-Hangover 2 UV + digital copy - $3 -Ice Age 4: Continental Drift UV past expiration date - $2.50 -Mission Impossible: Ghost ProtocolUV + digital copy past expiration date - $2.50
-Prometheus (from 3D blu-ray) UV + digital copy - $4
-Skyfall UV - $3
-Django Unchained digital copy (itunes) - $2 -Warrior digital copy (itunes) - $2 -Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon digital copy (itunes/WM) past expiration date - $1
U.S. UltraViolet Codes for Sale. Some Very Limited.
Titles in Red came from Blu-Ray & should redeem HD
Contact for UPCOMING releases. Available the Friday before!!! ** CODES AVAILABLE NOW **
Fast and the Furious 1-4 = $12
Jurassic Park Trilogy = $10
Parker = $6
Dark Skies = $6 Broken City = $6 Mama (UV + iTunes DC) = $6 Jack Reacher (UV + iTunes DC) = $6 Texas Chainsaw (UV + iTunes DC) = $6
Despicable Me = $5 That's My Boy = $5
Men in Black 3 = $5 Django Unchained = $5 Hotel Transylvania = $5 The Raid Redemption = $5 Silver Linings Playbook = $5 Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter = $5
A Haunted House (UV + iTunes DC) = $5 Rise of the Guardians (UV + iTunes DC) = $5 Parker = $4.50
Stand Up Guys = $4.50 The Last Stand (UV + iTunes DC) = $4.50
Ted = $4 Scarface = $4 Magic Mike = $4 Mighty Fine = $4 ParaNorman = $4 True Grit (1969) = $4 Dark Knight Rises = $4 Playing for Keeps = $4 Steel Magnolias (2013) = $4 Texas Chainsaw (UV + iTunes DC) = $4 Paranormal Activity 4 (UV + iTunes DC) = $4 Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 (UV + iTunes DC) = $4 The Mummy = $3.50 The Collection = $3.50
The Impossible = $3.50
Playing for Keeps = $3.50
Hotel Transylvania = $3.50
Menace II Society = $3.50
Numbers Station (VUDU) = $3.50 Haunting in Connecticut 2 = $3.50
The Fast and the Furious #1 = $3.50
Looper = $3
Total Recall = $3 Zero Dark Thirty = $3 Here Comes the Boom = $3 Sinister (UV + iTunes DC) = $3
VUDU Only Flight (VUDU) = $3 Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away (VUDU) = $3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rise of the Turtles (VUDU) = $3
Dragons: Riders of Berk TV episode (VUDU Only) = $1.50
iTunes Only ($2 each)
Dredd Sinister
Alex Cross
Last Stand Jack Reacher Death Race 3 Expendables 2 Promised Land Haunted House The Possession Texas Chainsaw Step Up Revolution Silent Hill Revelation Hyde Park on Hudson Paranormal Activity 4 Silver Linings Playbook Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Back to the Sea (Digital Download Only / iTunes Compatible) = $2
Contact for Bundle Deals, Availability and PayPal details.
The Big Lebowski - iTunes Big Miracle - iTunes (honor system - expired, but UV redeemed fine 5/4/2013) Crazy Stupid Love - UV Hitchcock - iTunes (Disk not provided) Parental Guidance - iTunes (XML provided) Safe Haven - iTunes (Disk not provided)
HD TV Shows - $8 each
Game of Thrones S.2 - Flixster/UV Game of Thrones S.2 - iTunes
Here is a list of my WANTS:
Movies (HD preferred):
Iron Man: Rise of Technovore - UV The Sorcerer and the White Snake - Vudu Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Best of Both Worlds - UV
TV Shows (HD preferred):
Dexter: The Seventh Season - UV Hatfields and McCoys - UV Suits S.2 - UV
Coupons for $2 off Vudu D2D transfers at Walmart
What I have to trade all from Blu-ray unless noted otherwise.
UV only
The Hobbit (DVD SD) $2
Vudu Only
none right now
UV and Itunes codes ($4 each if only want just Itunes or UV)($6 each for whole code)(if marked * = new steel books)
none right now
$10 off Ticket Master $3
Itunes only no disk needed (few are noted on other claiming options)(special pick any 2 save $1)(special Pick any 2 for a UV code i want)
Savages $4
The Hunger Games $3
The Fast And The Furious $3
Inception $3
Transformers Dark of the Moon $3
Dr Seuss The Lorax (Amazon & WM) $3
The Thing (WM) $3
Safe House (WM) $3
Contraband (WM) $3
MI: Ghost Protocol $3
American Reunion $3
Note: A few of the Itunes only are expired dates so will trade my code fist
And now a list of some UV/Vudu codes I am looking for not sure if UV or Vudu codes exist for all
Dark Skies
Terminator 2
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
Smokin' Aces 2
Death Race 2
Battle L.A.
Matrix 2-3
Fantastic Four 1 & 2
The Crow
Life of Pi - $3 (UV)
Silver Linings Playbook - $3 (UV)
This is 40 - $3.50 (UV)
Django Unchained - $2.50 (iTunes)
WWE Wrestlemania code - $3 (VUDU)
Looking to buy/trade UV blu-ray HDX codes:
Kids movies - will consider SD on these
Cloud Atlas
The Intouchables
Dark Skies
Promised Land
The Last Stand
Stand Up Guys
Battlestar - Blood & Chrome
WWE wrestlemania 29 code
WWE PPV codes
$1.50 each unless marked otherwise (if iTunes version was included it has been used)
Django Unchained (iTunes from Blu) $3
Disc with Code
$3.00 each (unless marked otherwise) + $2.75 flat rate shipping (for any amount)
Captain America DVD/Digital Copy
Slumdog Millionaire
Disc Only
$1.00 each (unless marked otherwise) + $2.75 flat rate shipping (for any amount), you will need a code to redeem
Prometheus Disc/DVD $3
Lawless $2.50
GI Joe Disc/DVD $2
The Avengers $2.50 (x2)
Inglorious Bastards (x2)
Cars 2
Brave (x2)
Finding Nemo
Gulliver's Travels
Night at the Museum: Battle for the Smithsonian
The Eye
Take Me Home Tonight
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Lion King
Star Trek
Take them all for $20 shipped
Identity Thief - June 4, 2013
Warm Bodies - June 4, 2013
The Newsroom: Season 1 - June 11, 2013
Oz the Great and Powerful (Need Disc) - June 11, 2013
Movie 43 (Need Disc) - June 18, 2013
Admission - July 9, 2013
The Host - July 9, 2013
The Little Mermaid 3D (Need Disc) - October 1, 2013
Pitch Black (New Steelbook)
The Impossible
Alien: The Director's Cut
Alpha Dog
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Uncle Buck
Need Disc and Code
Crazy, Stupid, Love
Dick Tracy
Good Will Hunting
Time Traveler's Wife, The
Wrestler, The
Drag Me to Hell
Need Disc (if you have disc willing to let you redeem on my account for $1 negotiable or mail to me or provide XML):
The Watch
Need Disc code:
Babylon A.D.
A Bug's Life
The Forbidden Kingdom
Ice Age
Ice Age: Meltdown
3D Movies that redeem on Vudu
Gangster Squad - April 23, 2013
Fringe: Season 5 - May 7, 2013
Cloud Atlas - May 14, 2013
Stand Up Guys - May 21, 2013
Zero Dark Thirty
Seven Psychopaths
Batman: Gotham Knight
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Batman: Year One
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
Shawshank Redemption, The
Superman vs. The Elite
V for Vendetta
Walmart Exclusive UV/Vudu:
American History X
Blazing Saddles
Dr. No
Edward Scissorhands
Enemy At the Gates
Fight Club
The Hurt Locker
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Fantastic Four
Pulp Fiction
Quantum of Solice
Red Dawn (1984)
Rob Roy
There Will Be Blood
There's Something About Mary
The Universe: Seven Wonders of the Solar System 3D
Fast and Furious (iTunes only) - $2
2 Fast 2 Furious (iTunes only) - $2
The Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift (iTunes only) - $2
Game of Thrones Season 2 (Vudu only) - $8
Want to buy these UV or Vudu copies (from Blu-ray) or trade with the above. Looking to pay around $3 for each:
A Good Day to Die Hard
Beautiful Creatures
Cloud Atlas
Dark Skies
Despicable Me
Lawless (Vudu)
Open Roads
Stand Up Guys
Have the following UV Blu codes to trade (can not guarantee HD redemption... that is up to the studio) All from US blurays. For rule purposes..... $3.50 for UV blu codes and $5.00 for UV/Itunes combo blu codes unless otherwise noted.
Barbarella UV (Blu)
Deep Impact UV (Blu)
The Hobbit UV (Blu)
The Italian Job UV (Blu)
Looper UV (Blu)
Mission Impossible UV (Blu)
Mission Impossible 3 UV (Blu)
Paranormal Activity 3 Unrated (Blu)
Takers UV (Blu)
Looking for the following UV (Blu) codes to trade or BUY:
Any upcoming new releases
Pitch Perfect
Please PM me with any trade offers. Also willing to trade for other UV (blu) titles that I don't currently have on disc or UV.
I have uv:
21 jump street
ghost rider 2
no disc iTunes:
American reunion
disc required: iron man 2 or taken 2
4 dmr codes
Looking for UVs especially:
Extremely loud and incredibly close
Hunger games
Rise of the planet of the apes
Side effects
The Bourne series
The change up
Life of pi
Tower heist
We bought a zoo
Willing to trade multiple codes for my wants.
Django Unchained (UV, Itunes)
Fast Five (UV, Itunes, Windows Media)
Skyfall (UV, Itunes)
For a good time call (Itunes, Amazon Instant, Windows Media)
Pitch Perfect (Itunes, Amazon Instant, Windows Media)
Jurassic Park Collection (Itunes\Windows Media)
The Thing (UV, Itunes)
Crazy Stupid Love (UV)
Game of Thrones S1 and S2 (Itunes Only)
Inception (Windows Media\Itunes)