[quote name='lyric706']It is absolutely crazy with two so close in age, but we're all having an absolute blast!
How are you getting your gaming in these days? It's hard for me to get any in, yet my backlog continues to grow thanks to CAG![/QUOTE]
Yeah, ironically I probably have the biggest backlog now that I've had since the N64 days. Now that the second one is born I rarely game at all. When it was just me and my first Son I got a fair amount of time in. In the mornings he'd wake up, do his bottle, then sit in his exersaucer for a good hour-2 hours. He also really loves the Baby Einstein videos so he'd watch those and I'd game sometimes. It's also nice since the playroom is right beside my TV room so that made it easier.
Now, the only time I really get time is if I both don't have any chores, and if they both take their mid-day nap at the same time. Usually if they take one long nap (as opposed to two smaller ones) I have time to get anything done and game a bit.
The main thing that took a hit for me is any online games. CoD, Halo, WoW...don't really have time for any of that any more.